Who Did What

guiltyWhile I’m not saying the official story is wrong, questions abound!

The sarin-gas attack story prompted the US missile strike on a Syrian runway. Here are the top ten reasons for doubting that story, and instead calling it a convenient pretext:

ONE: Photos show rescue workers treating/decontaminating people injured or killed in the gas attack. The workers aren’t wearing gloves or protective gear. Only the clueless or crazy would expose themselves to sarin residue, which can be fatal.

TWO: MIT professor Thomas Postol told RT, “I believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the [US intelligence] document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun…Any competent analyst would have had questions about whether the debris in the crater was staged or real. No competent analyst would miss the fact that the alleged sarin canister was forcefully crushed from above, rather than exploded by a munition within it.” How would a canister purportedly dropped from an Assad-ordered plane incur “crushing from above?”

 THREE: Why would President Assad, supported by Russia, scoring victory after victory against ISIS, moving closer to peace negotiations, suddenly risk all his gains by dropping sarin gas on his own people?





  1. gmanfortruth says:


  2. Nice conspiracy theory. Sarin is nasty but you can handle people and things as long as there is no visible residue. I would not but it evaporates very quickly.

    • gmanfortruth says:

      Not trying for a conspiracy. These are logical questions. The big one for me is……..why would Assad do it, it was all going his way? He’s not stupid.

      Then I ask….Could the stuff have been hit while in storage? I think a proper investigation is warranted.

      With what has been told, I support the action and especially how it was carried out.

      If Trump stays out sand any future stupidness, then there really is no “false flag” there. Time will tell.

  3. G Man…..tell me. You want an investigation….who runs it? Please tell me just one single trust worthy organization that would run such an investigation?

    As to Assad…..he is that stupid especially if he feels he is protected.

    • gmanfortruth says:

      There isn’t any trust worthy agencies……which also adds fuel to the fire that maybe the official story is bullshit too 🙂

      It’s all moot now anyway, the jump to conclusions is complete. As I said above, how it goes from here has meaning.

  4. Let’s see……Osama Bin Laden gets taken out and the POTUS takes accolades and the Democratic left celebrates……..100 terrorists get taken out and any accolades are now considered insensitive and any celebration would be………wrong.

    Answer that one.

    • gmanfortruth says:

      2016…Hillary. 2020………defend ISIS? My dog could run for office and beat them at this point 😀

    • EverStem13 says:

      “Answer that one.”

      My guess; Someone somewhere knows what is really going on, and knows better than to celebrate.

  5. and now, you have a group that wants Mc Donalds to stop giving out Szechuan sauce because it can be considered insensitive to the Chinese. It is low key racist.

    • Snowflakes keep falling on my head………sung to the tune of Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head.

    • Dale A. Albrecht says:

      That goes along with all the other actions by the left about racial sensitivity. Nobody can portrait any person of any culture or race unless you are of that group. Like dressing up for Cinco de Mayo. I guess only chinese restaurants can serve their cultinary condiments. That says that every restaurant has to cease having any sort of fusion or variety of foods on their menus……but how does serving szechuan sauce racist? By not having it available is worse by not celibrating the diversity of this country. Totally contradictory actions. Carry that idea to the bathroom thing.

      What we have is a huge portion of our population that is bored and truly has nothing to worry about and have to dream up a cause to make themselves feel relevant. A real serious financial crisis akin to the 29 crash and subsequent would wide depression or a really good civil war or world war. Something that really reaches out and touches you no matter who you are, will make these petty BS issues go away because they will have real problems to deal with. Like survive.

      • EverStem13 says:

        The modern word is full of people who, as an established norm, categorize their individuality, organize into adversarial groups and fight/argue about differences in some form or another, everything from laws to wars, etc. Race is only one way in which people divide.

        If they all knew how to simply see someone as human minus all the labels and BS, none of those problems would exist. Because so many people cannot, overall human evolution and development is stifled.

        • Dale A. Albrecht says:

          Society has always put labels on themselves and others….however since the civil rights movement in the sixties and and really gathering steam in the seventies was the notion that every conceivable variation of people has to be defines to insure that they get their fair share of the national asset pie, regardless of effort. Because obviously the wealthy stole from us what is rightfully ours.

          The other year someone here on SUFA posted a video that came out of Australia about the education system and there being no correct answer. The answer is whatever you want it to be. The correct mathematical answer was ridiculed and the weirdest one was celebrated and when justifying that answer the person went on about all the categories of minorities he had, therefore accumulating points to justify the perceived validity of his answer.

          • EverStem13 says:

            Humans naturally classify and organize things, including ourselves. That is just human nature. I am not saying that it’s a bad thing, but rather that the systematic means in which modern humans still do so creates an adversarial environment.

            The principle element of force combined with broad scope power of government to regulate everything turns a sociological role into a political, economic, etc. adversary.

            Typically, you see your neighbors by defining their sociological role from various activities and associations or whatever classification. i.e.- Your neighbor Bill, the Hispanic Christian Conservative Republican Cancer Society member/volunteer who is an armed forces veteran and works for the post office sorting the community mail. If those affiliations are forcefully regulated and effect you, Bill and his efforts for his affiliations is a “them” in some capacity.

            If you can disregard all the labels and simply see people as humans, value them as such as well as their relation to you, the political adversarialism and whatever social division becomes apparent, and the issues begin to recede as you identify and correct.

            Whatever divisions there may be, seeing someone as human and understanding the value of life supersedes disagreements in favor of a mutually beneficial relationship.

  6. Dale A. Albrecht says:

  7. gmanfortruth says:

    A professor at Princeton University argues that the rape of a man with cerebral palsy is perfectly fine and should be legal – especially when the intellectually disabled person does not understand sexual “consent.”

    When will regular liberal’s step up and condemn this crap?

    • gmanfortruth says:

      PBS: ‘Learning’ to Love Suicide Bombers?


    • EverStem13 says:

      Rape/sexual assault is when the target is unwilling to engage or unable to decide.

      Unwilling is by any open clear communication that it is not consensual. Unable is any time the target is incapacitated to the degree of being unable to communicate and/or make judgement. (injured, mentally handicapped, too young, too intoxicated, etc)

      If they are not clearly willing and able and/or otherwise deliberate in having sex with you, it’s not right.

      If he was a 29 year old man with an at least normal range of brain function, who could think normally and clearly communicate desire to have sex, then it is difficult to argue it is actually “rape”. However freaky or taboo, however the professional ethics are considered, it isn’t rape if he knew the difference and asked for it.

      IF he can communicate, IF he wanted it and communicated this, what does he have to say about it?

  8. христос воскрес

  9. gmanfortruth says:

    HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!

  10. gmanfortruth says:
  11. EverStem13 says:

  12. Did anyone happen to see the interviews conducted on some of the protesters on Trumps returns? They were asked what is a personal financial statement? No one could answer. They were asked exactly what did they want to see on his tax return and what form would it appear on? No one could answer. One person did say that he wanted to see what his foreign income was…and when asked if he was presented with a tax return, which form would that be on. The answer to that was, it is not up to me to decipher his tax returns, it is up to the media.

    Well, that answers that.

    • gmanfortruth says:
    • I don’t have any idea where or how any “dirt” would be reflected on his returns. His statements would be a completely different species than what I’m familiar with. What I do know is that there are people I would trust to did in and interpret the results. It’s not a question of “trial by media,” but that he’s withholding information that could be pertinent – specifically, we don’t know what we don’t know.

      Personally, I want to see it because he seems so hell-bent on making sure that I don’t see it.

      • And Obama, from Day 1 could have resolved the birther controversy by releasing his Birth certificate. . One wonders if all the people who seek and find the highest office in the land are not nuts in some way or other.

        • I actually think the birth certificate thing was deliberate on Obama’s part.

          I think he knew, perfectly well, that he could resolve it at any time (or at least neuter it) by releasing his long-form. But he didn’t. Why? Because as long as people were bitching about their conspiracy theory, he could portray them as nuts (or better yet, racist nuts). I think it was a strategic move to drag it out.

          I think – as a matter of propriety – Obama should have released his birth certificate as soon as the ink was dry as soon as it became an issue. But he didn’t listen to me.

          I would also suggest that there’s a difference insofar as financial disclosure is long-standing tradition. Hell, we made Jimmy Carter put his peanut farm into a trust – why is it acceptable for Trump to have completely unknown interests and to exercise unfettered undisclosed control over them?

          Further, since we have good reason to believe that Trump is using his position to enrich himself and his family (see: Trump Hotel, Ivanka’s scarves, Mar-A-Lago), there is legitimate grounds for a public interest in knowing what his interests are.


          Would you generally agree with this statement: The President of the United States of America should act solely in the interests of the nation and, beyond the avoidance of actual conflicts of interests, he (or she) should avoid even the appearance (where possible) of any improprieties.

          • Just A Citizen says:


            Maybe instead we should just demand that the financial interests of elected officials are in alignment with our National goals and interests.

            But then what are our National interests?

            I would be concerned if our national interests are harmed in order to favor the interests of those elected. Not sure that using the office to shill products is a bad thing in the long run. Maybe it would be easier and more informative to the voters if we allowed the politicians to wear sponsor labels on their clothes, cars, houses, etc…

            • I would be concerned if our national interests are harmed in order to favor the interests of those elected.

              Yes….. but how do you know?

              How do you know he didn’t make a “bad deal” because he was getting his back scratched elsewhere unless you know what the “elsewheres” are?

              There are a billion ways to give kickbacks to someone with Trump’s portfolio (or what I assume his portfolio looks like). Without knowing the details, how can we monitor?

              When China suddenly issues a suite of patents for him that they’ve been sitting on for years.. and, around the same time, he walks back his rhetoric about China being a currency manipulator.. that doesn’t raise an eyebrow?

              That could be a one-off. It could be a coincidence. I lack the information to establish a firm pattern. But I also don’t know where all the other potential payoffs are. The most powerful man in the world needs to be monitored closely.

              It’s not an ordinary day job. It’s not a 9-5 private sector job. It’s POTUS. And it comes with certain extra characteristics. One of those is an obligation to transparency with the American people to the fullest extent reasonably practicable.

              • Just A Citizen says:


                It is easy. Focus ONLY on what is in the US interest. If we could agree on what that was then it would be easy to know if it is being met.

                At that point, “what difference does it make” if Trump or his family gain financially?

                At the core, your support of all this disclosure is just supportive of the idea of not having anyone from the private sector run for the office of President. That is not your intent but it is the effect it has.

                Furthermore, do you really think that Trump could hide any financial dealings at this point? There are more opposition research people hunting down his dealings than we have govt. people monitoring the Russians, Chinese, and North Korea combined.

              • At that point, “what difference does it make” if Trump or his family gain financially?

                I generally agree….

                But the job of President is vast and complicated and it’s impossible to see all the moving parts from the outside.

                There are 100,000 ways he could be trading tit-for-tat against our interests. I’m not saying that he is, but the potential is virtually unlimited. If we knew what his financial interests were, we could monitor them.

                If, for example, China grants his patents and then he reverses his campaign pledge to label them currency manipulators, well.. isn’t that just something… And if we know more of his interests, we could see if that happens enough times to establish a pattern. Or if it’s just a one-off.

                At the core, your support of all this disclosure is just supportive of the idea of not having anyone from the private sector run for the office of President. That is not your intent but it is the effect it has.

                I’d be amenable to a 3rd party audit (say, E&Y or KPMG) doing a review and verifying that it doesn’t seem like he has received any.. let’s say “suspicious preferential treatment” from foreign governments since, say, 6 months before running for President. Give me that, and give me his assets in a blind trust, and I’m ok. Deal?

                Furthermore, do you really think that Trump could hide any financial dealings at this point?

                Hell yes. That’s like asking if IBM has the ability to hide income. Of course it does.

                I’ll summons Buck to field this one.

          • Mathius offers: Would you generally agree with this statement: The President of the United States of America should act solely in the interests of the nation and, beyond the avoidance of actual conflicts of interests, he (or she) should avoid even the appearance (where possible) of any improprieties.

            D13 counters…..No sir….unless you amend it to read the cabinet and Congress.

            • Alright:

              All holders of elected office at every level of government along with “senior” appointees including, but not limited to, senior advisers, cabinet post members, chiefs of staff, and chief strategists.

              His entire senior staff
              His cabinet
              Their entire senior staff
              His entire senior staff
              Every Senator
              Their entire senior staff
              Every Representative
              Their entire senior staff
              Every federal agency head
              Their entire senior staff
              Every governor
              Their entire senior staff
              Every state agency heav
              Their entire senior staff
              Every state legislator
              Their entire senior staff
              Every mayor
              Their entire senior staff
              Every town council member
              Their entire senior staff
              Every general
              Their entire senior staff
              Every admiral
              Their entire senior staff
              Every ambassador
              Their entire senior staff
              Every judge at every level
              Every senior member of an quasi-governmental agency (eg: the Fed, etc)
              The President and Board of any recipient of a government contract valued above $1B (in aggregate).
              You, specifically, Colonel Snowflake
              And all equivalents, tangentials, or similars I may have missed. For example, an “adviser” can’t escape this obligation by becoming a “czar.”

              It shall become a crime to act as an advior de facto at such levels without having undergone scrutiny (defined so that casual advice is fine, but you can’t just be “unofficial” to avoid this). Similarly, you may not act as a proxy to the actual adviser. Such actions shall result in summary execution of all parties involved.

              All clearances must occur every two years at maximum and will, necessarily, cover at a minimum the period of your influence.

              Especially, for state / local individuals, the scrutiny shall focus also on undue influence by local actors such as business entities.

              Five and ten years after holding such positions, you will submit to an additional scrutiny to ensure that you aren’t being paid after-the-fact.

              A change in position shall merit a reexamination. For example, if you are a governor who becomes VP, the focus needs to shift from local graft to illicit international influences.

              Screenings shall include dependents and spouses as well – at the discretion of the auditors, the parameters may be widened.

              Any government employee at any level who turns a huge profit during their tenure (excludes lotto / inheritance). The law shall be written such that it takes into consideration that a income of $500k is not a trigger if the guy is, say, a neurosurgeon who only serves on the town board part time. But if, say, Pelosi inexplicably makes $100mm while earning a salary of a few hundred k, well.. that gets a closer look.

              The more influence / power the individual wields, the more latitude auditors may exercise and the more in depth they may probe.

              Any leak of information by the auditors shall result in summary execution.

              Results will be published in a scrubbed fashion (eg: Mr. Trump was found to have engages in a business dealing with a foreign government which resulted in a outsized profit which, in the option of the auditors cannot reasonably be explained as an above-board business dealing). The audit recipient will receive the detailed summary and may disclose it at his discretion. All individuals will be assigned 0-100 grades which will also be published.


              Failure to comply shall result in removal from office.

              Failure to comply with post-office-holding audit shall result in summary execution.

              A finding of malfeasance shall be grounds for summary execution by 8lb cannon.

              • Just A Citizen says:


                Sorry lad, but your big city perspective once again gets in your way.

                Round these parts our local govt. officials are “part time”. They make their livings by working for wages or owning businesses. Except for the retired ones who are living off the taxpayers already.

                Transparency is a good thing and “conflict of interest” should be prohibited. On this we agree.

                But the smaller the town the greater the likelihood that the mayor or councilman willing to run is also the guy who owns the only construction company in town.

              • And that’s fine!

                But he shouldn’t, say, be able to route no-bid contracts to his company.. or to a subsidiary he owns that nobody knows he owns because it’s undisclosed.

                I also accounted for legitimate income (see my neurosurgeon point). Assuming your small-town councilor is working part time, that’s fine.

                And he really shouldn’t be required to turn over his whole financial information to the public. But a private auditor to make sure he’s not up to any shenanegans?

      • “Personally, I want to see it because he seems so hell-bent on making sure that I don’t see it.”

        Thank you for being honest, sir. One thing that makes me laugh is the reasoning that since Nixon, everyone has to some extent, released their returns. There is no requirement to do so and there never will be a requirement to do so. There was a bill introduced about 20 years ago that was designed to make it law that a pre-requisite to Federal service, everyone down to the dog catcher was required to submit tax returns….you can imagine why that never got out of committee.

        • Thank you for being honest, sir.

          Any time, sir.

          One thing that makes me laugh is the reasoning that since Nixon, everyone has to some extent, released their returns. There is no requirement to do so and there never will be a requirement to do so.

          Lots of things aren’t “requirements,” but should be observed, nonetheless.

          It is not a “requirement” that a President not murder anyone with an axe while in office, but it’s still a pretty good idea.

          There was a bill introduced about 20 years ago that was designed to make it law that a pre-requisite to Federal service, everyone down to the dog catcher was required to submit tax returns….you can imagine why that never got out of committee.

          Of course, but it seems like a good bill (I don’t know about dog catcher, but certainly above a certain level).


          By the way, I’ll point out, per SKT’s comment above, that there is also no law requiring the release of a long form birth certificate, but that didn’t stop the right from bitching endlessly about Obama’s refusal to release it. (before you ask followups on this point, you should know I probably addressed them in the reply to SKT which was sent to spam.. again).

          I just find it interesting that the people who bitched loudest (including, especially, Trump himself!) about Obama’s birth certificate are the same people defending Trump for not releasing his financials.

          And the same people who defended Obama are now demanding Trump release his financials.

          (note: Mathius advocated for the release of the long form before the general. He, similarly, advocates for the immediate release of the Trump financials. So, at least he’s consistent.)


          Mathius prognostication: Trump’s financials will eventually be leaked or released. They will reveal that he has used every technically legal loophole to avoid as much tax as humanly possible (and, probably, a few moves that are pretty borderline). It will also reveal that he has dramatically less wealth than we were led to believe. There will be questionable deals with Russia which will raise eyebrows, but nothing that firmly establishes his Manchurian Candidate-ness (the fact that there will be 100 similar deals in 100 other countries will somehow be ignored). The left will explode into a circlejerk of gotcha apoplexy. The right will defend everything, no matter what.

          • Just A Citizen says:


            Proof of Natural Born status is REQUIRED to be President. As is proof of age and the number of years lived in the country.

            There are NO financial requirements to be POTUS.

            That Sir, is the difference.

            I hope Trump never gives up his tax returns. I hope him doing so breaks this idiotic “tradition” once and for all. It is nothing but self incrimination by successful people to feed the muckraking industry that has grown around politics.

            P.S. Nobody really wants his “tax returns”. What they need are the other forms and backup documentation that are used to complete the main return. Because that is where individual companies are listed for such things as loans and foreign dealings. Furthermore, he probably files many different “tax returns” as each business entity would have one.

            • Obama provided whatever was necessary to become a candidate. I guess that was his Short Form. Demanding his Long Form was special just to him as it was not required (unless I’m mistaken) of anyone else in recent memory.

              Am I mistaken?


              I want to see all the Trump finanical docs I can get my hand on. It’s not self-incrimination. It’s disclosure as to where his interests lie other than, you know, PRESIDENT. It’s important to know that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES does not have interests which conflict with those of the nation. And, if such conflicts exist, we should know what they are.

              Coupled with Trump’s refusal to use a blind trust, it’s a red flag I’d like to see addressed.

              • Just A Citizen says:


                I never understood the “long form” birth certificate issue. My BC has only ONE FORM. There are not multiple versions. I do have a copy of a form the hospital issued at birth. But this is NOT the official birth certificate. The official version is issued by the State sometime after the birth and then entered into official records. The Hospital issued version is NOT an official birth certificate and can not be used for anything. If this was what Mr. Obama was using in each state then the States should not have accepted it. And people were correct in challenging that. But otherwise the entire issue was BS. As I said then and as I say today, the issue was the meaning of Natural Born. In my opinion Mr. Obama was not qualified as he was not Natural Born. Just as it appears Ted Cruz was not Natural Born.

                You and I will always disagree on the tax returns. We do agree on the issue of either a blind trust or some mechanism having the same affect. I do not care as much what a person has done in their private life as I am about what they actually do while in public life.

                Thus I don’t care if Trump had dealings with Russia. I can judge his dealings with Russia while POTUS under the criteria of what is best for the USA.

              • Mathius……A Senator or Representative has a greater need than the POTUS to reveal tax issues. They are in a far, far greater position to profit from not revealing their tax data….than a POTUS is. Clinton proved that.

                But, here is where I will agree with you…….As soon as the Senate and the House disclose all of theirs, then Trump should do so as well as the cabinet…..until then, I am with JAC on this one.

                I simply do not care who he had contact with as Private Citizen…..What I care about most are the Congress people who continue to profit from the lobbyists and such that are still in power 20 years later and they have business dealings all over the world. Clinton proved that as well. THEY should be required to have public tax release each and every year in power.

                So, put everybody on the same footing..I am with you.

              • BTW….my birth certificate is one page. I do not even know what a long form is….

              • Does your birth certificate list you as colonel, or were you born with a lower rank?

  13. Back in the workforce again. Amazon. One week under my belt. I can say with great certainty that Jeff Bezos single handedly saved the USPS. 99.999% of all the 700k/wk packages that this warehouse sorts goes to USPS. Haven’t figured out yet if we are the only sortation center in Michigan or if we are just a regional facility in Michigan. But yeah, what better way is there for a big government kind of guy to keep government big? Just feed them gazillions of packages to work with. The guy is a control freak if you ask me. Three items that have been spoken on the most… safety: understandable, but come on! get caught on one of the 120 cameras in the place not stopping at a stop sign and looking both ways before crossing, is cause for penalty points…. security: no metal goes past the floor gates. No coins, belts, cell phones allowed. Metal detectors on the way in and out…health: Gimme a break. you already walk 3 football fields to get indoors, then 4 football fields to get to your line, then walk the entire shift, then 4 football fields back to the timeclock, then three football fields back to the vehicle. BUT! You may only drink water, basic water, not fruit infused or sparkling. To the ridiculous point of pee color charts on the bathroom stalls to ensure you’re hydrated. And don’t forget the mandatory pre shift stretching exercises and GO DTW5! cheer at the end.

    One thing is for sure. Online shopping has put a dent in the brick and mortar stores. My city has been anticipating a huge, and I mean huge, outlet store/compound for a couple years. Many jobs were promised and it was going to be a focal point of the city. NOPE! After all the planning and legal hoops were settled, all the new curbs and street lights were handled, construction was ok’d to begin…and the developers stopped the project because they couldn’t get enough tenants to fill the space. Progress. Go Amazon. 🙄

    • My wife orders a ton of Amazon. I wonder if you’ve shipped anything to us.

      If you see an order for an absurd number of dragon figurines headed to New York, they’re for my 4 year old.

      • I’m positive we don’t handle anything for NY. Just trying to figure out if we just sort for SE Michigan or the whole state. My daughter keeps Amazon in business too. She should hold stock. One thing I didn’t realize about Amazon is that your local hardware or bike shop or paraphernalia shop also sells thru Amazon. So if the part you need for your 1970 Mongomery Ward lawn tractor is only available at a hardware in Downtown Indiana, Amazon would still be able to fill that order. Pretty cool for local hardware guy.

        • My daughter keeps Amazon in business too. She should hold stock.

          I have tried multiple times and failed utterly to trade Amazon stock. I don’t know why, but it’s just my kryptonite. I just cannot make a profit on it. I have no idea why. I lose. Every. Time.

          If I think it’s going up, it tanks. If I think it’s overpriced, it rallies even more. I can’t even make a volatility play on it with options.

          Invest at your own peril.

          • Just A Citizen says:

            That is because it is hard to predict which idea or product line they will steal next. Financials look week then boom, a new profit source comes along out of thin air.

            I think if you were hooked into their algorithms you would do better.

    • This is unfortunately a confirmation of my theory that we have already done the tower of Babel thing. The society used to coalesce around music and popular culture. We met in large auditoriums and enjoyed many of the same things. there was the Sunday drive or the Sunday stroll which took us places where we interacted with others. there was popular entertainment on television which helped keep us together.

      First music fractured. Then we lost our downtowns. 8,700 channels guaranteed that we never watched the same programming. The demise of movie theaters guaranteed that drama now had different meanings to different people. With the advent of “amazon” and its competitors, we never have to leave the home. The malls are dying. We lock ourselves behind closed doors and have no clue anymore how to interact with another human being on a one to one basis. one of my pet peeves is the inability of a person you do not know to say “excuse me” to a stranger. They will squeeze through an impossibly small space between you and another or walk 25 feet out of their way just to avoid saying it. Are we ever in deep shit.

  14. Mathius…..I will have you know that I was born a private…..a simple old private…..I even started my military career as a PVT.

    And YES…..I was born……unlike many of those in Washington DC that were hatched.

    • Did you make PFC when you learned to crawl? Sounds about right?

      I’m just imagining you falling off the swing set and your mother giving you a band aid and a purple heart.

  15. Just A Citizen says:

    Evolution of a “False Flag” narrative. Very interesting. Don’t discount the source, just read it. I am fully aware that media matters probably excluded several “left wing” conspiracy sites who probably also picked up the narrative. The point here is the original story and how the new media foodchain uses sources to fill their stories without checking them out. In short, the new media is no better than the old media.


  16. I was talking with a liberal today whom is still pissed off…..” He loudly proclaimed that Donald Trump is not my President…I told him….Yeah, I can say the same thing about Hillary Clinton and guess which one of us is correct.

    The conversation ended abruptly….I have no idea why.

  17. Thought for the day…….sneaking into a country does not make you an immigrant any more than breaking into a house makes you part of the family.

    Not to be outdonne of course, there are four great accomplishments from Obama over the last 8 years…(1) allowing grown men in dresses to pee next to 12 year old girls, (2) made school lunches inedible, (3) health insurance unaffordable, and (4) police lives unimportant.

    THen there was Rosie O….who says that she refuses to wear Ivanka Trump’s clothes…..but that’s ok, they don’t come in cow sizes anyway….

    Then Archie Bunker arrived on the scene: “So, I am expected to walk on eggshells in my own country just so I don’t offend some 7th century Islamic goat humper who ain’t figured out yet this is the 21st century…..”

    THen to close the comedy train…I leave you with this….. When you are down in the dumps and think that you have real problems, just remember…………………….SOMEWHERE in this world, there is a Mr. Pelosi

    Burma Shave

  18. As I understand the BC issues of Obama, he did not have to provide a BC to the state election boards. Pelosi, being the top ranking office holder at the time, provided a certificate that state he met all the requirements for the position.

    If you followed Sheriff Joe’s comments on the long form and took a hard look at the evidence provided, it is highly likely the long form BC is a forgery. This conclusion was confirmed by two highly qualified international experts on documentation.

    It still is interesting that so much “confidential” information can be obtained and leaked by the press on DJT but we still do not have college records or any other early documents related to BHO. This highly qualified college professor has no academic publications in a field where it is publish or perish. I have far more published articles in refereed journals than does he.

    • Also was Editor of the Law Journal and wrote NOTHING. That is highly unusual.

      The guy is the classic empty suit. The so called “Shadow Government” will not happen with him in charge. He likes the good life and is both intellectually and physically lazy. That is not to say the people who did the work for him in the WH won’t still be working with him, just that he has no drive.

      • He has no drive? How the hell does one become President of the United States without drive?

        • Money………………lots and lots of money……driven by the powers behind the throne. The strings are pulled and he dances like a puppet…..no drive is necessary when on cruise control.

          • I will happily dance like a puppet for “lots and lots of money.” Do you think they’ll make me President some day?

            I was even born in this country!

            • According to DPM………..you will do pretty much anything for lots and lots of money!!!!

              That said…..I will vote for you. The reason why? Despite your rhetoric, I firmly believe you would do the right and honorable thing….but do not worry, your secret is safe with me. I will not tell Buck you are a conservative in drag…that is an Obama promise.

              • Despite your rhetoric, I firmly believe you would do the right and honorable thing

                That’s a filthy lie!

        • The word is “groomed”.

          back in the 1950’s novelists “speculated’ on what would it be like to pick an affable candidate who appeals to the public and elect and control him. Drury’s “advise and Consent”,. Vidal’s “the best Man” and even Condon’s “Manchurian Candidate” all ran with the concept.

          We have now become politically sophisticated to actually do it. Congress, as Paul Ryan repeatedly demonstrates is a non-issue, so the president can rule through Imperial decree whoops, I mean executive orders. They of course can be his wishes or those of the others who control and direct him.

  19. EverStem13 says:

    @ Colonel Snowflake

    How do you suppose my life and consciousness ends up in symbolic animated form years before I experience, talk about it, or come to the realizations depicted?

    Why would I openly share the deeper aspects of my own Freudian psychology if it were not relevant to the grand scheme of things?

    • Mathius….translation, please….I do not speak his/her language.

      • It’s like he’s trying to communicate with us, I just know it.

        • Oh….of course….well, when your code breakers figure it out, please let me know. I mean, I grew up in the 60’s and have seen what things can confuse the mind….but he/she is obviously in a different dimension. Thank you for trying.

      • Just A Citizen says:

        I don’t think we are in Jellystone anymore Boo Boo!

    • EverStem, buddy, you gotta start making sense.

      “my life and consciousness ends up in symbolic animated form”? What in the living hell are you talking about? You’re addressing this to the colonel, but he has trouble understanding that the tag goes in the back of his underwear – I don’t think your message is getting across.

      If there’s something you’d like to say, just say it. Speak American, son!

      • See? There you go again…saying things without all the facts…I cut the tags out…you can then wear them any way you want…..after a week or so, turn ’em inside out. And you thought you knew everything…….

  20. Just A Citizen says:

    Tone deaf: ““He really didn’t care what everyone thought. He had a closed mind,” said Culley.”

    A comment from a voter who along with others spent three hours shouting down the elected Congressman at a town hall in Oroville, CA yesterday.

    Best comment was from a High School student who came to thank the Congressman for holding a Q&A at the school earlier. He said he couldn’t understand why the people at the town hall are called adults and the people at his school children. Apparently the High School students were well mannered and civil. Asking questions and getting answers.

    • I seem to remember a Republican Rep (wilson?) heckling President Obama in the middle of the State of the Union.

      Some people are assholes/idiots, what can I say?

      • He said, “he lied” which, in fact, he did. See, for reference, “the Emperor has No Clothes”.

        • And, I believe that is ALL he said.

          • Close. “You lie.” A direct heckling accusation.

            And he’s an adult elected representative in the middle of nationally televised major speech by the President of the United States. If he can’t restrain himself enough to act with some decorum, you probably shouldn’t be complaining about a few civilian yahoos.

            • Mathius….I finally figured it out….You said, “And he’s an adult elected representative in the middle of nationally televised major speech by the President of the United States. If he can’t restrain himself enough to act with some decorum, you probably shouldn’t be complaining about a few civilian yahoos.”

              You do realize that you used the term “adult” when referring to a Washington, DC politician, correct? It appears that you expect Washington DC politicians to act with civility, decorum, common sense, and knowledge……therein lies your problem.

              Now, you must do as you advisd me…..put down the Red Bull, and back away slowly.

              • Well, I mean, he is an adult, technically, no? He’s over 18 years old..

                But my broader point is that JAC shouldn’t demand higher levels of maturity from civilian activists (I’ll use that term very loosely) than he does from elected representatives.

                I consider it hypocritical to whine about morons shouting down a rep at a town hall, but make excuses for a rep shouting at a President during the SotU. I, on the other hand, think they’re all assholes (speakers and audience alike), so there’s no hypocrisy on my part.

                Also, Colonel, what say you about my proposal re financial audits for politicians? Do we have an accord?

      • Just A Citizen says:


        Talk about a FALSE equivalency. Get a grip on reality man.

        You seem to have forgotten how the Republican leadership made that very Congressman APOLOGIZE publicly for his outburst. TWO freakin words said out loud. NOT SHOUTED and no further utterance.

        Your argument is unbelievably dishonest.

        • You hold the general public* to a higher standard than you hold elected representatives. Mull that one over for a bit.

          *Only, it seems, when they’re on the liberal side. Idiots of the conservative persuasion don’t seem to bother you as much.

          • Just A Citizen says:


            Where did you come up with that stupid idea???

            I hold them to the same standard.

            However, for you to claim these are equal in terms of obnoxious behavior is simply ridiculous.

        • I like the “false equivalency” JAC. That is the usual fallback position for the left.

  21. Just A Citizen says:


    Like I said yesterday. People are watching the Trump clan closely. Little chance of an actual conflict of interest arising that someone doesn’t know about.


    • Little chance of an actual conflict of interest arising that someone doesn’t know about.

      Haha ahahahha ahah ahahah ahhahaha aha ahahahhaha ahahaha hah ahaha ha hahah ahahahah a ah aha hh aha haha hah a h ahh ahahah aha hahhaha ahhah ahah aha hahahhah ah aha ahha h ahahha aha hahahahaha ahahahah hhaha ah ahahaha aha hah ahahha ahahaha hahaha ahha hah aha ah a ah hahah hah aahahahha haha hahha ha hahah ahah haah aaha haha ah hahaha aha ::deep breath:: haha ahahahha ahah ahahah ahhahaha aha ahahahhaha ahahaha hah ahaha ha hahah ahahahah a ah aha hh aha haha hah a h ahh ahahah aha hahhaha ahhah ahah aha hahahhah ah aha ahha h ahahha aha hahahahaha ahahahah hhaha ah ahahaha aha hah ahahha ahahaha hahaha ahha hah aha ah a ah hahah hah aahahahha haha hahha ha hahah ahah haah aaha haha ah hahaha aha ::keels over::

      • You can hide NOTHING these days. Trump’s acquaintances have a life beside Trump and they have done business with Ukrainians, Chinese and even Russians. they are picked to pieces by the media.Hillary and the Clinton foundation get a pass. Soooo, you are right but only with a qualifier it can be hidden for the right person for the right reason by the right people.

        If this were 1973 and Susan Rice was employed by the NIXON administration…….need I say more?

  22. RE: Mathius and tax form reviews……

    I liked it all except the 8lb cannon….really? Just an 8 pounder? DPM’s farts are more powerful than an 8 pounder.

    I would happily submit to a thorough accounting….and disclosure. As soon as I can find Colonel Snowflake’s SSN, I will do so. Starting search now…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….bing………………………………………………………………………………………………boink……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………clang…………………………………………………………………bells ringing…………………………………………………………………..various sounds of searching computer language………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….smoke rising……………………………………………………………………DANGER DANGER…..Will ROBINSON….DANGER>…………………………………………………BOOM!!!

    Computer died, Washington shuts down, all IRS centers offline….Colonel Snowflake becomes President.

  23. EverStem13 says:


    “EverStem, buddy, you gotta start making sense. “my life and consciousness ends up in symbolic animated form”? What in the living hell are you talking about? You’re addressing this to the colonel, but he has trouble understanding that the tag goes in the back of his underwear – I don’t think your message is getting across. If there’s something you’d like to say, just say it. Speak American, son!”


    Go back to the previous thread and review our conversations about Freudian psychology and perhaps read up on early childhood development and role modeling. You may even want to review that series of cryptic things I posted as well.

    Now consider my own personal Freudian psychology in relation to a couple of ladies living in my community, who have made quite a profound impression on me in regard to my perspective on family values and women.

    I did not make certain realizations or discuss it until recently, although someone has made a habit of putting the things I say and/or experience in cryptic form elsewhere, sometimes before they happen.

    See the snowy legs/body and phallus(04:33). That is my body and phallus, and in reference to a comment I made in only one place. It is someone’s interpretation of my Freudian psychology stemming from a specific conversation that I will not discuss further.

    (I have also discussed it here the other day.)

    Allow me to explain…

    There was a girl that I knew for a few/several months growing up, who’s name means LOVE(see the heart), who made a profound impression on me. Not only was she a great girl and a pleasure to hang out with every day, but she was from a good home and loving family, as was apparent in her being.

    Not only did she impress me, but her mother did as well, as she was a reflection of her mother in many ways(see the old lady in the ‘tower’). In a Freudian sense, in a trans-generational attributes kind of way, they are both models of what I define as ideal or desirable, admirable, …probably because they share certain values and attributes of my female elders/role models.

    This is relevant because it explains that I admire and value them as people and why I have been paying attention. That may make sense later.

    See the lady’s nose? A couple of weeks ago I made a comment here about “nosy people”. Then I realized that was a reference telling me who is the nosy person. See the wand? That is more specific. I won’t talk about it. But it is further confirmation that is what it means.

    You cannot see it unless you understand the context. Someone understands the context. And they are telling me about it through channels and code across a span of many years. I talk back to them too. They are obviously paying attention.

    Colonel Snowflake seems curious about it, so I am engaging, giving some of the more ambiguous examples. I can get specific and expand on all of this very quickly, but perhaps not yet.

    I have been through many years and a long bizarre frustrating trail of BS and anomalous things to get to this point. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. My primary concern, other than my own well being, is trying to figure out what really happened to my friend.

    • Dude, I gotta tell ya… I don’t see it. That video is a wild hodgepodge. I suspect you’re projecting your own life onto it, not the other way around.

      See the lady’s nose? A couple weeks ago you made a comment about nosy people? That’s impossibly broad. You knew a girl whose name meant love and the video had hearts? My daughter’s name means night. And this video had scenes that occurred at night. By your standards, everyone can find a deep connection to this video.

      I fear you’re letting confirmation bias creep in to your thinking. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of images in that video. You ignore all that don’t apply, and remember the few that do. Then you weave these into a narrative of your own life and draw the conclusion you’ve already determined. Read some of the comments – everyone is drawing divergent conclusions about the meaning. Yet you are convinced it is specially made for – and speaking to – you.

      In all things, the simplest explanation is usually the best. Not always, but usually. You’ve posited that someone knows what you’re going to do before you do it, then is creating cryptic abstract videos using veiled metaphors, to send you a message. They’ve been doing this for you for years across time and space. Surely such a person could just.. tell you what they want you to know. Not to say you aren’t special, but why would anyone with that kind of power invest so much energy in.. what? Playing games with your head?

      I can’t say I 100% follow everything you’re saying here, but I think, maybe, you should go talk to a professional. Someone you can sit down with and go over your beliefs and feelings and who will help you determine what is real and what might not be.

      Serious question here. I know this is going to sound mocking, but I promise it is sincere. Do the messages tell you do things?

      • EverStem13 says:

        Sure, Mr. Cosmopolitan.

        Of course you can’t see it, as a lot of it is dependent upon perception and knowledge of the context. Unless you are one of those involved, you will inevitably have difficulty understanding. I also have given a rather poor and incomplete explanation, not to mention that my own explanation is incomplete as well. Until I start substantiating and connecting things with patterns and numbers and names, etc, it will make little sense. Even then, you have to look at it with an open mind and actually indulge it.

        It is kind of like connect the dots. You don’t see anything until enough dots are connected.

        I am not as interested in proving openly as I am getting the necessary attention as to resolve a long term issue that apparently has effected a lot of others.

        I would prefer to discuss this with a particular group, but they all seem to be unavailable for comment. So I go where I think I can get the word out that I could use some assistance in dealing with some things.

    • EverStem13 says:

      I can decipher most of the video and connect it to a whole bunch of other things. ….same patterns and numbers people and context, etc etc etc…

      Guess whooo the goat is?

      I am especially worried about the chalkboard.

      Something happened. I am seeing things from a unique perspective, seeing what others cannot, and I am worried about whatever really happened, seeing an extra-temporal anomalous context. It is very much bothering me.

      • There is no currently viable theory of physics which allows for “extra temporal anomalous events” of any sort in the real world. (at least not without the use of “unlimited energy”).

        Anyone who possesses such technology must, by necessity, be incomprehensibly advanced and incomprehensibly powerful.

        Such an entity could, without even the slightest difficulty, take over, or destroy, the world. Such an entity could, without even the slightest difficulty, change anything about the world to suit its will.

        And this entity has taken to posting cryptic prescient metaphorical videos of your life to YouTube.

        You understand how that sounds, right?

        It’s not about having an open mind – I understand that I, emphatically, do not have an open mind regarding such “phenomena.” I get that I am probably not the right person to be convinced the truth of your beliefs. I subscribe to the axiom that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” and you offer nothing in the necessary ballpark to substantiate a claim of the magnitude you assert.

        Just take a step back and consider which is more plausible: You’ve made a mistake and are projecting meaning that isn’t there – OR – the most powerful entity in the history of human kind has singled you out to post mysterious YouTube videos about your life?

        Just step back and ask yourself how that sounds. Does it sound plausible to you?

        To such a being, we would be less than the merest of ants, yet it has singled you out to be special beyond and above all others. You, alone amongst the entire human race, receive special messages about your life. Via YouTube.

        I know you won’t listen – and I know I’m probably the wrong messenger – but again, I beg you to seek out a professional to talk to.

      • Second attempt since Gman’s spam filter hates me (I’ve taken to copying my posts before hitting send, so I can just submit a second time if it doesn’t work)


        There is no currently viable theory of physics which allows for “extra temporal anomalous events” of any sort in the real world. (at least not without the use of “unlimited energy”).

        Anyone who possesses such technology must, by necessity, be incomprehensibly advanced and incomprehensibly powerful.

        Such an entity could, without even the slightest difficulty, take over, or destroy, the world. Such an entity could, without even the slightest difficulty, change anything about the world to suit its will.

        And this entity has taken to posting cryptic prescient metaphorical videos of your life to YouTube.

        You understand how that sounds, right?

        It’s not about having an open mind – I understand that I, emphatically, do not have an open mind regarding such “phenomena.” I get that I am probably not the right person to be convinced the truth of your beliefs. I subscribe to the axiom that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” and you offer nothing in the necessary ballpark to substantiate a claim of the magnitude you assert.

        Just take a step back and consider which is more plausible: You’ve made a mistake and are projecting meaning that isn’t there – OR – the most powerful entity in the history of human kind has singled you out to post mysterious YouTube videos about your life?

        Just step back and ask yourself how that sounds. Does it sound plausible to you?

        To such a being, we would be less than the merest of ants, yet it has singled you out to be special beyond and above all others. You, alone amongst the entire human race, receive special messages about your life. Via YouTube.

        I know you won’t listen – and I know I’m probably the wrong messenger – but again, I beg you to seek out a professional to talk to.

        • EverStem13 says:


          …like I said, I haven’t substantiated it with all the specifics. It is addressed to me. It is glaringly obvious once all the dots are connected. I have connected most of them.

          “I pet goat II” is at least three layers of code for my identity, not to mention all the contextual references, and the other anomalous shit I’ve experienced over the last 40+ years. I no longer question that. I have already been through that and see now.

          What I am trying to figure out is exactly how in the hell they knew this before I did. I haven’t even discussed it with anyone yet. They know about the I’s.



        • EverStem13 says:

          Why would someone go behind me and remove evidence? It must not mean anything, right? That is the things you don’t see.

          Evidence suggests they knew something and were planning or manipulating or doing something, in regard to her and I while we were developing fetuses in our mothers’ respective wombs.

          That’s what the scene with the egg the eye and guy with the cracked head is about. That’s me and whatever those people were into in the 70’s.

          (‘Sea monsters’ are hatched. ((that is humor.)) Go research the letter Ayin.)

        • EverStem13 says:

          People, apparently from differing groups, have been messing with me my whole life, playing some kind of stupid psy-ops or investigation or religious bullshit or whatever it is. Whatever it is, it has ruined my life and I am very pissed off about it.

          I have been complaining and reaching out for many years to friends and family and authorities and anyone or everyone whom I thought may assist me in resolving it. No one cares or I get the same BS from them as I do you idiots.

          It has taken me years to eventually track it to it’s origin. I have even tried to reach out to some of them, only to watch them lie and re-position themselves and play more games as if they are not already busted as identified players, as if I care about legalities, as if they are not responsible to me for all their bullshit.

          Turns out that all of it is connected to a bunch of other things, that it just happens to effect a lot of other people. Millions are dead, whole civilizations destroyed, millions more sick and dying, trillions of dollars gone, the whole timeline changed, billions effected now and for many years to come

          Keep fuking around making jokes and obfuscating.

          • The spam filter strikes again!



            I’m not “joking around” or “obfuscating,” but you have to understand how this sounds to the outside observer.

            Can you agree, that were our roles reversed, and I’d just told you about a massive global conspiracy involving altered timelines, millions dead, trillions stolen, and civilizations destroyed, using technology massively beyond our current understanding of reality… that you would have a hard time believing me? Especially when you factor in that they’re messing with you, specifically, to destroy your life. Can you agree that if I came to you with that, you’d suggest that I probably need help, too?

            I’m not trying to shove you into an institution, or load you full of pharmaceuticals, but I have a hard time believing that this is wholly rational.

            Why would such a powerful entity allow you to get onto them in the first place? Why not just prevent your birth? You’re talking about the biggest conspiracy in the history of the world and you somehow got to be in the center of it because they’re spending their time and resources – in addition to altering the entire course of human events – to mess with you and post cryptic videos just for you on YouTube.

            Tell me, honestly, that if I came to you with that, that you wouldn’t think I needed help.

            • gmanfortruth says:

              A thought: change gMail to gmail in your address. It’s the only odd thing left I can see that stands out.

              • You aren’t fooling anyone. You’re tyrannical attempts to censor me are all too obvious!

            • EverStem13 says:

              I am not talking about any theory. I am talking reality and missing pieces that virtually no one is seeing.

              I am not interested in playing your discredit game.

            • Mathius,

              I appreciate your genuine attempts to reach through to Everstem. You are a good man.


  24. And the thought for the evening…………”So, here is the solution to Husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons. Follow your womenfolk into the bathroom and stand guard outside her stall. If the store does not like it…tell them you self identify as a real man.”

  25. add to that…..if CON is the opposite of PRO…………………then is CONGRESS the opposite of PROGRESS?

    • If congress doesn’t pass a budget this year, I’m instructing you to release your raptors into the next joint session with instructions to eat their fill.

      • Agreed…there hasn’t been a budget in, what, 8 years or 10……something like that. I don;t know what you have against my raptors….but don’t you think a mixed diet of the sort in Washington would be fatal…even to raptors? Perhaps some of my genetically altered raptors?

  26. Just A Citizen says:

    Stew on this over your morning beverage. Try not to bite your tongue. And two bits in the cuss jar for each bad word you use while reading this.


  27. gmanfortruth says:
  28. gmanfortruth says:
  29. gmanfortruth says:

    In a now-deleted tweet from Tuesday afternoon, an MSNBC counterterrorism analyst expressed his desire to see ISIS bomb Trump Tower in Istanbul, according to Newsbusters. Yet another reason to shun MSNBC.

    “This is my nominee for first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property,” Malcolm Nance tweeted in response to another one claiming that President Donald Trump congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s election victory because he owns the property in Turkey

    I can only guess what the reaction would be if this occurred to Obama.

  30. gmanfortruth says:

    Bill O’Rielly has been fired at FOX.

  31. gmanfortruth says:
  32. That NY Mayor, De Blassio, what an ass. He was just weeping crocodile tears over how the cigarette companies lure kids in with E-cigarettes to the “real thing”. Now if I said that marijuana was a gateway drug to heroin and cocaine, he’d be all over me for being wrong. Marijuana is, after all, perfectly safe, even for your lungs. Like a breath of mountain air no doubt.

    Of course he said all this while raising the tax $ 3.00 per pack guaranteeing obscene profits to both the cigarette smugglers and the City of NY.

    Back in the late 19th, early 20th century they used the term “crap merchant” to describe such people. I think it time to revive it.

  33. So…….you won’t eat a chic-fil-a because the CEO believes in traditional marriage…..so, does that mean you will stop buying gas because Saudi Arabia believes that homosexuality is punishable by death? Such a tangled web we weave.

    And then there is the sign posted at your National Parks….”PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS BECAUSE THEY MAY GROW DEPENDENT AND NOT LEARN TO CARE FROM THEMSELVES”…….the park service has such signs posted and they are part of the Departmnet of Agricuture…who distributes record amounts of food stamps ever. Wonder if there is a warning label of government dependency on those things…..

    • Just A Citizen says:


      Point of order. The “Park Service” is part of the Dept. of Interior, NOT the Dept. of Agriculture.

    • So…….you won’t eat a chic-fil-a because the CEO believes in traditional marriage

      I won’t eat at chic-fil-a because the opportunity has never presented itself. The only one I know of is in a food court right next to a Panda Express, and the day I pass up Orange Chicken is the day you can have me committed.

      The reason other people won’t eat there isn’t because he “believes in traditional marriage.” Wait, you know what, stop there. That’s some Orwellian bullshit right there. I also believe in “traditional” marriage. I’m in a “traditional” marriage. Almost nobody on the planet doesn’t believe in “traditional” marriage. I believe what you are trying to say isn’t that he does believe in “tradition” marriage, but that he doesn’t believe in non-traditional marriage.

      I’d also point out that your idea of “traditional” marriage is far more recent than many other ideas of marriage including, but not limited to, pretty much everything in the bible. You want to take a guess at how many wives and concubines King Solomon had? The one-man-one-woman-for-life-with-sexual-exclusivity is actually a very recent idea in the greater scheme of things. I’m not going to cede the title of “traditional” as if that has always been the way things are and just now some upstarts are trying to change thousands of years of history.

      Anyway, back on track, the issue isn’t that he believes what he does. Nobody gives a shit.
      The issue is that he pushes it on other people and financially supports legislators who help suppress the freedoms of gay / lesbian individuals. And these people have opted to push back by hitting him in the wallet. Why should they send their dollars to support someone who is suppressing them?

      So, to be clear: It’s not that he supports “traditional” marriage – it’s that he’s working to repress others.

      does that mean you will stop buying gas because Saudi Arabia believes that homosexuality is punishable by death?

      I drive an electric car….

      Wonder if there is a warning label of government dependency on those things…..

      Because humans are different than other animals.

      Also, humans are less likely to maul you over a half-eaten peanut butter sandwich. (usually)

  34. EverStem13 says:

    @ Mathius

    “I have a hard time believing that this is wholly rational”

    You apparently aren’t interested in being rational. WHAT IF I AM NOT BULLSHITTING? WHAT IF IT IS VERY VERY LEGITIMATE?

    Would you like to assist me or not?

    Because I have a problem that started while I was a fetus, that has caused me lifelong issues, that is somehow connected to a friend of mine and a lot of other people(everyone) and a lot of really heavy shit.

    I could really use some assistance, starting with resolving my issues with these creepy weird people getting into my business and following me around. (..doing things like putting my life in a symbolic cartoon.)

    Aside from that, I would really like to know what was really going on with my friend back then. I am seeing things, a complex set of clues that tell me something different happened, some are rather anomalous things.

    Everyone involved is acting suspicious as hell. I have already caught them doing all kinds of weird things. I am tired of it and I have done everything short of killing people as to resolve this. They really need to explain themselves. I cannot stress how important it is that they take a forthright approach, even after all that BS.

    • What if you’re not bullshitting: Well then you’re on to the most explosive conspiracy in the history of mankind. By far.

      This makes 9/11 inside job, chemtrails, Obama’s birth certificate, Benghazi, Watergate, and more – collectively – to shame.

      Would I assist you: I’d want to know more. Such an entity has no guarantee of malevolence. Though its effect on you would have been negative, its effect writ large may have been beneficial to mankind. I have two small children and a wife – I would be concerned for their safety. There are too many question marks for me to opine.

      I could really use some assistance, starting with resolving my issues with these creepy weird people getting into my business and following me around. (..doing things like putting my life in a symbolic cartoon.)

      Feel free to forward me along a full dossier – when you’re ready, I’ll set up a burner email address for us. If I believe you, I will help if I can.

      But this comes with a condition: I want your word that, if I do not find your evidence compelling, you will seek out therapy and give it an honest chance.

      I am tired of it and I have done everything short of killing people as to resolve this.

      See, this is what worries me the most. If – IF – you’re wrong, you could wind up hurting an innocent person (and/or yourself!). I’m not saying you are, but I am saying that you must consider the possibility that you are. If you are, even if killing is off the table, that would leave assault and many other options which I would similarly be concerned about if – IF – it is the case that you’re mistaken.

      • EverStem13 says:

        “What if you’re not bullshitting: Well then you’re on to the most explosive conspiracy in the history of mankind. By far. This makes 9/11 inside job, chemtrails, Obama’s birth certificate, Benghazi, Watergate, and more – collectively – to shame.”

        It’s some of that, and then some.

        “Would I assist you: I’d want to know more. Such an entity has no guarantee of malevolence. Though its effect on you would have been negative, its effect writ large may have been beneficial to mankind. I have two small children and a wife – I would be concerned for their safety. There are too many question marks for me to opine.”

        It’s very complex and there is a lot of information to cover. A full understanding will take a while, and an incomplete or simple understanding is simply not adequate. Mind you, I have been at this for decades piecing things together.

        “I could really use some assistance, starting with resolving my issues with these creepy weird people getting into my business and following me around. (..doing things like putting my life in a symbolic cartoon.) Feel free to forward me along a full dossier – when you’re ready, I’ll set up a burner email address for us. If I believe you, I will help if I can.”

        Alternate communication sounds good, as there are things I would rather not discuss publicly. How can that be arranged without posting information here?

        “But this comes with a condition: I want your word that, if I do not find your evidence compelling, you will seek out therapy and give it an honest chance.”

        This makes me want to tell you off. It shows you are not really serious, that you dismiss me as crazy before having an understanding, that any attempt to reach out to you is a waste of time and more likely a mistake.

        No fucking way do I need therapy. What I need is a god damned army.

        “I am tired of it and I have done everything short of killing people as to resolve this. See, this is what worries me the most. If – IF – you’re wrong, you could wind up hurting an innocent person (and/or yourself!). I’m not saying you are, but I am saying that you must consider the possibility that you are. If you are, even if killing is off the table, that would leave assault and many other options which I would similarly be concerned about if – IF – it is the case that you’re mistaken.”

        No. I have been very careful as to not falsely accuse anyone. Everything is based on factual evidence, and I am not delusional or any of that. Albeit enormously frustrated, I am of sound mind and have done some rather extraordinary detective work, if I do say so myself.

        This is no bullshit, Mathius. It may appear that way because I am not connecting it or substantiating it properly, but this is real and it is my life.

        • Alternate communication sounds good, as there are things I would rather not discuss publicly. How can that be arranged without posting information here?

          I have ways. I am fairly tech savvy. Depending on your level of paranoia, the easiest answer is to just set up a temporary email address, you send to me, and I delete it.

          At the extreme, there are things that even the NSA couldn’t begin to think about cracking – they’re just annoying to use, so people don’t. Things like one-time pads or generating your own encryption keys.

          HOWEVER, seeing as these guys are all-powerful, I see no reason to bother trying to be secure. Wouldn’t they already know everything you’re going to say?

          This makes me want to tell you off. It shows you are not really serious, that you dismiss me as crazy before having an understanding, that any attempt to reach out to you is a waste of time and more likely a mistake.

          No fucking way do I need therapy. What I need is a god damned army.

          I have not judged you. I am willing to hear your case with an open mind.

          But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned that you are not well. And, if that is my conclusion – AFTER SEEING THE EVIDENCE – I would ask that of you in return for my time and honest consideration of your beliefs.

          This is no bullshit, Mathius. It may appear that way because I am not connecting it or substantiating it properly, but this is real and it is my life.

          So take my offer.

          • EverStem13 says:

            Honestly, you make it too difficult.

            Any attempt to explain anything will only be bogged down by your skepticism and I will be in constant defense of my sanity.

            It is a waste of time.

            • bogged down by your skepticism

              Skepticism is a good thing.

              Skepticism is what separates fact from fantasy.

              If we were not skeptical, we would go through our lives believing all kinds of nonsense. And the down-stream consequences would be catestrophic.

              Imagine if we were not skeptical of the President, or of the Nigerian princes who email us.

              You NEED skepticism in the analysis of your beliefs. You, especially, as you are asserting the biggest conspiracy in the history of mankind with supernatural powers. You need someone to look at it with a jaundiced eye. A non-skeptical person might just buy it hook-line-and-sinker, but does that establish the truth of what you say on more solid footing or is it just another form of confirmation bias. If you can convince me, then you can take that to the bank and say “I’ve shown a hardcore skeptic my evidence and he believed me.” You can also rest easier with a stronger support for your convinctions.

              But there should be (and if there isn’t, that should tell you something, too) a nagging voice, however small, in the back of your head asking the question: “what if I’m wrong?” And the only want to answer it is to give your evidence to a skeptic for an unbiased analysis.

              Just as a general concept: whenever you have a theory in need of testing, you shouldn’t check to see if it’s true. You should check to see if you can prove it false.

              It is a waste of time.

              You’re the one desperate for an ally, not me.

              I’m offering you a chance for that. Take it or leave it, it’s your choice.

              But whether you ultimately decide to send your evidence to me or not, I suggest you do spell it all out – if only for yourself – maybe you’ll see something you missed.

            • Gman’s spam filter got me again (no capital in my url, so that theory’s out)


              bogged down by your skepticism

              Skepticism is a good thing.

              Skepticism is what separates fact from fantasy.

              If we were not skeptical, we would go through our lives believing all kinds of nonsense. And the down-stream consequences would be catestrophic.

              Imagine if we were not skeptical of the President, or of the Nigerian princes who email us.

              You NEED skepticism in the analysis of your beliefs. You, especially, as you are asserting the biggest conspiracy in the history of mankind with supernatural powers. You need someone to look at it with a jaundiced eye. A non-skeptical person might just buy it hook-line-and-sinker, but does that establish the truth of what you say on more solid footing or is it just another form of confirmation bias. If you can convince me, then you can take that to the bank and say “I’ve shown a hardcore skeptic my evidence and he believed me.” You can also rest easier with a stronger support for your convinctions.

              But there should be (and if there isn’t, that should tell you something, too) a nagging voice, however small, in the back of your head asking the question: “what if I’m wrong?” And the only want to answer it is to give your evidence to a skeptic for an unbiased analysis.

              Just as a general concept: whenever you have a theory in need of testing, you shouldn’t check to see if it’s true. You should check to see if you can prove it false.

              It is a waste of time.

              You’re the one desperate for an ally, not me.

              I’m offering you a chance for that. Take it or leave it, it’s your choice.

              But whether you ultimately decide to send your evidence to me or not, I suggest you do spell it all out – if only for yourself – maybe you’ll see something you missed.

              • EverStem13 says:

                I totally agree with the value of skepticism, and strict logical scientific analyzation. That is what has got me to this point.

                What makes your skepticism problematic is that it will be used as a point of dispute rather than you exhibiting it as to clarify and confirm while you review. There is a LOT of analyzing involved, and I don’t have time to argue about it. Ideally, I present it and you spend the next year trying to understand and verify it, applying your best skepticism.

                (It took me almost two decades.)

                “You’re the one desperate for an ally, not me.”

                Not really. While I definitely have my own personal motives and issues in this, it isn’t really all about me. This is just as much about my friend and her family as it is 3-8 billion people and their progeny.

                I can use all the help I can get. But I am not wasting time with someone who is just going to tell me to go see a shrink.

                If I see a shrink, it will be in 1974-75 explaining to him how he has to find the 3 year old me and hypnotize me as to wreck any chance of me being perceived as legitimate.

                “Considerable reasons for stimulating Christians into a new occult religious society”


  35. EverStem13 says:

    For years, I have encountered all sorts of people following me around, stalking me, knowing things about me as if they know me, playing all sorts of bizarre games or something.

    I first became aware in my twenties, then later realized it went back to my teens, that they had been keeping tabs on me for years. It has continued in various forms until recent times.

    The whole time I have been aware, I have been employing all sorts of obscure methods and practices as to gauge and determine analyze and assess whoever is sending them, who the players are, and whatever it is they are doing.

    Several years ago, I inexplicably went nuts and experienced things distinctly characteristic of hypnotic programming as well as things metaphysical and spiritual, or something. I wigged the hell out and went through something extremely turbulent, and watched them do some kind of psy-ops nonsense. I was having a very difficult time controlling my own thoughts and behaviors, as if it were a struggle to even think.

    What I did, however, is discover a lot of very interesting and extraordinary things.

    A few years later, I started making connections and researching to eventually realize where all of it is coming from, to include evidence concluding that people were planning things or doing something before I was even born, and in regard to my beloved friend too.

    One of them is a shrink with a very interesting resume and list of associates. Some of them are people whom I have always admired and valued, respected and adored. One of them I even busted some kid’s face over because he wouldn’t stop picking on her.


    When I have confronted them, they lie and act suspicious, ignore or whatever besides explaining themselves.

    They really really need to cut their BS out and start being cooperative. It is the only answer to this. Otherwise it is going to just build to be much worse.

  36. EverStem13 says:

    I am going to give you all an example of the bullshit these people have done. I have already explained this one, but will reiterate.

    I was working at a job with a local contractor in my home town. After already encountering several previous weirdo stalker people, I was able to recognize a coworker as he was acting suspicious, following pattern with the others. He kept making subtle references as if he already knew me and/or things about me.

    When I went home, I complained to my father who was staying with me at the time. I was ranting and frustrated, pissed off about this stalker nonsense. I suggested getting a gun and killing him, but my father disagreed and suggested that a good beat-down was appropriate.

    I explained that he was a bit larger than me, and that I would need to be very quick or have a weapon of sorts. And I wasn’t concerned about ego or what was macho anyway, but simply eliminating a problem because dead people don’t stalk.

    A couple of days later, I was working when that same guy came in to ‘assist’ me. He asked me if I was going to beat him up or just shoot him. He was making an obvious reference to a conversation about him that he was not present for and had no business being aware of.

    I have a long list of names and associates and institutions and whatnot of many of these people who have been doing this. They have interrupted my life and stalked and harassed me for many years and I am absolutely sick and tired of it and ready to start killing people and wrecking shit as an act of defense. I have reached out in every way I can to ask for assistance or for civil honest communication. I have taken every reasonable and peaceful measure in dealing with this, to no avail.

    Is there anyone who would care to assist me in resolving this issue?

    • As I said, lay out your whole case – all of it, clearly. Put it together in a file and I’ll set up a burner email for you to sent it to me.

      If I believe you, I will help (if I can).

      If I do not believe you, however, you have to give therapy a shot.

      As Howie would say: Deal? Or no deal?

    • gmanfortruth says:

      Everstem, I have been reading along and can’t help but wonder why you have all of this clandestine spying on you going on? What makes you so special? With the amount of resources being used to monitor you, there has to be a good reason. What would that reason be?

      • It’s not just the enormous resources.

        EverStem’s nemesis has access to pre-cognition. Everything else could, I suppose, be done by the government or a sufficiently powerful private collective, but not that. That’s world-breaking power right there.

        In the face of knowledge of the future, there is exactly no way to fight back. None. So if EverStem is such a problem that they would go to such lengths, I do not see why they wouldn’t either simply eliminate him now (they have killed millions, what’s one more) or prevent his birth in the first place?

        He suggests he has more figured out than he has laid out publicly, and I’m willing to listen – perhaps things will be clearer then.

        • EverStem13 says:

          Time travel is indeed very relevant and the deep dark secret that is being hidden from the public. Somewhere at some time, with someone, it exists/will exist in some form, either physical or otherwise.

          I suspect it is the reason why all the physicists are being assassinated. It is to maintain a monopoly on it, to prevent it from being researched and/or discovered by others.

      • EverStem13 says:

        I cannot be sure, although it may have something to do with religion and that I make a very powerful tool of social manipulation because I am an extraordinarily close match to a bunch of religious stuff.

        It would explain a few things, like a bunch of religious people messing with me, not to mention the religious implications of whatever was going on when I was a fetus.

        There is a consistent pattern of religion in all of this. So my guess is that.

        The problem is that they won’t simply tell me what they are doing. If it turns out they tried to make me a Manchurian candidate or something, then they need to explain that. If it turns out that they are trying to determine if I am something of religious significance, then they need to tell me that. If they are babysitting me or something, they need to tell me that. If they are investigating me or something, they need to tell me that so I can help them.

        Whatever the hell they are doing, no matter how weird or screwed up or whatever, they need to cut the bullshit and start explaining themselves. Otherwise, the answer at this point is to start eliminating MF’ers and causing problems.

        I have tracked it to different groups, some of which I cannot dismiss the possibility of benevolent motives. But because I cannot distinguish them from the others, I must also consider them an equal threat.

        They REALLY need to make themselves clear and their motives apparent, …like now, as in years ago.

  37. EverStem13 says:

    O, and BTW, the snowflakes on the wall in the classroom scene….

    That’s a cryptic reference to this very thread and “Colonel Snowflake”.

  38. EverStem13 says:

    Just to be clear about something… I am equally worried about others in this.

    After going through a lot of hell, I realized that a big part of this has something to do with my friend and whatever was going on back then. When I realized it had something to do with her, I kind of flipped out, went digging, and have discovered a bunch of inconsistencies and peculiarities and anomalies that tell me something else happened.

    I am seeing things from a unique perspective because I was there for some of it. I remember. Something was going on. And I am very bothered by what may have really happened to her. It just doesn’t fit.

    I really liked her. Everyone did.

  39. EverStem,

    Just as a general concept: whenever you have a theory in need of testing, you shouldn’t check to see if it’s true. You should check to see if you can prove it false.

    I love this concept, and I thought I should take a moment to elaborate on it.

    I’m going to present you with a series of numbers which match a pattern in my head. Your job is to tell me the pattern.

    Ready? 1… 2… 3…

    Did you say “add 1”?

    Well, I’ll let you offer sequences and I’ll tell you if they’re a match or not.

    So you try 4… 5.. 6.. (yes)
    7.. 8… 9… (yes)
    -1… 0…. 1 (yes)
    0.5… 1.5… 2.5 (yes)

    Well that’s pretty convincing, you say. The pattern is add 1 at each step.


    Why? Well, you didn’t try to bust your theory, you tried to support your theory. You should have tried sequences that don’t fit.

    So you try 6… 5… 4 (yes)
    1… 3… 2… (yes)
    632424314… 23423412… . -12.. (yes)
    pi… e… -i… (yes)

    So now you might have a clearer idea of my pattern, right? “any three numbers”

    But did you try to bust that pattern?
    1…2…3…4.. (yes) (so maybe it’s not three numbers but any number of numbers)
    1… Colonel Snowflake… 3… (no) (so maybe it can’t contain people)
    1.. x… -7.. (no) (so maybe it can’t contain letters)

    Now a different pattern is starting to emerge. We think it’s probably numbers only, of any length.

    But even then, you can’t be sure. You only tests 4 numbers. Which if it’s 3 or 4 numbers, but not 5? You can never be sure.

    And did we really establish it can’t have non numbers, or did we establish only that it can’t have “x” or “colonel Snowflake” in it? You can never be sure.

    And, for that matter, did you try numbers over 10^10th? Maybe the pattern is for only numbers below that? You can never be sure.

    Ever. All you can do is keep testing, searching for, and trying to possible holes and trying to prove your theory false, not true. If you fail at proving it false despite all your best efforts, despite the efforts of disinterested 3rd parties, despite a healthy does of skepticism, then you can start to feel confident in your belief.

    That is how to be sure in your beliefs.


    If you want to prove that you’re right, you don’t find a person who will probably believe you. You want to find a person who probably won’t believe you, then you try to convince that person. If they come around, you can say your case is that much stronger. But convincing the person who was already likely to believe you proves nothing.

    It’s like going to a flat-Earth forum to debate your belief that the Earth is flat. NO. That doesn’t prove anything. That just gives you echo-chamber support for what you already want to hear. You go to the science blogs and debate with an astronaut who has seen it from space. If you can convince them, then you’re on to something.

    That, by the way, is why I spend so much time on SUFA amongst these denizens of the lunatic right. Because I want to argue with people who don’t (and won’t!) agree with me, not those who do.

    • EverStem13 says:

      I didn’t even read past the first couple paragraphs. I haven’t even got to the good parts yet. So far I’ve only pointed to the ambiguous stuff. …and you are already going at it.

      Lemme explain something… see this:

      Ὧδε ἡ σοφία ἐστίν· ὁ ἔχων νοῦν ψηφισάτω τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ θηρίου, ἀριθμὸς γὰρ ἀνθρώπου ἐστίν· καὶ ὁ ἀριθμὸς αὐτοῦ ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἕξ.

      It is an EXACT description of my identity. And when I say exact, I mean that it is, quite literally, multiple interwoven layers, forward and backward, inside and out, very specific and intricately, my full name and exact time/date of birth.

      While I am sure there are a lot of people who match, you will have one hell of a time finding someone who matches like myself. Any time I like, I can prove to the entirety of our species, that I am indeed one of the beasts of revelation.

      That’s a problem.

      First of all, that stuff means something completely different. But you can’t tell a lot of Christians that. While most Christians are moderate and would be reasonable, if even 1% of the 2 billion Christians in the world were to move against me, it is still the combined population of Chicago, Atlanta, and Los Angeles.

      That’s a problem. Ever heard of Larry Flint? What do you think they will do to me?

      Secondly, it is the key code to the rest of The Bible, which happens to also be a synonym for my name. Same pattern, same numbers, same name and meanings, etc etc etc…

      First name: כי־ילד ילד־לנו בן נתן־לנו ותהי המשרה על־שכמו ויקרא שמו פלא יועץ אל גבור אביעד שר־שלום׃

      Last name: ויצא חטר מגזע ישי ונצר משרשיו יפרה׃

      This is a problem. Because I am not a messiah. I am just a POS nobody. And Christians will not take well to what I have discovered. Whatever it means, it ain’t what they think.

      Go tell a Christian that it isn’t what they think. You’ll be fiercely rejected. Prove it to all of them and all hell breaks loose.

      Now consider the cause/effect chain of events and possibilities based on that alone. Further consider that I am looking a lot more above and beyond that. …all the same numbers, patterns, and my full name/birth.

      You see, that is where it starts. In order to ‘prove’ the rest, I have to start there. I really do have the power to unleash hell on earth as a matter of my birthright. I am not kidding. It’s kind of stressful, and I would rather have nothing to do with it, with the exception of maybe using it to help a few people out.

      Christians scare the hell out of me. Especially considering a network of them have been following me around, …probably the work of two beautiful women whom I have always thought very highly of.


      It is a fuct situation for sure. I haven’t even begun to explain it. You have no idea.

      …or do you?

      • EverStem13 says:


        Re: Logic and Skepticism

        If I were to present what I am telling you about, it would eventually send people digging through ancient texts and history records, trying to discern which is legit or what is what, etc…

        (I have already done this to a degree. Did you study the letter Ayin as I suggested? Start with Egypt and understand the entire scope and history of it. O)

        The end result, I suspect, is a change in perspective and attitude in how we view religion.

        Don’t get me started on the dynamics and relationship between Abrahamic religions. That in and of itself is a great big mess.

        You think they’re pissed now?

        • EverStem13 says:

          Something else…

          My whole perspective and position of this can be stated by a big question mark. I am still trying to figure it all out. It means something. I dunno what exactly, and I’m not comfortable making claims. But I see what I do, and it means something.

          I know I don’t like it. I know I am tired of being fuct with. I know I have done nothing to the people fuking with me. I know I would rather be elsewhere doing something else, …like in the middle of isolated nowhere in the mountains at a low enough elevation to farm, minding my business having a family.

          I don’t see that happening for a number of reasons. Thus life is basically negated as far as I am concerned. That’s why I am not afraid to die. It makes no difference.

          What is the value of life?

  40. “That, by the way, is why I spend so much time on SUFA amongst these denizens of the lunatic right. Because I want to argue with people who don’t (and won’t!) agree with me, not those who do.”

    There is one flaw in your position, as I see it. The left sites that I have visited and tried to engage in dialogue are indeed the echo chambers you talk about. YOu get banned from the site. I have been banned from Huffpo, Daily KOS, NPR, The Atlantic, CNN, and Think Progress. I use the same moniker that I do here and that is D13thecolonel….I am always asked if my moniker is a true statement, meaning am I really a Colonel, and when I answer in the affirmative….that is the end of it. Then when I try to post….nothing.

    So, where is the reason?

    • Well, clearly, it’s a conspiracy!

      For what it’s worth, I’ve never been banned but SUFA is the only right-wing blog I actively engage on. (good thing, too, given how much time you lunatics take up). I have tried to engage other right-leaning blogs before SUFA, but my experience has been that, as soon as they find out you’re a liberal, they dismiss you as an unamerican unpatriotic stupid elitist sheep. I’ve never been banned, but I’ve never found that I could hold any opposing viewpoint without a host of sarcastic-to-vicious ad hominem attacks. Almost no one ever discusses the merits – they just want to tear me down.

      Seems to me that both sides suck in their own special ways.

  41. I have asked this question before…..I will ask again because the left wingers are crying Trump is going to get us into a war. So here is the question…if anyone actually believes this, please answer.

    How would you handle North Korea. Do you just let it keep going like it is? Or do you follow trump’s lead and get China to lend a hand as they are doing. Do you use trade, as Trump is doing, to get China to the table. Seems to me that this is a procedure that is working.

    Keep in mind that North Korea has used nuclear development for decades to black mail the world into supplying them with food and medicines and such….so they can plow all their limited money into nuclear research. This has been going on through countless administrations and everyone backs off this petty dicatorship of a country. When is it time to stand up and say stop it or we will.

    I do not think that you can use the “hands off it is not our problem approach” because it hasnot worked. And, I personally feel, that the minute North Korea does get the technology, it will be used immediately. I do not think that aby deterrnet will work and I am not willing to sit by until they fire one and say see, I told you so.

    So, I will give you my idea. I have always been in favor of pre-emptive strikes when a military nemises is on the horizon. Allow me to be very clear….Syria is not a nemesis. The ME is not a nemesis. Afghanistan is not a nemesis. These cold/hot war remnants of the 60’s are not a nemesis. Russia is not a nemesis and neither is China. HOWEVER, North Korea and Iran are such.

    So, in keeping with North Korea, it is still a war zone from the 50’s. No peace, just a cease fire and the lines are still drawn. In the event that China cannot stop the North Korean’s, I would pre-emptively strike the following targets. (1) Every single known nuclear testing site, launch facility, and heavy water producing station. (2) the only two deep water submarine bases they have and the subs that are not there, hit them wherever they are ( we know every single minute where they are ), (3) take out the DMZ for 15 km deep and that would render 90% of their FROGS, SCUDS, and 50,000 artillery pieces in operative. You do that with saturation bombing, cruise technology, and artillery strikes. The Koreans do NOT have laser weaponry technology, (4) take out their air defense system as it is terribly outdated. (5) take out every single bridge and electric grid and water station along the DMZ for 15 km( there are not very many of them anyway )…that is all. Items 1,2,3,4 can be done in 12 minutes. Item 5 is a follow up two hours later.

    Then, blockade every single harbor and stop every single ship and inspect it. If carrying arms, disembark the crew and sink the ship.

    All of this can be done within 1 single hour. You ask how? Very simple, pre-position everything before hand and let them see you do it. Perhaps that very deterrent would stop things but if not, pull the trigger.

    • How would you handle North Korea

      As someone who is in no way a military expert, I’ll offer my initial opinions.

      I do not think that you can use the “hands off it is not our problem approach” because it hasnot worked.

      I agree. “Soft power” doesn’t work on them. So what does that leave? Oh yes, “hard power.”

      Step 0: Get whatever Congressional authorization may be necessary. Do nothing. Wait a little while until everyone lets their guard down.

      Step 1A: Assassinate Kim. Don’t be subtle about it. Sniper bullet to the head should do fine.
      Step 1B: Simultaneously, send in a force to liberate prison camps. These are on par with the Holocaust, and our failure to act is abhorrent. Document and expose all details to the global public. If you wait a week for the PR to set in, Israel will open its doors and accept all the prisoners. Ship them to Israel.
      Step 1C: Simultaneously, seize / destroy anything nuclear related. No need to use a soft-touch here. Enthusiastic overkill is just fine. When in doubt, C4.
      Step 1D: Simultaneously, destroy anything / everything military related. Ideally, it would be nice if they didn’t get a shot off at S. Korea during this time.

      Step 2A: Inform China.
      Step 2B: Make damned certain that nothing enters the DMZ and lives to tell about it.
      Step 2C: Open an extremely well fortified American embassy in the heard of Pyongyang. Give out free, unlimited food to everyone who shows up at the door. Give chocolate bars to the kids. Shoot anyone who needs shooting.

      Step 3: Sit back and see who comes to power next.

      Step 4: If the next guy is an asshole, go back to step 1A as many times as needed or until you run out of bullets.

      Step 5: If the next guy is tolerable, work with him and with China to support as peaceful of a society as possible. It doesn’t have to be a Western Democracy or reunite with S. Korea, but it does have to be stable and peaceful. I don’t give a shit if it’s pro-China or even if China just straight up annexes it. Just as long as they’re not building concentration camps and nukes while repeating a smaller-scale Holocaust. The beauty here is that it’s on China’s doorstep, so they’re the ones who are going to have to do the heavy lifting of nation building. We can make a mess and they’ll have to clean it up. Serves them right.

      In the event that China cannot stop the North Korean’s,

      China has already demonstrated that it is either unwilling or unable to stop the N. Koreans.

      Either way, screw ’em. It’s our show now.

      I would pre-emptively strike the following targets. (1) Every single known nuclear testing site, launch facility, and heavy water producing station. (2) the only two deep water submarine bases they have and the subs that are not there, hit them wherever they are ( we know every single minute where they are ), (3) take out the DMZ for 15 km deep and that would render 90% of their FROGS, SCUDS, and 50,000 artillery pieces in operative. You do that with saturation bombing, cruise technology, and artillery strikes. The Koreans do NOT have laser weaponry technology, (4) take out their air defense system as it is terribly outdated. (5) take out every single bridge and electric grid and water station along the DMZ for 15 km( there are not very many of them anyway )…that is all. Items 1,2,3,4 can be done in 12 minutes. Item 5 is a follow up two hours later.

      Looks like we might have some minor tactical differences, but the upshot is pretty close.

      Then, blockade every single harbor and stop every single ship and inspect it. If carrying arms, disembark the crew and sink the ship.

      That’s a pretty big commitment, but I could be persuaded.

      All of this can be done within 1 single hour. You ask how? Very simple, pre-position everything before hand and let them see you do it. Perhaps that very deterrent would stop things but if not, pull the trigger.

      I prefer to blindside them, personally. Especially since my plan centers around turning Kim’s head into a canoe, and I don’t want to have to dig him out of a spider hole.

      But, yes, everything happens at once. It might be extremely difficult (if not impossible) to achieve, but again, those are nuances – you and I are on the same general page.

    • (2nd attempt – spam filtered)


      How would you handle North Korea

      As someone who is in no way a military expert, I’ll offer my initial opinions.

      I do not think that you can use the “hands off it is not our problem approach” because it hasnot worked.

      I agree. “Soft power” doesn’t work on them. So what does that leave? Oh yes, “hard power.”

      Step 0: Get whatever Congressional authorization may be necessary. Do nothing. Wait a little while until everyone lets their guard down.

      Step 1A: Assassinate Kim. Don’t be subtle about it. Sniper bullet to the head should do fine.
      Step 1B: Simultaneously, send in a force to liberate prison camps. These are on par with the Holocaust, and our failure to act is abhorrent. Document and expose all details to the global public. If you wait a week for the PR to set in, Israel will open its doors and accept all the prisoners. Ship them to Israel.
      Step 1C: Simultaneously, seize / destroy anything nuclear related. No need to use a soft-touch here. Enthusiastic overkill is just fine. When in doubt, C4.
      Step 1D: Simultaneously, destroy anything / everything military related. Ideally, it would be nice if they didn’t get a shot off at S. Korea during this time.

      Step 2A: Inform China.
      Step 2B: Make damned certain that nothing enters the DMZ and lives to tell about it.
      Step 2C: Open an extremely well fortified American embassy in the heard of Pyongyang. Give out free, unlimited food to everyone who shows up at the door. Give chocolate bars to the kids. Shoot anyone who needs shooting.

      Step 3: Sit back and see who comes to power next.

      Step 4: If the next guy is an asshole, go back to step 1A as many times as needed or until you run out of bullets.

      Step 5: If the next guy is tolerable, work with him and with China to support as peaceful of a society as possible. It doesn’t have to be a Western Democracy or reunite with S. Korea, but it does have to be stable and peaceful. I don’t give a shit if it’s pro-China or even if China just straight up annexes it. Just as long as they’re not building concentration camps and nukes while repeating a smaller-scale Holocaust. The beauty here is that it’s on China’s doorstep, so they’re the ones who are going to have to do the heavy lifting of nation building. We can make a mess and they’ll have to clean it up. Serves them right.

      In the event that China cannot stop the North Korean’s,

      China has already demonstrated that it is either unwilling or unable to stop the N. Koreans.

      Either way, screw ’em. It’s our show now.

      I would pre-emptively strike the following targets. (1) Every single known nuclear testing site, launch facility, and heavy water producing station. (2) the only two deep water submarine bases they have and the subs that are not there, hit them wherever they are ( we know every single minute where they are ), (3) take out the DMZ for 15 km deep and that would render 90% of their FROGS, SCUDS, and 50,000 artillery pieces in operative. You do that with saturation bombing, cruise technology, and artillery strikes. The Koreans do NOT have laser weaponry technology, (4) take out their air defense system as it is terribly outdated. (5) take out every single bridge and electric grid and water station along the DMZ for 15 km( there are not very many of them anyway )…that is all. Items 1,2,3,4 can be done in 12 minutes. Item 5 is a follow up two hours later.

      Looks like we might have some minor tactical differences, but the upshot is pretty close.

      Then, blockade every single harbor and stop every single ship and inspect it. If carrying arms, disembark the crew and sink the ship.

      That’s a pretty big commitment, but I could be persuaded.

      All of this can be done within 1 single hour. You ask how? Very simple, pre-position everything before hand and let them see you do it. Perhaps that very deterrent would stop things but if not, pull the trigger.

      I prefer to blindside them, personally. Especially since my plan centers around turning Kim’s head into a canoe, and I don’t want to have to dig him out of a spider hole.

      But, yes, everything happens at once. It might be extremely difficult (if not impossible) to achieve, but again, those are nuances – you and I are on the same general page.

    • Just A Citizen says:

      D13, Mathius

      I would like to remind you both at this point that if we go down the road of “pre-emptive” strikes we give the moral authority to others to do the same. Thus Russia can strike whomever they want under the claim of “protecting themselves from a known adversary”.

      I thought we all learned this lesson after Bush II took on Iraq.

      • We did, sir, we did…..however, you now have a regime that is a threat to society and society does not want to deal with them….what do you do?

        You do not think for a minute, that WHEN Iran gets the big one, they will not launch against Israel? I do and I think no one will care.

        • Dale A. Albrecht says:

          “WHEN Iran gets the big one, they will not launch against Israel? I do and I think no one will care”.

          I personally DO NOT think Iran will use a nuclear device against Israel……..they have gotten with other means on the border or Israel with other military forces. Assad wins or loses Iran is there period ……all of this with our enablement….., fulfilling the Ayatolla’s plan as layed in the summer of ’79…..To sum up his interview when the question was asked about the US intervening on Israel’s behalf, he flat out answered the US “WILL NOT” intervene…..He did not elaborate.

          But subsequent actions were, we allowed the Shah into the US for medical treatment after the direct threat to do something to any country if they did.

          Iran started border incursions with Iraq, and calling for a revolt of the Shite muslims in Iraq to overthrow Saddam, the newly minted President of Iraq.

          Call to Marines to volunteer for Embassy duty in Tehran, with the caveat that it was NOT to be defended if attacked….in the summer of ’79 the official embassy was closed and business was conducted through another embassy.

          The embassy is re-established and almost immediately was taken and the hostage crisis began.

          Iran pushes Iraq to far and Iraq pulls the trigger officially starting the Iran Iraq war.

          Iraq is an ally of Russia and we continue supplying arms to Iran even though all verbal and political rhetoric is that they are our greatest enemy.

          The emirates and the saudi’s fund Saddam to fight the war and keep their skirts clean, while Iran keeps railing for the people to overthrow the monarchies.

          war ends in a stalemate with Iraq the more or less stronger on standing.

          Emirates and the Saudi’s call in the debt to Saddam and he is pissed off and seizes Kuwait. We intervene and ultimately Saddam is taken out. W expected it back in ’91 but the UN mandate didn’t allow it. WE had to wait for another opportunity.

          Even though our military took out Saddam in weeks, it took a lot of political screw-ups and direct actions to hand control of Iraq to Iran….step one of the Ayatollas plan.

          Next came Assad…….not a nice guy but was of NO direct threat, he had learned his lessons with occassional thrashings at the hand of Israel. As had Gaddafi, as had Eygpt. WE the US proceeded to attempt to hand all those countries to forces that have sworn to destroy Israel…ie the Islamic Brotherhood, ISIS, etc. They succeeded in Libya, handed Yemen to radicals, effectively shutting off the exit of the Red Sea.

          If Eygpt had fallen as planned Iran and every force hostile to Israel would have had immediate and physical contact…….that failed when the Army stood firm and took out that radical government….FYI, for those that missed it…Mubarrak has been found INNOCENT, even as hard as Obama, Clinton and Kerry painted him as the spawn from hell and must go…..as that failed they had to switch plans and take out Assad……same scenario. Libya came 2nd as a conduit of arms by alleged “rebels’ in Benghazi, which Gaddafi seriously objected to…..we all know that outcome.

          Overall the main winner in all cases has been Iran, with the nuclear deal, infusions of billions of dollars of cash, sanctions lifted….regardless of how Syria turns out Iran is the overall winner there…….we lambast Russia for supporting Assad, yet say little about Iran, because they are supporting BOTH sides in the conflict…..through Hezbolla they control Lebanon and most assuredly control the Palestinian Authority, which has NEVER given an inch, yet Israel in compelled through the US to back up. Carter and Clinton most notible.

          Bottom line is that even with Trump in supposed control of US foreign policy, there may be a delay in the ultimate outcome of Israel, but Israel will still be blamed for their own demise…..and the world will step back and not care one blessed iota and cry crocadile tears…….then the sights are set on Western Europe, as they have been since the days of Xerxes and the stage is set with the millions of “Migrants”

      • JAC,

        You’re not wrong.

        But sometimes, well, sometimes you have to break out the big stick and thump some skulls.

        Even if it weren’t for the nukes (or, in the case of Iraq, “weapons of mass destruction related programs”), N. Korea has concentration camps housing more than 120,000 people in gulags comparable to anything the Nazis ever did. They’re a hostile and belligerent foreign power who have, as the good colonel point out, used nuclear weapons as a bartering chip (in bad faith, I might add) for decades. All the while, the people are starving and live in a country-wide cult.

        All that is to say, even if it weren’t for a “self defense” angle, Mathius would be just fine with someone putting the asshole down. As they say, some people just need shooting.

        Beyond that, sometimes you need to remind your more powerful enemies “friends” (read: China / Russia) that you’re not above throwing the occasional elbow if needed.


        But beyond all that, I’d turn the question around on you. What would you do President JAC?

        • Just A Citizen says:


          Give the So. Koreans and Japanese NUKES. OH, and the Taiwanese, South Vietnamese, Thais, Laotians, and Somoans. I would give them to Tibet but the Chinese would just steal them.

          Let them sort it all out.

          OK…… I will try to be serious. I am not saying your ideas are wrong in the world we live in, which is not the one I prefer. I am saying a little ground work needs to be done first, to prevent the dilemma of unintended consequences biting us in the backside.

          I would not assassinate the North Korean leader. Eliminate his military strike capability, including his ability to defend the nation. Then do the humanitarian stuff you suggested. BUT, be ready for massive public opposition and potentially suicide missions against our people. The N. Korean people have been brainwashed to a far greater extent than even the Japanese citizens. Don’t be surprised it they do not eat the food you provide. Maybe give food with China/USA labels on the boxes. Allow China to look like the hero but tie China and the US together on the humanitarian effort. Then call Putin out for sitting around and not helping.

          Interesting interview I saw last night. A long time diplomat and student of North Korean/Chinese situation said Trump did something that will change the game going forward. China has used N. Korea for decades to get “trade” concessions from the US. They knew it, N. Korea knew it and we kept it quiet. But Trump announced to the world he would link Trade and China’s attitude toward N. Korea. It is now out in the open and this changes how China will have to react. In short, they cannot as easily keep playing the game because the “deal” will be in the daylight. It was an very interesting take on the whole thing.

  42. Just A Citizen says:


    I approved your two comments that went to spam. Gman mentioned your email address.

    You said there was no Cap letter in your URL. Yet both spammed comments had your email address with the capital letter.

    Try logging onto SUFA, Word Press, with a new identity and email, dropping the Capital “G”.

    Most spam in the past has contained email addresses that don’t fit the usual standard ones. So this just might be the problem. I would have expected Word Press to resolve it since we keep approving your comments.

    Do you log off SUFA periodically during the day or during the week? That could be an issue as well. Sometimes when I got logged off my first comments after logging on were sent to spam.

    • It does not seem to matter whether I have the capital as I have tried it with and without.

      I log off frequently. I only ever browse the internet in Incognito mode, so I have to log in every time I close the tab. I also have to log out / log in if I were to ever post under a different name (not that I would ever do such a thing).

      The result is that I’m frequently submitting my “first post after logging in,” which seems to be the main issue. Thus why I have taken to copying my posts and just resubmitting – and why they tend to work the second time. I’m not sure there is anything we can do about this. I have tried logging in before submitting, etc, but no iteration seems to fix the issue. I fear it is just something I’m going to have to learn to live with.

      I don’t know what controls WordPress has offered you, but I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a way to whitelist comment authors. C’est la vie.

      Still, I blame G-man. I just know he’s behind this somehow.

      • Ok….Let’s all blame G Man….just for the hell of it. He needs a little excitement.

        • gmanfortruth says:

          Well ain’t that special. It would hurt my feelings if I were a snowflake and I’d have to go find a safe space and play with dolls. Phew……good thing my feelings ain’t hurt 😀

          • canineweapon says:

            • Ok….here is my heart felt apology. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………!

            • gmanfortruth says:

              ROFLMAO!!!!!! 😀

          • Damn…….I guess I cant stay Colonel Snowflake…..all I have to play with is guns, knives, and bullets…..raptors…..grenades….chain guns….cannons…..my wife.

  43. Just A Citizen says:

    I discovered a new theory of criminal activity this morning. It was used by an author at Am. Thinker. I believe he misused it but that is not the point. The point is the theory itself. Here is a wiki summary:


    Very interesting and I think very probably correct.

    • Very interesting, indeed.

    • Dale A. Albrecht says:

      In “de Toqueville’s” writings in 1835 he warned of the “criminalization” of normal human activity and interaction…….just pass another law…..since activist government really took hold in the late 60’s and 70’s we have seen an explosion of laws to control human behavior so to get a preordained outcome as deemed good by the powers in charge. For our entire history we had a ratio of about 1.1 lawyers / 1000….except since 1970 we have seen an almost quintupling of the ratio…..did we all of a sudden become less law abiding? I don’t think so, there just became more laws in place the served as a “GOTCHA” to modify behavior for the alleged greater good and benefit of society.

  44. Just A Citizen says:
    • A) Never thought I’d see a HuffPo from you..
      B) I think Thomas is terrible but..
      C) Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

      Once your conviction is overturned, a refund should be automatic and nearly immediate as is practicably possible.

      FURTHER, you should be paid interest on that money. It was, after all, a forced loan to the government.

      FURTHER, if you can prove damages as a result of being short funds because the government was holding onto your money (eg, you got charged late fees because Uncle Sam improperly had your money), you should be made whole.

      D) I don’t know what Ginsburg meant by “minimal procedures,” so it’s possible it’s just a half-page form asking where you want your money sent. I don’t see anything wrong with that, necessarily. I guess, for me, the litmus test I would impose is: Is the “minimal procedure” truly what is base-level reasonable for a large organization need in order to refund you AND is the obligation non-burdensome (can you fill it out in a few minutes without having to review your records, for example).

      So she’s not necessarily WRONG, but Thomas was RIGHT.

  45. EverStem13 says:


    Here is something for you to consider…

    What’s with the hidden/missing pages of the Samaritan Pentateuch? Why THOSE particular pages?

    Why is the symbol for the letter Ayin different within the Hebrew and Aramaic from the rest of the other languages?


    • Buddy, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

      I spent a great deal of time reading the old testament.. but I read it in English. I didn’t have the time or energy to learn Hebrew, let alone Samaritan.

      If pages are missing, it’s probably because the book is very, very old, and some ancient priest tore them out after spilling grog on them.

      Ayin, like all letters is just a placeholder for a sound. Languages are flowing and changing, they merge and split. As recently as the Civil War, English used to have several letters it no longer has. Go back further and you’ll find regional dialects with minor alphabetic differences and major ones, too.

      Why is Ayin different in Hebrew / Aramaic from the rest of the other languages? Because that’s how they wrote the symbol at the time. Do you have a different answer?

  46. EverStem13 says:


    Here is another one for you…

    Go read what is known as the Essene’s “War Scroll”, part of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Note the differences and similarities between it and the book of Revelation, with special attention to Revelation 13.

    Also note the time line between the Essenes and John at Patmos, as well as the languages/alphabet of the texts themselves.

    • Something about Revelations has always bugged me.

      The beast has 7 heads, right? But 10 crowns.

      So, like, how are they distributed? Do three heads get 2 and four heads get 1 each? Do they take turns for which head gets to wear the extra crowns? Does one head get 4? Is he the head in charge? How do multiple crowns fit on one head? Are they stacked or side-by-side somehow? Maybe one in front and one in back? Or nested like matrioshka dolls? It’s a beast with bear feet, so presumably it doesn’t have hands.. with all the invading from the sea and having loose extra crowns means they’re probably dropping them all the time.. how does it pick them up and put them back on?


      • So I had extra crowns…….i sold them extras in case one or two got broken…ok?

      • EverStem13 says:

        There are about a bazillion layers of stuff in the bible. You can get lost in there real quick-like.

        A lot of that above is probably astrology, as the words correspond to the planets/gods compass, etc.

        A lot of revelation is metaphorical or allegorical for spiritualism too, as are a lot of other religious texts. It is apparent with phrases like ‘many antichrists in the world’, meaning those who cannot find or reject the christ consciousness or ability/interest to ascend spiritually.

        There are probably a few million people who actually fit “the beast” in any given generation. The question is of how well.

        That is where my issue is. I am an exceptional fit. I’m nobody. I get that. And there is probably someone out there as good a fit or better than me. But that doesn’t change the potential to start a fire with it. …more so because of all that is attached and the implications thereof.

  47. EverStem13 says:

    So what is up the control freak’s butt today?

    Is it me, or did one of my posts disappear?

    Scared of numbers or something?

    • gmanfortruth says:

      Who are you speaking of? I’ve been away all day.

      • EverStem13 says:

        I thought I posted an explanation of a few possibilities of different people as being “the beast”.

        Names include Yeshai, Isaiah, and an indication of a possible text change from Yeshua.

        Rev. 13:18 ‘is’ giving clues to a number set that corresponds with other parts of the bible. When you decipher it, it spells a loose interpretation of Yeshai or Isaiah, but fits Yeshua better with the exception of 1 letter, as if it has been changed or lost in translation or something.