I have been so wrapped up in other things these past couple years I missed a major event in the political world. I have wondered many times this past couple years why I have not seen Michelle Malkin commentary on the internet or TV. It was because she retired in 2022, and I completely missed it.

Here is a link to another person talking about her and the impact she had.

And here is the link to her last piece, bidding us all farewell.

She was a bright light in the dense fog of the political world, including the punditry claiming to be on the right or left. I miss her opinions, her solid investigative journalism, and even more, her sheer presence. Among other issues, she was the ONLY person who was revealing the true nature of what was going on at our southern border long before Mr. Trump came on the scene.

Michelle, I am sorry I missed your announcement, I miss you, and may God Bless you and your family.

Now back to our regular scheduled programming. Sorry I forgot to post a new article before the Gods of the Internet closed down comments. This piece should allow is to get up and going again.

Thanks for indulging me and putting up with my tardiness. JAC


  1. Just A Citizen says:

    Take that Mr. Biden and the DNC. Put it in your pipe and smoke it.

  2. Just A Citizen says:

    Note to RNC and Conservative pundits. Stop making a mountain out of nothing. I refer here to Mr. Biden’s comment about a “come to Jesus meeting” with the leader of Israel.

    This phrase is commonly used in my part of the world and it means, “we are going to have a serious talk about reality and your part in it.” Often used to describe the discussion with someone that will in essence be a lecture or “good ol’ ass chewing”.

    Note that the pundits haven’t focused on the fact that Mr. Biden has no business chewing out the leader of Israel, but that he used “Jesus” when talking about a “Jewish” leader. STUPID

    • As long as the United States supplies the Apartheid, ZioNazi, State of Israel, it has EVERY RIGHT IN THE WORLD to make demands on a) how the money and/or military hardware and bombs are used … and the right to cut if off.

      Now, your psychotic party and Biden’s psychotic party (warmongers both) have no problem with dark people being slaughtered because they’re both racist and completely married to both AIPAC and the military industrial complex. Who the “F” (see that JAC?) is ISRAEL to receive so much aid from U.S. taxpayers and then to thumb their noses at us? They have universal healthcare and free education. We don’t.

      It’s all a big joke and I’m more than happy to see the US&A and Israel become the two pariah nation states in the world. Good. I hope they one day nuke each other.

  3. S Kent Troy says:

    Sad to see her putting down the pen. I too enjoyed her. I had figured they had either spirited her off to Gitmo or just “disappeared” her

  4. Well, somebody, somewhere must be reading my stuff or is channeling me. Twice this past week I have heard conservative pundits refer to our current government as an “oligarchy”. Then, surprise of surprises the other night, in Trump’s Georgia speech, he correctly called out the government as “fascist”.

  5. Crazy WordPress for the last couple days. What I’ve been seeing is no reply button and nowhere to even make a new comment. Like if you go back in the archives where you can’t reply to old comments. As I clicked on SUFA just now, the last page popped up. I refreshed twice just to see if I could reply or comment. On the second refresh, here’s a new page. Alrighty then.

    In other news less depressing…How about Caitlin Clark!? I can’t get enough of her. What a boost for women’s college basketball and maybe a boost in the coming years for the WNBA. I’ve never watched a second of women’s ball until I started seeing clips of her last year. I notice a big attitude difference between the corn fed women and the southern fried women…cough, cough.

  6. Okay, sorry JAC, didn’t read the main article before I posted. Explains everything.

  7. S Kent Troy says:

    Watched a report last week that the largest illegal weed growing operations in Cali are on Chinese owned land. This also explains just why we see so many young Chinese jumping the border.

    • The Asians rented or bought houses in Sacramento (cheaper here than in SF) and turned them into grow houses before we had legal weed. The regulations around growing pot are so voluminous that it is still grown illegally here but just does not make the news.

  8. New cottage industry springing up…….people with extra land are being approached to house migrants in temporary shelters with the government paying for the improvements and 2,000 per month rentals. Interesting…, if I have a couple 100 acres that is doing nothing, the government will use taxpayer money to put in roads and septic tanks, drill water wells, and erect tiny homes and pay me 2,000 per month in rental costs… well as $125,000 per year administrative salary……………..where is the down side?

    • How many units per acre? Do you have to manage the units like any landlord? When empty, do you still get paid? Who cleans up the site when the government leaves? Are these permanent housing structures they will be installing? Again, who owns them when this is over? How much crime will be imported? I have seen homes here turn into junk yards with cars, appliances, etc. scattered all over the property. Can you easily kick out trouble makers? What happens to your property taxes? Will the roads be paved or just gravel? What happens when the administration changes and the illegal immigration stops? Where are these people going to find jobs in rural areas and how are they going to get to work?

      I would have lots of questions. Sounds like a rural slum in the making.

      • S Kent Troy says:

        I would assume that the government would take full responsibility. Back when we did something like this in NYC, net leasing rehabbed apartment buildings for the “hopeless”, We did everything.

      • T Ray….please….when you are logical it makes progressive heads implode. From what I have read, like New York and Colorado, they are asking private citizens to open their homes or business’ to house illegal…Yes, I said it, ILLEGAL immigrants to help alleviate the housing crises….ohm sorry, they say that there is no crises…so …ummm.. housing debacle.

        I have seen no rules or such as yet except if you take them into your home, the government will give you up to $2,000 per month.

        • I was just thinking (no, I do not have a license to think) …..but I was thinking, that a cottage industry is begging to be created and the Dems (although in the past they have been against cottage industry) and they will throw copious amounts of money at it. So, it would be a net industry. The government will pay all costs up front to ready the “settlement” and then pay you $2000 per month rent plus $125,000 per year for administrative fee. So, in addition to rent, you would bill the government for all operating expenses. In Texas, since the tiny homes would be on agriculture land, there would be no increase in property taxes. I would think that the government would also be responsible for security at tax payer expense. I foresee gated communities, like the old Japaneses internment camps, of WW2.

          Our government, in opening the borders, has already created a slave labor issue because the “undocumented newcomers” (ie: illegals) will work for peanuts because…..they are undocumented. I can speak to this personally as I have an Automotive repair facility in Granbury, Texas. My manager tells me that he can get qualified master mechanics for $12 to $15 bucks an hour. All you have to do is purchase a translator for $700 and “go to town”. We can hire general service personnel for $75 per day plus the lunch meal. So, how many people will jump on that? Alas, I do not but large firms like Ford and BMW have done that in my area. They let the high priced talent go…and bring in the much lower wages with no benefits.

          Some of these illegal immigrants are very talented…..most are not…but some are…..and the ones that are…fly under the radar.

      • Another “wrinkle”. When the Section 8 program expanded, a number of folks bought small homes in my area and rented them out to large families with Section 8 certificates. With the right purchase price it can be a money maker. Now, it has taken Section 8 nearly 40 years to get it “right” in the sense that they now are very strict on maintenance and will cut the subsidy immediately if the property is allowed to deteriorate. This new “migrant housing” program would have to go through the same birthing pains.

        Then of course there is the unscrupulous real estate investor and realtor who just might load up a Cape Cod with a “family” with nine kids and wait for the neighbors to plant the For Sale signs on their lawns then scoop them up for a song and repeat the process. In the olden days we called this “blockbusting”. Most suburban municipalities have bupkis in the way of Code Enforcement and worse in the form of enforcement. By the time they catch on it would be too late.

        • Yes, this apparently by-passes section 8 and is not a government project. It appears that the government wants to make housing a private concern with taxpayer dollars……making new slum lords. AND, you know the government will not send people to check on the new “slum” lords because it is not a government project.

  9. As difficult as it is for me, a non-interventionist to say this. the only solution for Haiti is to resurrect Lt. General Smedley Butler and send in the USMC. The ONLY times in the history of that poor disaster area that it has been run properly was when the US Marines ran it.

    • What is amazing is the difference between Haiti and the DR which shares the island. Haiti has been a mess for over a century.

      • Well, since Haiti is a sovereign nation….I checked my “Give o Shit” meter and it does not register. i see no reason to are what happens to Haiti.

        • Sorry….care what happens.

        • S Kent Troy says:

          Only problem is the 4.2 million Haitians who will become permanent party in the US! I guess I kinda believe that the dems are looking to bolster their “numbers” for congressional purposes, NYC has a huge Haitian population now. What they are NOT looking at is the crime that is coming. people thought teh Mafia was bad in the 20th century. When these ethnic groups start warring with each other it will be a bloodbath. The out-of-control Palestinian protestors are a foretaste of what’s coming!

          If Trump gets elected he would be wise, on day one to do something that will trigger court cases on the “rights” of illegals and let SCOTUS determine which way the next twenty years will turn out.

  10. Just A Citizen says:

    The “BEAST” has a very long memory and is filled with the need for revenge.

    Evidence? Watch how they are still trying to destroy the Surgeon General of Florida. You think this is about measles? No way. This is about how he undermined their Covid narrative. They will never forget nor stop trying to destroy him and everyone like him.

  11. How are you LUNATICS doing with the GENOCIDE? Still fully support it? Tonight on the way home one of your heroes, Mark Levin, was calling Biden an anti-Semite. The lies that guy spews every day on his “show” makes for good entertainment. Biden couldn’t milk Netanyahu’s balls anymore without becoming permanently attached. 🙂

    • Just how many on here do you think support Israel?

      • S Kent Troy says:

        Perhaps my reasoning is somewhat flawed and certainly biased but having grown up in a neighborhood, a dense NYC neighborhood where at least 40% of the population was Jewish my perspective is different than most.

        In that neighborhood, somewhere around half that population all wore a numbered tattoo on their forearms. As a kid I never understood it but as a teen I learned. They never talked about the camps or the families they lost. They were a stalwart people. A few of my neighbors in surrounding apartments did talk about their flight before the war from Austria and Germany, My boss, and neighbor in those years, a German Jew, had escaped as a teen and somehow managed to get his parents and handicapped younger brother out before the doors shut. I heard his story through my Dad who was a friend of his. Those stories have stuck.

        When the movie “Exodus” arrived at our local 3,000 seat Loew’s theater I stood on line (never before or after) with every Jewish kid in the neighborhood and got quite an education. I read a few books on the Holocaust, Jewish History and more or less, threw in my lot with them. It’s still there.

        The politics of the mid-east, the Balfour declaration, the Holocaust etc. all play a major role but the bottom line, is: Do the Jews deserve a homeland, a safe haven where they can always go when things turn bad (as they are now in the US)? All those Yahoos who blather on about how the US is “stolen” land when it comes to Israel seem to forget that the Arabs are themselves on “stolen land”. It was Jewish, it was a country, it was their homeland until the Romans decided otherwise in 70AD. Since then, until 1948 that piece of real estate was never a country. It was a province, or possession of a variety of empires but not a country until the Jews returned. Palestinians share the country, they sit in the Knesset, they serve in the IDF. The Palestinians who left after the State of Israel was created based on the false promises of people like Nassar that the Jews would be destroyed and they would return in triumph are, as we used to say, SOL.

        Having said all this I do NOT think one American soldier should defend Israel. They don’t want it. They want our stuff and that’s fine with me. Maybe it’s sentiment on my part or a misguided sense that we, the West, owes them something for our past behavior to Jews in general. If anyone owes the Palestinians anything, it is the surrounding countries of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, who frankly created the problem almost 80 years back. I am reminded of a comment I made to a nice young, attractive Jewish girl I met at a dance in college. When she found out my Grandpa immigrated from Galicia in Southern Poland she said we had something in common, her grandfather had come from there too. That’s when I , as usual for me, stuck my foot in my mouth by remarking, “Well I guess my great-grandfather might have led a pogrom against yours”. I did that tongue in cheek but it shocked her to the point where that relationship was going nowhere.

  12. Tis the Ides of March.

  13. Just A Citizen says:

    Just one example of how the real world of politics works. People like this are celebrated among the powerful elite. Yet they should be shunned and shamed. They play games with the lives of us all, for power.

    • S Kent Troy says:

      To quote Mel Brooks in the play “Springtime for Hitler” within the movie of “the Producers”:

      “Don’t be schtupid, be a smartie, come and join the Nazi Party”!

      NB: He actually wanted to release the movie with the Springtime title.

  14. S Kent Troy says:

    Anybody want to lend Trump some money?

  15. He doesn’t need money. He has plenty……..that is until a rogue judge says you cannot use assets to raise money…..then you have none. What a joke and a travesty for New York. They laugh and say it is not hurting New York…..until you see the migration out and now lenders will not use real estate as collateral.

    • S Kent Troy says:

      For those not in the NY City loop. Another woman has suddenly remembered that back in 1993, the beloved current Mayor required her to perform oral sex for help in a promotion situation. Amazing the can of worms that the Trump thing and NY’s totally illegal “forever” window on sexual assault have opened.

    • I am waiting for them to seize Trump Tower and fill it with illegal immigrants.

      • THAT is a GREAT idea, T-man. All the luxury buildings in NewYork City with absentee BILLIONAIRE owners should become homeless shelters for homeless citizens first, then immigrants. I have ZERO problem with that.

    • The migration out? 🙂

      Why can’t the billionaire pay his bills? Why can’t his family kick in? Well, it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? Why pull cash from your own wallet when you have 74,000,000 MORONS who will anti-up something for you?

      And don’t forget, I want ANYBODY to beat Biden in November. GENOCIDE is a redline I can’t cross … and now that its an OFFICIAL US WAR POLICY, GENOCICE and STARVATION, there’s no going back.

      • Yes sir…….companies are leaving New York…..and the banks are doing the hidden thing,….they will end up red lining real estate loans in New York and I do not blame them and it would not be discrimination. iot has been proven that real estate cannot be used as collateral.

        Individuals, like me, who own stock in companies that have real estate in New York will sell out. I did. If a judge and a DA can take away assets like that….no business to be conducted there.

        • Capitalism eating itself alive. I LOVE IT. 🙂

          • you really like what New York is turning into?

            • Colonel, I could care less about Republican hysteria and/or Democratic hysteria. All I want to see every morning is that one powerful country with the same stones as the Houthis level Tel Aviv and all Israel’s military might. I want all the cities in Israel to look like Gaza does now. America now accepts GENOCIDE and STARVATION as legitimate war policy. I also want GENOCIDE JOE to croak from VERY SLOW stomach cancer … and all the GENOCIDE DEMOCRATS fall asleep and not wake up in the morning. I gave up on Domestic Politics in this shithole, corrupt to the core, government. Nothing is going to change no matter who is in power. The Republicans are just as blood thirsty to kill Palestinians for the sake of Zionism (Nazism) as the Zionists themselves. We’re a joke and now a world pariah alongside Israel … so who cares what happens inside our borders? Not me. We deserve whatever shit we get in November.

    • they didn’t get far….

      • S Kent Troy says:

        I remember those wonderful days in the early seventies when we studied riot control and civil disturbances in the guard. Still had M-1’s with the bayonet mounted. “Wanna come through?”, then see how far you get through that bayonet.

  16. Just A Citizen says:

    What a wonderful world these people have created. Those pushing the keys obviously lack any ethical grounding.

  17. T-Man, I think he’s talking about you when he mentions denial of climate change. :)


    • Why don’t you listen to some real climate scientists?

      • Me too Charlie…..I’m not totally convinced either….doesnt matter much anyway…the largest countries in the world are not convinced.

      • Monday scam … as if Oil has nothing to do with profits … as if those who defend them aren’t paid. You’re a funny guy, T-man. This is pretty hilarious. “Scam” is a better word …

        • Of course, my family is in the oil and gas business….so……..drill, baby, drill.

          • By the way, I just recently drove to Tucson, Az. I drive a SUV….there were three cars….one of them totally electric. I got 22 mpg……all of the gas powered vehicles arrived at Tucson 9 hours ahead of Mr Electric…….and comparing costs….i got there $14.87 cheaper than Mr Electric did. the other car, a smaller sedan, did it for $35.00 cheaper….

            we kept all sorts of data…..temperature, etc.

            • Not to mention that the majority of the power in the grid comes from fossil fuels including a large quantity of coal. Now consider this. For the same gallon of fuel burned in an ICE car versus electricity generated then transmitted to your EV, the efficiencies are about 20% and 24% respectively. So the gain in moving to an EV is minimal and more than offset by the environmental issues of mining the required minerals and disposing of the batteries after the fact or the added manufacturing costs, repair costs, insurance costs, and taxpayer subsidies. My taxes go up to pay for the subsidies and my insurance goes up because EV’s are more expensive to repair (often just totaled after an accident). In addition, EV’s avoid paying road tax but are harder on the roads then ICE vehicles. Talk about scams.

            • S Kent Troy says:

              Took a 120 mile run the other day on the new Pacifica, now broken in. Averaged 30MPG on the highway with a six cylinder engine. Pretty damn good.

        • Did you ever notice that when new government agencies or departments are created to research “climate change” they include that term in their name? So the bias is right up front. Do you think that they will fund any research that proves climate change is natural and not man-made? Big government has an agenda. The money, thus the research, follows that money. No different than if big oil funds the study. 

          Also note that most of the people interviewed in the movie are retired thus not taking funds from anyone.

  18. Cancel cultures on the right. 🙂 CLOWNS.

    Candace Owens OUT at Daily Wire Over Israel Rift – YouTube

    • Just A Citizen says:

      Seems like just yesterday that you and your friends on the left were screaming about Ms. Owens being just another grifter, capitalizing on the new age right wing talking head trends.

    • I’m not necessarily a fan girl for Candace Owens, but I think The Daily Wire bosses are overthinking the issue. Candace, in mentioning Christ is King, was only calling for peace between the three of them. Then as a secular matter, his speech here is twisting the matter into something it wasn’t. Rack one up for SK and his warnings about the use of language. As I post this, I see the whole message doesn’t show up. I encourage you to “show more”

  19. Just A Citizen says:

    When they admit their arrogance and that ya’ll should just take what they say as gospel, because they wear black robes.

    The moral of his story is we should just live with bad law because otherwise we will be confused about what the law is or we won’t know what to do next.

    • VH alreadyexists says:

      “Breyer advocates considering the “purposes, consequences and values” of the law. ”

      We have a way of deciding those things, we change the Constitution through an amendment. Their job is to interpret the Constitution as written.

      • VH alreadyexists says:

        I wonder if the man as ever considered that the Supreme Court creates the chaos by deeming laws constitutional when they’re not, like abortion. Maybe the question he should be asked is, the definition of his job?

        • Just A Citizen says:


          I had a thought on this I wanted to share. Judges at lower levels become “judges” of fairness, equity and justice. They see themselves as the supposed seer who’s job it is to meet out justice. I think this creates a kind of hubris among the judge population, that is hard to self diagnose and easy to succumb to.

          So when a “judge” climbs up the ladder and eventually becomes a “Justice” they carry this personal/professional hubris with them. Breyer is displaying such a trait, I think. He in essence is claiming “HE” is the “WISE ONE” who must split the hairs as he sees fit based on his desire to fulfill this role he as acquired.

          In short, I think this attitude is more than just a political or legal viewpoint established at University. While it is true that legal schools teach this kind of “stuff”, I think it solidifies due to more psychological causes. At least maybe.

          • make me a SCOTUS……

            • Just A Citizen says:

              You cannot be SECDEF and SCOTUS at the same time. Sorry!

            • Just A Citizen says:

              This may sound a little crazy but I would trust Mathius on the high court before most of these “judges”.

              He stated many times he felt the law was bad even if he liked the outcome. That the way to fix the law was with a better and newer law, NOT via Judge’s fiat.

  20. He’s probably the dumbest fuck to ever sit in the oval office, but he’s without a doubt the funniest. Morons often are funny. This is the best ad ever … Make America Pray Again … it’s his “favorite book” and at least THIS time he’s holding it right side up.

    Remember: “We” love God.

    The God Bless America Bible … just $59.95 … and if you’re wearing your Trump golden Sneakers (at $399.00 a pair) while reading the God Bless America Bible (at $59.95), not only will the God “we” love hear your prayers, he’ll only chuckle and not laugh out loud (i.e., LOL) that you were swindled for a total of $458.95.

    Yes, he’s as dumb as a bag of hammers and without a doubt GUILTY of everything he’s been charged with, political prosecution or not, BUT he’s still the funniest motherfucker on the planet, never mind our (possibly) next President.

    The God Bless America Bible for “we the people” of the United States of Dumbfuckistan.

    Trump: ‘Religion And Christianity Are The Biggest Things Missing From This Country’ (

  21. Why your local gas station does not install EV chargers:

    If you have an ICE vehicle, it is nearly certain that you must visit a gas station to refuel. Most EV owners (~90%), however, charge at home overnight. Of course the remaining 10% must charge at a local outlet. For long trips, EV owners must charge on the road, assume this is 10% of the time. 

    The best estimate I found was the US fleet of EVs is about 6.5% of all vehicles. So the demand for EV chargers is about (10% + (10% X 90%)) x 6.5% or just 1.2% if the total fleet requirements for fuel non-home based refueling. Add to that the fact that fueling an EV is takes 10x longer than an ICE vehicle means that the throughput at a charging site is 1/10 that of a normal gas station.

    To keep customers happy, the EV charging local must also have entertainment or food for the EV owner to keep him occupied while refueling. 

    None of this includes the power requirements and grid upgrades that must be installed to handle the charging stations.

    So you see why your local gas stations are not rushing to install chargers.

    I have seen claims that new batteries could cut the charging time down significantly. Physics does play a role in this. To reduce charging times from 60 minutes to 6 minutes would require 10x the current hence much larger cables and beefier electronics (ac to dc converters, etc.) to carry the loads. 

    • S Kent Troy says:

      There you go again T, using science and logic! When will you learn?

      The “footprint” of the charging station will have to be 10X the footprint of a conventional gas station to accommodate the demand. If this does go on, invest in things like “Bally” because you know damn well we will have a huge increase on video game play at the rest stops. Hell maybe we could install slot machines.

      I suspect that the next effort will be to double down on the gas stations and the “pollution” they cause. Apparently “Shell” sees the handwriting on the wall having announced the conversion of 1,000 stations from gasoline to electric. Now we can solve the problem, (wait for it) of electric delivery capacity by installing huge diesel or natural gas generators at each charging station!

      • Gambling and arcade games at EV charging stations. Great idea. Every Indian casino should install chargers.

        Diesel generators, what a hoot.

        Shell is one of the big oil companies that caves early to the political winds. Must be the Dutch in them. BP is another. Most of it is just PR as they still do all their petroleum stuff in the background. 

        The oil companies periodically get into and out of local areas. Exxon and Shell have sold off most of their stations in our area. Exxon did so after selling the Benicia, CA refinery to Valero. Shell recently sold their Bay Area refinery as well. More of the get our of CA trend. 

  22. Sign at a KFC: “We did not keep our secret recipe in a garage. That is why it is still secret.”

  23. S Kent Troy says:

    The gent, who blew away that NYC cop is “alleged” to have done it. Interesting use of a word. We have the video, the dead cop, the gun and the word of the other felon and yet it’s “Alleged”.


    al·​lege ə-ˈlej 

    alleged; alleging

    Synonyms of allege

    transitive verb


    to assert without proof or before proving

    a report alleging that the company deliberately overcharged its customers

    She is alleged to have stolen more than $50,000 over the course of several years.


    to bring forward as a reason or excuse


    archaic to adduce or bring forward as a source or authority

  24. Just A Citizen says:

    Interesting hypothesis! From

    Bauer’s concern with the politicization of life in the developing world is that foreign aid schemes encourage the view that economic growth can best be achieved by seizing political power and using that power to redistribute wealth. In the context of Africa, Bauer argues that the origin of this politicization is partly traceable to the final years of British colonial administration when the idea took hold that the task of economic development falls to the government. Gaining control of the government and embarking on central planning soon came to be regarded as the most important path to economic progress, which in time sparked endless conflict over the allocation of political power. In From Subsistence to Exchange, Bauer explains:

    Extensive politicization of life enhances the prizes of political power and thus the stakes in the fight for them. This in turn exacerbates political tension, at least until opposition is forcibly suppressed or effectively demoralized. And because people’s economic fortunes come to depend so largely on political and administrative decisions, the attention, energies, and resources of forward-looking, perceptive, and ambitious people are diverted from economic activity to political machination.

  25. Now, let me see if I have this correct….Biden, a devout catholic, takes away all religious references at the white house and then declares LGBT recognition day on Easter. am I missing something?

  26. Happy Easter? Really?

    If HE rose today, HE needs to make AT LEAST ONE STOP in Gaza and deliver some bread to STARVING PEOPLE and then some RETRIBUTION on the SAVAGE GOVERNMENT that is STARVING THOSE PEOPLE (while they continue to Bomb them with AMERICAN bombs) … and then maybe stop in D.C. and bring GENOCIDE JOE a little closer to HUMANITY and/or TAKE BUTCHER BIDEN when HE leaves for heaven … or hell.

  27. Apparently this site does not recognize Cyrillic. Trying again.

    Христос воскрес!

  28. S Kent Troy says:

    With all the hoopla over the eclipse, starting to sound like Y2K, I suspect they will soon be reporting how the giant monster will eat the sun next week. the rush to paganism and a pre-historic belief system amazes me.

    • yup… my place the totality will last 1 minute and 26 seconds. In Fort Worth proper, the totality will last 2 minutes …a little further east the totality will last 4 minutes. I suppose it is a big thing….but judging from the hoopla….there is a lot of “crazy” around.

      so, I guess I’ll watch the “Big Dragon” eat the sun….then go about my day. I will be home for a few days before getting back to the border.

  29. You LUNATICS need to get Trump to shut his big mouth. He’s giving up his lead because he’s a MORON. I can’t stand GENOCIDE JOE winning … again.

  30. Just A Citizen says:

    For those that did not notice. Yesterday in Wisconsin the R’s had more total votes in their primary that did the D’s. BUT, Mr. Biden won far more votes than Mr. Trump. That does not bode well for the R’s in my book.

    Also, my first election year prediction. Well more of a possible outcome than an actual prediction. Mr. Trump wins a narrow Electoral College election. Meanwhile the D’s use their one and only issue, “abortion”, to take back majorities in both the House and Senate. Making the next four years yet another clustering.

    • but JAC……….you know the elections are on the up&up. Just ask the Dems….

      • You’re starting early Colonel. 🙂

        Just win the f’ing thing … but I fear JAC’s prediction, like all of his BS, is wrong. The Orange Buffoon will kill his own chances to win an easy one. If he just moved a little left of GENOCIDE JOE on Gaza, he’d win. Many of us with a fucking heart and a conscience will NOT vote for Biden in November. If Jersey gets close in the polling before November, I’ll vote for the BUFFOON … ready for this … AGAIN! Because of what the DNC did to Sanders (who turned out to be just another gaslighter for his “good friend” GENOCIDE JOE), I voted for the ORANGE BUFFOON rather than Satan (Hillary Clinton) because that’s what SHE is to socialists. Trump, we regard as what he is, a BABBLING IDIOT, who can’t do half the crap he threatens to do. America is swirling down the toilet bowl anyway, but the throught of GENOCIDE JOE being REWARDED for his warmongering policies IS TOO MUCH! Get your shit together, LUNATICS … or you’re going to lose EVERYTHING.

    • Your numbers are correct but Trump had far more opponents than did Biden. Biden lost 4% of the vote to one other candidate and write-ins. 8% went to NOTA. Trump lost 13% to Haley alone, 1.6% to Christy and only 2% to NOTA. The remainder are MAGA voters who will back Trump in Nov. I do not know what the RINOs will do but some will support Trump. It will be close.

      This does not factor in the disaffected D voters that my switch to Trump.

      I still have a gut feeling that Biden and Harris will not be the nominees. Kennedy will pull a lot of the D vote in the fall. The only way to counter this is to dump Biden at the convention. Newsome, Pritzker, Hochul, and Whitmer are all tainted to some degree by being from mostly failed states. One of the other govs may be a good pick like Beshear from KY. I don’t know of any senators that could step up. Their bench is pretty thin.

      You are correct on the abortion vote. It is the one big solid block that the Ds have.

      If it is Trump, Biden and Kennedy in the fall, no one will win the popular vote so the next president will be in the minority but that has happened many times. At this point, barring massive fraud, I think Trump is the odds on favorite pending the trials. Jesse Watters just exposed the Merchan family for their corruption, but this will not remove Judge Merchan from the case as the MSM will cover and Fox is just faux news. The other trials will be delayed due to appeals, etc.

      Much is being made about the Rs losing the House due to resignations. The claim is that this could impact the election if it is tossed into the House. This is bogus because it is the new House that counts the EC votes and, if no winner picks, the president. Even then the vote is one vote per state. So the Rs need control at least 50% of the state delegations. 

      • T-Man, the democrats are too stupid and spineless to dump GENOCIDE JOE at the convention. The ONLY way they override their fugazy “primary” is if GENOCIDE JOE doesn’t wake up one morning before the convention (Every morning I wake up hoping GENOCIDE JOE doesn’t) … at that point, even the Democrats aren’t stupid enough to live with Harris. It’ll go to the floor. That isn’t good for Trump.

        Nobody will believe Trump if he says he’ll move left on Israel (assuming he did) but just him saying it (lie that it’ll be), will be good for him. If he continues to stand with him, it won’t help him in the election. I argue 10x’s a day with Vote Blues about this shit. They claim Trump would be worse on Gaza, etc., I say “How can you be worse than complicity to GENOCIDE and Trump’s 4 years saw NO wars, proxy or otherwise (although he too flexed with drone strikes like they all do), to Biden’s 2 proxy wars, one unwinnable and the other a GENOCIDE.”

        They are NOT moved.

      • Wisconsin and Minnesota are outliers these days because of the Muslim Vote. I am happy to see that one of my local broadcasters (Mike Gallagher) has finally realized that the 100% no abortion route is suicide FOR EVERYBODY including the babies. Abortion can be fought incrementally as it has been, In addition I have yet to see a pundit or republican point out that the highly progressive, socialistic countries of western Europe, bar one, all prohibit or severely (very severely) restrict abortion after the first trimester.

        A man called Gallagher yesterday and used the analogy that the aborted babies are no different than the young men we send to fight our wars. They suffer and die in this fight for the majority to be saved later.

        What I like to do these days whenever dealing with an abortion fanatic these days is to point out we have had some 60 years of highly effective and mostly safe contraception and these people are too damn dumb to figure out how to use it?

  31. We know it’ll be another LIE, but if Trump just moves a little to the left of GENOCIDE JOE, he’s in like flint.

  32. I am reminded of my hippie-commie friends back in the late ’60’s and early ’70’s who spouted “Power to the People”. Now those of us of a conservative bent could well agree with the sentiment. Today there is no one in power on the left who so much as mentions power to anyone but themselves. Hence all the political pundits calling the current POTUS and his minions in Congress “communists or socialists” are completely wrong. As flawed as those ideologies are, they center on power being returned to the people. What we have now is all power to the state and that, boys and girls is Fascism.

    • When asked about threats to democracy, Kennedy called out Biden as the bigger threat naming his lawfare, weaponization of the federal agencies, and censorship efforts. The interviewer was astounded. 

  33. Well, that’s interesting I believe we just had a minor earthquake here in Northern New Jersey! First one I was awake for. Sitting on an office chair and the wheels started shifting as the loose objects in the room started rattling!

    • In the 31 years I have been in CA, only felt one which I heard before the tremors hit. I heard all the trees rustling. Sound travels in are faster than the waves through the ground. My kids in the Bay area though have felt several. Another sign of a quake is that water sloshes out of in ground pools.

    • THE QUAKE WAS TRUMP’s FAULT. It was at his NJ golf course. He’s trying to devalue his property before L. James grabs it.

      I worked just down the road at the Exxon Research Lab in Clinton.

  34. Just had a wild thought. What if no one got a plurality in the Electoral College and this thing goes into the House. The House gets to pick from the top three meaning Trump, Biden, and Kennedy. What if the RINOs and Dems teamed up and picked Kennedy. The vote in the House is by states not members. The Senate picks the VP but from the two top candidates (Trump’s VP or Harris). So it is possible to get Kennedy with Trump’s VP. Love combinations and permutations.

  35. It’s weird, because as much as I want GENOCIDE JOE and his warmongering party to get trashed in November, I have a feeling that the ORANGE BUFFOON will scare too many people away. TRUMP remains totally repulsive, but the REALITY is he’s not a warmonger. He talks like a tough guy, but he’s really just a BUFFOON … and WE ALL know he’s a BIG COWARD. GENOCIDE JOE, is an ACTUAL WARMONGER and HAS BEEN his ENTIRE CAREER.

    If the ORANGE BUFFOON could temper some of his whacky shit, he could possibly win. I’m not sure he can help himself. If he did win, at least we’d have some entertainment and laughs.

    Of course, if ALL the loyal Dems who “claim” to be for peace and against GENOCIDES and WARS voted Socialist and surprised the shit out of both CORRUPT TO THE CORE parties, we’d at THE LEAST finally have SOME change … assuming our girls, Claudia and Karina, weren’t assassinated once the race was called.

    RFK is a supporter of Zionism, just like the other two incompetents, so fuck him too.

  36. Just A Citizen says:

    I found the following article to be quite interesting as well as a little frustrating. What struck me was that the author fails to recognize the air of superiority he exudes in how he talks about us. As if he is the more intelligent race of aliens observing the less evolved from as if we are an “experiment”. Other than that, I do think he does a far better job of capturing some of the “feelings” of rural folks.

    There is also a little irony in the piece as it shows how the “left/Democrats” simply don’t understand how people who don’t want handouts will take them but then resent those who gave them out. It really isn’t all that complicated.

  37. Just A Citizen says:


    Here is an article that touches on the notion I raised a few days back about how “Judges” have wandered into this idea that they need to judge the right and wrong of things instead of judging against the law itself.

    • VH alreadyexists says:

      Reading this, the first thing that came to mind, “2020 most fair election in history”. Repeated over and over. After that, any evidence was judged by that BS statement.

  38. How many are laughing now? I warned everybody on here about China’s encroachment into the shipping lanes, the Spratley shoals, and the Philippines…… now China has moved into Philippine Waters, shut down commercial fishing, ramming fishing boats. And occupying Philippine shoals and islands….. China has now claimed 1,000 mile oceanic borders and patrolling with warships…. They are now headed south to claim Vietnamese waters. China now says, the south sea and its shipping lanes belong to China.

    and the left laughs and plays their fiddles.

  39. JAC… exile.


    It will be the new congress that counts the EC votes and declares a victor. The above scenario concerns the current congress and their powers. If only two more R reps leave or become incapacitated, the Ds can claim the house and declare Trump an insurrectionist thus removing him from the fall ballot. The timing could be important as the deadlines for qualifying for the ballot may be past before the Rs can agree on a new candidate. Note the issue in Ohio where the D convention falls after the Ohio deadline for qualification occurs. 

    How much of a furor this would cause I do not know nor do I want to speculate.

  41. S Kent Troy says:

    Vis a vis the ongoing abortion debate. Here are the “rules” in the progressive European countries that the left always points to. Interesting that most European countries have much harsher limits than most US States.

  42. interesting….perhaps some Texas influence seeping into New York …Nassau county is apparently tired of crime…..wanting to deputize locals for help in fighting crime and natural disasters….etc. The commissioner said that once Texas deputized ranchers, the flow of illegals across the border has all but stopped on private ranches. Perhaps there is a lesson there. Of course, the democrats are claiming vigilante and “brown shirts” and such……

    All I can tell you about the border in Texas…….is that it is working. You don’t see the throngs of people any longer lining up in Eagle Pass or Del Rio….just in El Paso and that is coming to an end as well. ..the cartels have moved most of their enterprise westward to Arizona and California. Our ranchers are called vigilante and our national guard called “militia”….but………… is working. So, perhaps some of the other states could take a lesson……if the government shirks its constitutional duty…….states should take care of themselves.

  43. exile again…

  44. Come on, you LUNATICS. CLAUDIA AND KARINO in November.

  45. Just A Citizen says:
  46. Just A Citizen says:

    Note how Mr. Trump’s response to the Arizona abortion issue is consistent with his announced position, as well as a more nuanced approach. Stating that the Arizona law is just to harsh.

    But I posted this more for you to read the Democrat talking head’s response. Notice how the White House people just spout nonsense. They have a story and they are going to tell it no matter how far from the truth it is. Nice little propagandists, so typical of the Fascist PR folks of the 1930’s.

  47. Just A Citizen says:
    • S Kent Troy says:

      When Junior got back from his stint at Command and Staff college and put it to me that to topple a government you need 20% of the population to agree and 3% in the streets I felt that what I have thought since the wacky days of the late ’60’s was finally vindicated. I fear we are at that point.

      • During the Revolution, the colonies were split almost evenly between independence, the crown, and I don’t care. 

        Remember what happened in the Philippines when Marcos was tossed out. That did not require a violent revolution. Mostly the same occurred in Sri Lanka recently. It does require a large part of the population standing up and saying NO MORE.

        The real problem with violent revolutions is they can go too far like in France. Sadly, most revolutions end in a dictatorship. Disturbingly, I do not see the statesmen that created our republic in the current crop of “leaders”. 

  48. Just A Citizen says:

    Moral of the story? Those who control the “intelligence reports” are the ones who control how Congress thinks and votes.

    • If they are going to keep FISA, then there needs to be an independent oversight panel that reviews abuses and PROSECUTES abusers. As we saw in the Lewandowski case, only one person was prosecuted and he then only got a slap on the wrist for a blatant lie. Where are the FISA judges? Why did they not hold people in contempt of court? I know the DOJ is required to prosecute but they are part of the problem. It needs to be a separate office that reviews and prosecutes misdeeds. 

      Domestic terrorism has been essentially quelled but with our open border, it is now once again a huge threat. It is always easier to plug a leak than to bail out the boat after it is full of water. 

      Once again, Congress is not listening to the people or even following the Constitution. Way past time for a major change.

  49. Assuming that Donald Trump has a lock on the election post convention, has ANYONE in the universe given ANY thought to what a bum rush there will be to the border from August to next January?

    • Most certainly there will be a rush to cross the border. I would not be surprised to see several more bum rushes like we saw in the El Paso region recently. I also think that if China and Iran are going act, they need to do it before year end preferably before the election as they might trigger an emergency that postpones or cancels the election thus continuing the current incompetent “regime”. Obama’s movie “Leave the World Behind” may be just as prophetic as Orwell’s “1984”. 

  50. Why? Because of that bit about insanity “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” YOU vote for either the Democratic or Republican Party and see if anything changes? How’s that worked out?

    I’ll continue to vote for ACTUAL change and whether it stands an iota of a chance of being on ANY state ballot, it is a movement that I trust and believe in … and I’d rather try for change than continue to jerk myself off with the faux left (Democrats) or what has become the psychotic right (Republicans) … and I’ll mock the shit out of both parties in the meantime. I can’t wait until November. When I think about it, it’s a win-win situation. If GENOCIDE JOE loses, I’ll be happy. If GENOCIDE JOE wins, while I’ll be upset, I’ll also know that Trump will actually have to face a courtroom (no matter what happens regarding the verdicts) for the crimes he’s guilty of … but I’d much rather see GENOCIDE JOE and his pathetic war party destroyed in November than see Trump in court. It’s not like the Democrats didn’t have 4 fucking years to bring him to court. They let it go for 2 years without doing anything just to make it stretch into the election cycle. They desperately wanted Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2024 … same as in 2016 … and remember how that turned out.

    Claudia & Karina 2024 (

    • Just A Citizen says:

      Ah yes, change for change’s sake!

      Kind of what the Germans did when they dumped the establishment for the new “change” promised by the National Socialists.

      Be careful what you ask for!

  51. Just A Citizen says:

    Well this is very interesting. Now imagine this is supported by SCOTUS either agreeing or not taking up an appeal.

    Can anyone think of another plaintiff that might be able to use such an argument if such a legal right is codified?

    Kind of makes me wonder why his attorney’s never made this argument in New York. Given other States decisions a denial by NY would have forced SCOTUS to deal with it.

  52. S Kent Troy says:

    So, the merde has hit the fan. Chuck ought to be happy the “FASCISTS” are being bombed now. Let us see what President Jill does!

  53. VH alreadyexists says:
    • Just like a true socialist, not happy until everyone is miserable.

      • T-Man, I’m having a blast … between watching you snowflakes freak out over every little thing while accepting a GENOCIDE … I love watching this country fall apart. I think it’s about time our hypocrisy bite us in the ass. Now you lunatics want to throw protesters off bridges. 🙂 I love it … total fascism and you clowns support it. I love it.

        • I want to see them bounce….

          • Spoken like a true fascist … but what do you think about this article, Colonel.

            • considering the source, I will take it with the proverbial “grain of salt”. However, it does prove one thing……how deep the “deep state” really is…..we catch gun runners all the time but once we turn them over…..I do not know what happens to them.
              Those of us that work the border, know what the real skinny is….its not pretty.

              • Sad to say but unless one watched Fox or Newsmax, you get absolutely NONE of this on any other network! I do watch the others from time to time but am forced to turn away when I encounter the obvious lies. Cannot tolerate lying, my old man taught me it is the genesis of all evil. The lies tend to pop up at five minute intervals or less.

                I should qualify that I consider “half-truths” as to be the same as lies. Exaggerations I do not mind as much because at least some truth makes it through. Remember “Mexico will pay for the wall”? An exaggeration but true nonetheless. Again, thanks to a wise father, I never accept any statement unless verifiable from three sources. I really hope I have passed this onto the kids. I believe I have on two absolutely. # 3 is maybe at 40 finally heading that way and sadly one who believes whatever she is told by “authority” or the cool kids.

                • None of our corporate media can be trusted to be anything more than stenographers for state policy. By the way, have any of you LUNATICS seen the internal NY times memo leak telling its “journalists” to refrain from using the words “Genocide … occupied territories … Palestine … ethnic cleansing,” etc. Israeli bootlickers much? You won’t see it on corporate media (not even Fox that I’ve noticed) … but it’s all over independent media.


    What a can of worms this could open. The same tools can be used to track down descendants of former slave owners. Will the reparations be prorated by the percentage of blood of a former slave ancestor? What about families that never owned slaves but lost family members trying to end it?

    • S Kent Troy says:

      Remember, both Kamala and Sonny Hosten of the view had black ancestors who were slave masters in the New World!

  55. Just A Citizen says:

    Short news kick off.

    1. SCOTUS appears skeptical of using “obstruction of justice” charges in the J6 cases. This is consistent with what I argued at the time, and which was pointed out by many attorneys. My question is if the Justices find DOJ willfully overcharged on this count, why would they just accept all the other charges at face value?
    2. NPR editor goes public with the company having a severe left wing bias. NPR calls BS and PROVES it by suspending the whistle blower. ROTFLMAO.
    3. And in the category of most self awareness challenged person, we have Chucky Schumer saying this: ”Schumer: Mayorkas impeachment ‘awful precedent,’ ‘abuse of process’.”

  56. Things are getting a little boring on the Texas border. why? Walls work. Most everyone is going to Arizona and California…..and now New Mexico, although the desert in southern New Mexico is very unforgiving.

  57. Language again. In front of a couple of hundred parishioners, a Syrian Orthodox Christian Bishop, a priest and several parishioners were stabbed during a service in Australia, Sunday. The perp according to authorities was captured in the act and it is considered a religious based bias crime. The authorities however will not identify the miscreant by name, ethnicity or religion but do admit he was speaking “Arabic” at the time of the attack. The head of the NSW Police insists that the party captured is “alleged” to have stabbed these four people.

    I think we should ALL join in, how about, “An alleged attack with an alleged knife, was made at an alleged church Sunday against an alleged Bishop, alleged priest and alleged parishioners. The alleged perpetrator (Not identified) was allegedly speaking Arabic as he allegedly struck.”

  58. Just A Citizen says:

    When the left’s pets bite them it seems they could finally become self aware. Although my money is on them just rubbing salve on it until nobody is watching again.

  59. And so Mayorkas skates.

  60. Come on, LUNATICS, wake up! 🙂

  61. Listen, my children, and you shall hear
    Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
    On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five:
    Hardly a man is now alive
    Who remembers that famous day and year.

    He said to his friend, “If the British march
    By land or sea from the town to-night,
    Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry-arch
    Of the North-Church-tower, as a signal-light,—
    One if by land, and two if by sea;
    And I on the opposite shore will be,
    Ready to ride and spread the alarm
    Through every Middlesex village and farm,
    For the country-folk to be up and to arm.”

    Then he said “Good night!” and with muffled oar
    Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,
    Just as the moon rose over the bay,
    Where swinging wide at her moorings lay
    The Somerset, British man-of-war:
    A phantom ship, with each mast and spar
    Across the moon, like a prison-bar,
    And a huge black hulk, that was magnified
    By its own reflection in the tide.

    Meanwhile, his friend, through alley and street
    Wanders and watches with eager ears,
    Till in the silence around him he hears
    The muster of men at the barrack door,
    The sound of arms, and the tramp of feet,
    And the measured tread of the grenadiers
    Marching down to their boats on the shore.

    Then he climbed to the tower of the church,
    Up the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread,
    To the belfry-chamber overhead,
    And startled the pigeons from their perch
    On the sombre rafters, that round him made
    Masses and moving shapes of shade,—
    By the trembling ladder, steep and tall,
    To the highest window in the wall,
    Where he paused to listen and look down
    A moment on the roofs of the town,
    And the moonlight flowing over all.

    Beneath, in the churchyard, lay the dead,
    In their night-encampment on the hill,
    Wrapped in silence so deep and still
    That he could hear, like a sentinel’s tread,
    The watchful night-wind, as it went
    Creeping along from tent to tent,
    And seeming to whisper, “All is well!”
    A moment only he feels the spell
    Of the place and the hour, and the secret dread
    Of the lonely belfry and the dead;
    For suddenly all his thoughts are bent
    On a shadowy something far away,
    Where the river widens to meet the bay,—
    A line of black, that bends and floats
    On the rising tide, like a bridge of boats.

    Meanwhile, impatient to mount and ride,
    Booted and spurred, with a heavy stride,
    On the opposite shore walked Paul Revere.
    Now he patted his horse’s side,
    Now gazed on the landscape far and near,
    Then impetuous stamped the earth,
    And turned and tightened his saddle-girth;
    But mostly he watched with eager search
    The belfry-tower of the old North Church,
    As it rose above the graves on the hill,
    Lonely and spectral and sombre and still.
    And lo! as he looks, on the belfry’s height,
    A glimmer, and then a gleam of light!
    He springs to the saddle, the bridle he turns,
    But lingers and gazes, till full on his sight
    A second lamp in the belfry burns!

    A hurry of hoofs in a village-street,
    A shape in the moonlight, a bulk in the dark,
    And beneath from the pebbles, in passing, a spark
    Struck out by a steed that flies fearless and fleet:
    That was all! And yet, through the gloom and the light,
    The fate of a nation was riding that night;
    And the spark struck out by that steed, in his flight,
    Kindled the land into flame with its heat.

    He has left the village and mounted the steep,
    And beneath him, tranquil and broad and deep,
    Is the Mystic, meeting the ocean tides;
    And under the alders, that skirt its edge,
    Now soft on the sand, now loud on the ledge,
    Is heard the tramp of his steed as he rides.

    It was twelve by the village clock
    When he crossed the bridge into Medford town.
    He heard the crowing of the cock,
    And the barking of the farmer’s dog,
    And felt the damp of the river-fog,
    That rises when the sun goes down.

    It was one by the village clock,
    When he galloped into Lexington.
    He saw the gilded weathercock
    Swim in the moonlight as he passed,
    And the meeting-house windows, blank and bare,
    Gaze at him with a spectral glare,
    As if they already stood aghast
    At the bloody work they would look upon.

    It was two by the village clock,
    When he came to the bridge in Concord town.
    He heard the bleating of the flock,
    And the twitter of birds among the trees,
    And felt the breath of the morning breeze
    Blowing over the meadows brown.
    And one was safe and asleep in his bed
    Who at the bridge would be first to fall,
    Who that day would be lying dead,
    Pierced by a British musket-ball.

    You know the rest. In the books you have read,
    How the British Regulars fired and fled,—
    How the farmers gave them ball for ball,
    From behind each fence and farmyard-wall,
    Chasing the red-coats down the lane,
    Then crossing the fields to emerge again
    Under the trees at the turn of the road,
    And only pausing to fire and load.

    So through the night rode Paul Revere;
    And so through the night went his cry of alarm
    To every Middlesex village and farm,—
    A cry of defiance, and not of fear,
    A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
    And a word that shall echo forevermore!
    For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,
    Through all our history, to the last,
    In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
    The people will waken and listen to hear
    The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,
    And the midnight message of Paul Revere.

  62. Israel is singing a new song:

  63. Just A Citizen says:

    I am growing fonder of this crazy lady each day. While everyone is chastising and denigrating her, nobody is accurately covering what she is saying. This is obviously a Republican who is fed up with the double speak and hypocrisy. I would put her clearly in the Radical camp. Someone who wants things done now, because later may be to late. With that said, the Speaker’s job really is a no win situation these days. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

    • I saw that. There is more there than just blonde hair. She is right about the R’s base, we are pissed. They would do well to listen to her. I would not put her in the radical camp. I think Congress has drifted so far to the left that the moderate right is now in the center. The radical right are the ones pushing for more wars. 

    • Ray Hawkins says:

      So….in a weird way….she right and not necessarily “crazy”. The generations of wealth pissed away with Afghanistan/Iraq didn’t teach us a thing (The Afghanistan Papers is a fun read). I would be curious to see what MTG is doing behind the scenes to solve the very problems she’s become the mouthpiece for calling out.

      • Welcome back Ray. How many former posters are lurking in the shadows?

        She did say that she would not force the ouster of Johnson unless there was a plan to replace him. The Rs margin is so thin and the party so fractured, I am not sure that is possible. There is one D that is out ill, in a coma. If a few of Rs came down ill or more quit, the Ds might have enough strength to grab the chair. If they do grab the chair before the election, they could claim Trump an insurrectionist and thus block him from office. Then the fun begins.

      • Mr Hawkins……how do!

        • rayhawkinscissp says:

          Howdy! Been lurking time to time! Hope all is as safe as can be at the Southern border!

      • Just A Citizen says:

        Good morning Ray.

        The following video is not the interview I saw that first raised my awareness of what MTG is about. And the efforts she was making to get things changed. But this one does show some of what it is that has her so off the rails as they say. I suggest you don’t get hung up on some of the details of Tucker’s arguments or the issues. It is MTG’s description of what happens that is important. 

        To your question, she has apparently been very active it working with leadership and others to get things changes. She stood with McCarthy in the beginning, but turned on him when he broke his promises. It looks like the same thing is now happening with Johnson. Perhaps what I like most about her commentary is that she is a lot sharper than we are led to believe and most of all, she is brutally to the point and speaks in plain language. There is not obfuscation in her views. This may be another good example of someone we like like for the substance but dislike for their “style”.

        P.S. I will continue to search for the first interview I saw her do with Tucker in his new setting. Much more of a dialogue and not restating of talking points. 

        It is also nice to see you are still lurking once in awhile.

      • Just A Citizen says:


        Finally found it. I watched it this winter and it sure did change my thoughts about her. Her comments about Congress are consistent with what personal acquaintances who served have told me.

        • rayhawkinscissp says:

          JAC – I supposed I’d encourage anyone who outright dismisses due to “well….she said some crazy thing about blah blah blah”……do this – read a transcript of the exchange between her and Tucker. Still dismiss or disagree with her (or him)? Each funding is the functional equivalent of a blank check – zero transparency, zero accountability. Why are we the primary source of funding? One has to wonder if we’d get to a better place if we had more like her that could dial in exactly what is revealed in the Tucker interview. I feel profoundly bad for what’s happened/happening over there – but – it ain’t our war. It cannot be.

  64. Just A Citizen says:

    On the surface this seems like the system finally worked, and potentially saved lives. But I have some thoughts. Which many will not like.

    First is the whole notion that “thinking” about or “writing” about a crime is a crime in and of itself. 

    Second, it was the FBI who notified the local police about the internet posts. How did the FBI come to have that information? Was it the unnamed therapist or were they simply spying on the internet and came across the postings? Or were they monitoring this person because of his stay at a mental hospital? 

    Third, why does a criminal charge have to be made, again for no actual crime, in order to get this kid institutionalized and/or fixed?

    Now for the Last Word. Perhaps most concerning is that we, in a general sense, and the journalists simply accept this story and think “good”. The journalist doesn’t even think to address the question of how the FBI came to be the first involved. We accept criminal charges for thinking of a crime, not an actual crime as OK, because it supposedly saved lives. Nobody stops to think that this is the stuff of “Minority Report” and what are the limits to this tactic? If any, given the mindset of the powerful elite these days.

    • Is the kid on SSRI’s?

      • Just A Citizen says:


        I do not know particulars. But he spent 5 months in an institution so I am guessing he was on some kind of medication. The kid is obviously messed up and needs help. It is not clear that help is even possible.

  65. Just A Citizen says:

    When Sophistry sounds so sweet, but is still nothing but Sophistry.

    P.S. Who was it that brought the Islamic Regime to power? Oh that is right! It was the revolutionary STUDENTS of Iran who deposed the Shah. Because you know, Change for the sake of Change.

    Which brings me to one of the great ironies. They say it is the ignorant masses who can be swayed and turned into a destructive force. But it is the intellectuals who do the swaying. It is the intellectuals who turn the young into radicals who then foment the turmoil and work to enrage the ignorant masses. It is the intellectuals who have the time and resources to stir up the Oompah, while the ignorant masses are to busy just putting food on the table.

    This is not a condemnation of anyone who could be considered and “intellectual”. It is a condemnation of the educational institutions who allow revolutionary radicals to breed and indoctrinate the youth.

  66. Remember this “we the people” … DEMOCRATS supply the votes … giving OUR tax dollars to 2 DISASTROUS WARS … One is UNWINNABLE and costing Ukrainian lives (they’ve lost a generation of their men already) and the other is a GENOCIDE.

    Democrats are the Official War Party of the United States.

  67. VH alreadyexists says:
    • Just A Citizen says:


      Nice link. There are other videos out there of his interviews talking about this issue. If you haven’t already I suggest you get his book “The Dying Citizen”. It was a pretty good read and spot on for the most part.

      I hope this day finds you well.


      • VH alreadyexists says:

        I am doing fine, hope you are too. I haven’t read the book, but I will look for it.

  68. Just A Citizen says:

    Mixed review on this piece.

    First, it does a good job of pointing out some of the misinformation about both Biden and Trump’s economic record.

    But Second, it fails to make the proper connections between policies and impacts such as inflation. For example the author points out that tax cuts by Trump did not cause inflation and thus the economy had room to grow. Well you see tax cuts are not inflationary as they don’t increase the supply of money relative to goods. They simply change who gets to spend the money. The Govt or the tax payer. And the data showed that tax payers used the new money to reduce debt or increase savings. This is not the same as dumping billions into the financial markets or other pet companies.

    I give it an A for trying to identify falsehoods but a C in it’s characterizations.

  69. Just A Citizen says:

    Yesterday I posted a couple of interviews with Marjorie Greene in response to Ray Hawkins questions. Ms. Greene makes her case as to why she is disgusted with the “establishment”.

    So today I give you an interview with one of those “establishment Republicans”. I think it is easy to see why Ms. Greene and other “newbies” have such a problem and thus why there is so much conflict in Congress. Note how he votes based on the tradition of keeping the most power with the majority. And we wonder how it is that the D’s have been so good at keeping their army marching in lock step.

    • Tucker Carlson wrote a book several years ago about how the politicians are not following the desires of the public. I often enjoy watching mavericks take on the establishment and feel they do a good service to the country as long as they are using common sense and the will of the people. While AOC falls in the category of a maverick, she has no common sense or historical knowledge hence does more harm than good. Sarah Palin, while appearing to be ditzy had a pragmatic side to her thus raised good issues that should have been addressed. MTG is of the same vain. We get a lot of rhetoric from the RINO Rs but not much action. 

      Why do we have the same issues election after election and nothing gets solved. That is one of Trump’s biggest assets.  He solves problems. There is no excuse for not fixing the border issues. Years ago, I posted here how I would solve it. If I can come up with a plan, why can’t these so called experts in D.C. also. It is not hard, you just have to have the guts to do it. 

      The Senate just passed the FISA bill (60-34) with 30 Rs in support. This means that even some democrats voted against it. Once again, the will of the people and the Constitution be damned. 

      Well need to go to our annual NorCal Opel picnic. See you later.

  70. Interesting bedfellows:

    There are foreign terror cells operating in Mexico in some of the remote areas just south of the border. Everyone knows where they are. But the terror cells are beginning to interrupt the workings of the cartels. There have been inquiries from the Cartels to the Texas contingency that if we leave them alone they will, in turn, help patrol the border on their side on the terror cells. They promise to not to escort middle eastern through their system if we promise to leave them alone on others. Of course, we have said no.

    I wonder about Arizona and California now. Some deals to be made there, I guess. No one wants to cross in new Mexico….far too desolate and the White Sands missile range is in their way.

    And the hits keep on coming……………

  71. Purgatory, JAC…..again

  72. So, Colonel, and the rest of you LUNATICS … what happens if Trump isn’t convicted in New York? Was it a fair trial? 🙂

    • Just A Citizen says:

      NO! Regardless of outcome. If he is not found guilty it would be called a “miracle”.

    • Trying Trump in New York is tantamount to trying Bernie Sanders in Fort Worth, Texas.

      Trump will be found guilty….the judge will see to that. At any rate, this is not good for New York no matter no matter what. If what I have seen is correct on who comes up with the numbers…..New York has lost 700 billion in tax revenues because of business’ hitting the bricks. That seems awful high but it is what was reported by the WSJ.

      And now you have one of the most violent and vicious gangs from your beloved Venezuela there…..

      But back to Trump…..guilty or not guilty… doesn’t matter. The judge has disallowed the defense the normal courtesies….

      • The question was what if he’s found not guilty? 🙂 How do you explain that one away, Colonel?

        • Sorry…thought I answered…..yes, I took a rabbit trail but came back.

          I will expand my answer. If found guilty, as I suspect, it is location and tied directly to the judge……if found not guilty, my thoughts are, that even a liberal jury does not like the way the judge has handled the proceedings and I would see it as a protest to the judge.

          This judge has not allowed the defense the normal courtesies. The one courtesy that stands out the most is that the DA has refused to allow the defense the right to contact and interview witnesses while forcing the defense to turn over witness lists. The judge agreed. This is in contradiction of normal proceedings. So, if found not guilty, I would see it as a repudiation of the way the trial is/was handled.

        • S Kent Troy says:

          Trump not guilty merely means the prosecution did not make its case. Now in the late OJ’s case, the prosecution had the evidence and produced a cluster-fXXk of a case. In the Trump case, there really is no case. In roughly 250 years of American jurisprudence, there simply is no precedent!

          It is pretty certain that these Trump convictions will all be overturned on appeal because of prosecutorial misconduct or judicial malfeasance but of course, that will be post November. In the interim, the convictions stand and the weak minded will act accordingly.

          A student of history will remember the Dryfus case in France. Not only a trumped up charge which eventually was overturned but nonetheless, it unleashed a plethora of anti-semitism which lasted decades beyond his final acquittal. The weak minded never bought his innocence.

  73. Just A Citizen says:

    They still do NOT get it!

    And what happens if you DO NOT have any common ground? That is, as I see it, the core problem. The common ground was used up on the easier things to fix. We are now down to the fundamental ideological issues, and there is NO COMMON GROUND. During such times in the past the final shared value was love of the country/the constitutional republic. But almost half the people hate the country/republic and want to replace it. So take your butt hurt and sell it to China.

    • I would like to find common ground on many issues, but it seems that every bill that is “bipartisan” is 80% D and 20% R. In most cases, like the border bill, it did not solve the problem. This last round of bill for foreign once again left our any resolution of our border issue and also did not try to bring peace to Ukraine. So we defend borders thousands of miles away while ours is wide open. 

      The Rs promise election after election to go back to regular order for the budget yet we get one outrageous CR after another. They control the agenda. Force the issue.

  74. S Kent Troy says:

    Congratulations America! We have successfully passed April 20th without those evil, threatening, right wing, wacko, fundamentalist Catholic, election denying, militia belonging nut-jobs Homeland Security is so worried about doing anything to commemorate the birthday of the second most evil Dictator in European History!

  75. Just A Citizen says:

    I think these Doctors complaining about the Idaho law are using their profession to attack a law which doesn’t suit their values. It has NOTHING to do with actual health care of the mother. Arguing that the law prevents them from taking action on a condition that will obviously lead to a threat to the mother’s life is ridiculous. And what Doctor truly following his oath would just automatically jump to abortion without first exhausting options that could save both patients? I am thinking this may have more to do with Insurance companies using their power to leverage Docs to overturn abortion laws.

    • VH alreadyexists says:

      Just another example of them using loopholes to make illegal abortion, legal.

  76. Interesting interview with Yale student who said that most of the protesters are not students but professionals that were bussed in.

    • Like the cops in Black Lives Matter protests?

      • I don’t know about that. BLM turned out to be a major scam. No one gives a RIP about it any longer except the persons who robbed it.

        The major protesters of this Gaza gig are not students as it is made out to be. They are professionals……being paid to be there. However, it is what it is and you expect the government to do something? You expect “we the people” to rise up? These protests are in the minority and professionally run. That much is obvious.

        Most of us “we the people” do not like what is happening in Congress. we do not support the on going war in Ukraine and we do not support the military aid going to Israel. Most of the people I talk to wish this Gaza thing would go away. A ten thousand year war that will not go away.

        I am curious about one thing, however. These Hamas wannabe’s are turning down the cease fire offers. I wonder why. A two state solution will not work and will not stop hostilities and Israels march to the sea will not defeat Hamas so there is no incentive. The Palestinian people are not fighting….they are dying by the thousands. Yet, they voted the Hamas in and the surprise attack was exactly what Israel wanted….a reason to do Sherman’s march to the sea. I do not believe that most of the hostages are alive. so the systematic destruction will continue.

        Along with this issue, as much as I am against the military aid to Ukraine and as much as I am against the military aid to Israel for this war, I am equally against any aid going to the Palestinians. That area (it is not a country) has been destroyed and the remaining parts of it are going to be destroyed. So be it. I really have no sympathy/empathy for what is happening. There are so many places in the world where alleged genocide is taking place and we do not care about those,,,,why is this one any different.

        Want to see genocide? Wait until Russia takes Ukraine. Russia’s war will not stop there. They have their sights on three other countries. It is the old Soviet Union march once again. So, where is the outrage on genocide other than Palestine.


        • “it is not a country” … oy vey. It was a country (British Mandate) until Israel was ‘FUCKING CREATED’ … Israel isn’t a country. Israel is Nazi Germany in Spades now.

      • Answer in limbo

    • S Kent Troy says:

      I was around for the Columbia anti-war protests in the 1960’s. Of course there are outside agitators. There are always outside agitators. Hell, when the “Conservative Caucus” was created back at the 1967 National Student Association conference which I attended we brought in “outside agitators”. They came with their mimeograph machine and reams of paper and helped us put out a daily newsletter to counter the Commie agitprop that the left’s outside agitators were spewing. Actually, we had a pretty good time with the SDS types who it turned out were a lot more libertarian than anybody would guess.

  77. JAC… exile….

  78. Just A Citizen says:

    And the curtain is pulled back just a little farther. For those who have wondered how the lefty media finds all these “legal scholars” who share the same ideas or how the media gets its arguments to support hanging Mr. Trump.

    • I don’t see much different in the climate change agenda…..they seem to find these scholars everywhere…..but given what is being punched out of our colleges today……..I would rather hire from trade schools or train my own than take what the colleges are giviong us.

  79. S Kent Troy says:


    I wonder how many have noticed the 45 cent increase in gasoline prices over the last three weeks?

    Thinking back to the 1912 Presidential election where William Howard Taft, Republican Incumbent, placed third in a three way race with Wilson winning, Theodore Roosevelt placing second and the discredited Taft placing third. One wonders if Kennedy will wind up second this time around or even first?

    Lastly, something that has always caused me wonder. Penguins are native to the Antarctic, Polar bears to the Artic. If a colony of penguins were transported to the Arctic, would they thrive, die off or swim South? Same with Polar Bears. take them from the North put them in the South and what would happen? Serious responses only.

    • Just A Citizen says:

      Neither could survive in the new habitat because the ingredients for their survival don’t exist there. Archeological remains show that the Polar Bear’s range was much larger than the “Arctic” at one time. In the Antarctic I don’t believe there is adequate food source for the bears in the winter months, namely seals.

      Note that the penguins are basically on a starvation survival mode in the winter there. Then after chicks hatch they need massive amounts of smaller fish. Something I don’t think exists in the Arctic waters.

      The caveat in this is the impact of a changing climate. It is possible I suppose that the Antarctic could become more hospitable for bears and other species should enough ice melt. And changing ocean currents could bring changes in fish populations in the Arctic.

      Also remember that the Antarctic is pretty much devoid of the Apex Predator, Homo sapiens.

    • Different types of cold….. a minus 30 in the arctic is not the same minus 30 in the Antarctic……that said, if you leave the polar bears and penguins together, I surmise a smorgasbord for the bears. If, you reverse it, my guess is that the bears would die off in the Antarctic and the penguins would try to migrate back….they are migratory.

      • Well done gentlemen. I’d have to research small fish in the Arctic . I think though that the Colonel hit it right, they would probably swim back!

  80. Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. 🙂

  81. I wonder if the students that are protesting understand that they are not winning friends nor influencing people. They are actually hurting their cause. If I had any empathy for Gaza,,,,,it is gone now.

    • Put down the crackpipe, Colonel. 🙂

      It’s spreading the same way it spread against the Vietnam War. The kids, per usual, are right.

      • if this were the same, I would agree with you. It is not the same…..and, even if it were, it is not going to end this war……

        as to the other, I was watching the news and they were doing one of those man on the street interviews……….no one could point out Gaza on the map….however, to be fair….they could not point out Israel either and they could not point out Lebanon.

  82. unbelievable…..students AND professional protesters are being shown a world map…..rounding up………1 in 12 can point to Gaza or Palestine on the map.

  83. well, it appears that the Eastern ivy leagues and the Western lefty colleges could learn a lesson from Texas. The university of Texas says, if you want to protest……go for it….you will be allowed in designated areas. You will not block access to buildings and you will not be allowed to occupy buildings….the protestors laughed and they went to jail. Police and the Texas guard took care of the problem. No blocking classes and no occupying buildings anywhere on public campuses….

    protestors tried the same thing in Arlington, Texas….went to jail. Tried to block the ballgame between the Mariners and Rangers….went to jail. Tried to block the Star’s hockey game…..went to jail.

    Our governor and mayors say that there are rules. Follow the rules and you are fine. Break them…there are consequences.

    • Praise the authoritarianism, Colonel. For guys who claim you protect the Constitution, you LUNATICS are basically full of shit. 🙂

      Anyway, the protesters are willing to go to jail. And who cares about Texas anyway. It’s one more lost cause like Florida. Nobody cares.

    • Yes, Texas, where the heroes of Uvalde live. 🙂 What a joke.

  84. Just A Citizen says:

    Pretty much spot on article about draining the swamp. I would add that some impact is possible by POTUS but would take a couple of years. This would be “reorganizing” agencies in ways that result in lower staffing. Simply not appointing people to all available positions would also help. But both of these measures are really just trimming around the edges.

    • I was at the Bureau of Standards in ’77 when they had a RIF. A targeted person could “bump” another person of lessor seniority and take their job. I had a scientist come to me to teach him about lasers so he could bump a perfectly qualified person out of their job. His knowledge of lasers and optics was zilch. He had no feeling for the field and was totally unqualified for the job. Such is the lunacy of the federal system.

      The only way to drain the swamp is to defund it and close divisions wholesale. Gov. Perry was correct in his desire to eliminate several bureaucracies. I would close the EPA, DoEd, DoE, the CDC, and several others. I would stop all climate change efforts. DoJ and the FBI would be significantly downsized and reformed. The CIA would be cut to 90% with instructions to gather foreign intelligence only, no black ops. I would preferably repeal the 16th amendment thus reducing the IRS to a fraction of its size. Barring that I would go to a flat tax which would significantly reduce the burdens and expense of tax filling. 

      I would then disperse the various agencies around the country.

  85. So, what do you LUNATICS think about the SCOTUS looking about to grant Herr BUFFOON immunity? I guess that’s a good court to you hypocrits/clowns. 🙂

    • I don’t think so……I think it gets remanded back to lower courts to determine what they think is immune and then the SCOTUS will rule on that. Which ever way it goes… is no win for the little guy. We get clobbered either way because of the precedents that will be set.

      You and Soros get your wish. The people do not win. They will get trampled no matter. But that is what you want… like what is happening where you live. But you are not prepared…..

      I wonder who the “true” Nazis are…….in the 30s you had brown shirted anti semitic gangs roving around breaking windows, burning shops, beating up Jews…… you have the same roving squads and professionals roving around, beating up Jews, destroying property, blocking roads and buildings….. same song, second verse. America stood by then…..

      Not for me, Charlie.

      • Per usual, Colonel, you have no clue what you’re talking about. I so want to find mutual ground with you, but you can’t help yourself.

        “Roving squads and professionals roving around, beating up Jews, destroying property, blocking roads and buildings….. same song, second verse. America stood by then…..”

        What a fantasy. Nothing like it, not even from professionals, is going on. Sometimes you challenge the bullshit you see on the news and other times you swallow it whole. Can’t trust that. Sorry. Look to alternative sources, but if it’s going to upset the authoritarianism you seem to crave, don’t do it. 🙂

        • well, Charlie……I’ll break it down. If you get in my face and say I am Hamas….that is assault. I’ll smash your face. Link arms to prevent me from going to class and won’t let me through….that is assault. I’ll smash your face. Grab my books and throw them on the ground….that is assault. I’ll smash your face. Write graffiti on my car, if I catch you, I’ll smash your face.

          I watched two interviews…the lady on from Columbia U…..was not a student. Admitted to it and said they won’t leave until their demands are met…..fine…I don’t care but physically block a door and push me back..I’ll smash your face.

          1 in 3 of the protestors are pros….those brand new tents don’t belong to the students…..driving up in busses and unloading….those are not students.

          but your first amendment rights do not apply when you get up close bumb me with your chest, block my street or access side walks….not protected speech. I will move you out of the way. The same fight you claim, I will claim.

          making phone calls and threatening emails or texts is not protected speech… sir. Want to protest, great. Wave a nazi flag at me, I will take it away make you eat it. (Metaphorical you) you are not the type or you would be out there.

          but I won’t get to do any face smashing….i have not been approached or been anywhere these protestors are doing their thing. I hope I don’t have to face this charade…..I have my hands full at the border.

  86. VH alreadyexists says:
  87. Just A Citizen says:

    I told ya’ll that the Govt would not listen to the locals and would shove the Grizz down their throats. 

    The area is to bisected to allow “natural repopulation” but somehow is going to support 200 bears. That by the way was the goal for the Greater Yellowstone population, which is now well over that number, and expanding.

    Oh, the statement that they will be managed due to concerns over livestock and human safety are B.S. They will act concerned for a few years and then efforts will stop. The people pushing these reintroductions are a CULT.

  88. S Kent Troy says:

    From # 1 son at GW U.

        The campus encampment went up yesterday AM and GW became the DC-area hub for protests with students (and agitators) coming in from Georgetown, Howard, Maryland, and other schools.  I’ve walked by there twice and believe there is potential for real violence given the simmering tension, language, and facemasks. 

    • Jesus Christ, stop spewing bullshit, SK. The NYPD said they were totally peaceful protests.

      • S Kent Troy says:

        Now you are calling # 1 son a liar. Besides, GW University and American University do not, last I looked, fall under the purview of the NYPD. I believe Mayor Bowser is in charge (sort of) down there.

  89. exile JAC

  90. Oh, Colonel … your state seems very confused. 🙂 Free Speech Frauds: Gov. Greg Abbott and the Pro-Israel Right – YouTube

  91. Just A Citizen says: