The Argument For Action…

The other day, a couple of you offered up the thought that “the time for talk is over. The time for action is now.” I took the time to address it on a very minimal level, with the promise of dedicating a post to it tonight. So I am going to talk about what we are doing here. I am also going to discuss what other folks are doing and my thoughts on that. And most important, I am going to discuss a bit of the “doomsday” feeling that I see from some of the folks here, and why I think it is a little bit of an overreaction. There is a potential for trouble, for sure. But the political reality in America is akin to blaming Iran for acquiring a nuclear weapon instead of acknowledging that we wouldn’t have to care if we hadn’t done things to make them hate us in the first place. The problem lies in the system, not the Democrats. I will lead with the increasing feeling that doomsday is just around the corner…
Why Action Must Be Wise Rather Than Fast

Building a Foundation For Resurrecting America Part IV

Philosophy CursiveAnd back to the philosophy we go. This series is going to jump around a bit. We took a couple of days off and dealt with some other topics. But now we are back to it. We have now begun to understand why philosophy is important and gotten a grasp on some of the terminology and thought processes as they apply. Now we will get a chance to see some of that philosophy applied to the founders. We often are taught to believe that the founders were infallible geniuses who we just had the good fortune to have around when we needed to form a country. Not so. They were merely men who did the best they could with what they had…
Time To Get the Brain Back in Gear