Presidential Immunity! Real or Imagined?

SCOTUS is now supposedly struggling with whether the President is immune to prosecution for any act conducted while in office. Given our current political environment it is really not clear what will happen. Some predict the matter will get sent back to the lower court to clarify what specifically is considered not immune vs. immune.

It is quite clear to me that a Government Official can be tried for crimes that are also subject to impeachment. Since the Constitution clearly states that Impeachment and removal from office will not preclude such prosecution. From Article 1, Section 3:

“Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States; but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.”

But it does not indicate such prosecution is available should the person NOT be “convicted” by the Senate. Or if no impeachment occurs at all. Oh and as for the lower court trying to claim there is a difference between Official acts and other acts outside the authority of the office, prior impeachments included acts that were not part of the office. Such as charges of public drunkenness, obnoxious behavior and blasphemy.

Given our current state of affairs in politics I think it may be appropriate to grant total immunity to the President and Vice President. Unless they are convicted by the Senate in an Impeachment trial. Otherwise this circus will continue and our system become even more dysfunctional. Another option is one put forth by Jonathan Turley. That Immunity exists while in office for all offenses unless Congress has passed a law that explicitly describes an act which is a crime and can be prosecuted.

Of course such Act of Congress would be subject to Constitutional control, so a Single party Congress could not pass any law it wanted in order to prosecute a President. As for the questions posed by the High Court last week during testimony; Once again we saw how some of the Justices are not very bright.


  1. And here I thought Texas had tough cops. 🙂

    Let’s hear it for some of the police who are refusing to turn peaceful protests into riots. Those at George Washington University claim there’s no reason to clear the campus of peaceful protests.

    On the other hand, the pieces of shit cops from Uvalde, Texas, who watched children get slaughterred while they shit their pants in hallways for 77 minutes, were big tough guys on a UTEP campus.

    • Well, sir,,,,,those cops in Uvalde, along with the police chief, have no jobs in law enforcement. That whole fiasco changed several things in Texas with law enforcement, as it should have…..however, you are talking local cops that had jurisdiction and the State cops did not. That has changed now. We dont have local jurisdictional infighting any longer. Any time there is a shooter situation in Texas, once the DPS arrive, the decision making now resides with the DPS. They have the power to override should the situation warrant. I will add that the large cities (Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio) do not much like the new strategy but, the large cities have pretty tough police chiefs and swat teams, whereas, the rural towns do not have that. Most of the rural areas have pretty tough sheriffs but……Uvalde was a blight and will never live it down.

      Now, on to the campus issues in Austin. I doubt you will see much more on this. The protestors that get rambunctious will be removed. want to protest…cool. Go to the designated site and scream your lungs out. Do not break windows, kick in doors and such. You will not be handled with kid gloves.

      A protest turns non peaceful the minute rocks are thrown, you block the path of a street, you block the path into the schools, you verbally threaten with death, you break windows and occupy buildings or rooms, or you break into dorm rooms.

      The solution is to arrest and charge the non-students with criminal trespass. For a bonafide student…..kick them out and suspend their graduation. this is what UT Texas is doing, I hear.

  2. He better not pick this psychotic. 🙂

    Kristi Noem BRAGS About Murdering Puppy (

    • Just A Citizen says:

      And what exactly is psychotic about putting down an animal?

      You people are so predictable.

      • JAC, if this gets through, I have something in limbo.

      • He is a city boy, JAC. He would have a conniption if he came on the ranch.

        • Yeah, I’m not nearly as rough and tough as you clowns. 🙂

          • rough and tough has nothing to do with it….you have to “put down” dogs, cats, calves, horses…..etc. especially, pets that have been snake bit, bitten by coyotes or skunks or raccoons or even scorpion stung on the eyes, nose, or face. Usually pets, once bitten get very aggressive….its hard to do at times….but has to be done.

            as to the lady that “offed” her pet…..there are rescues for them. I think she was extreme unless she was on a ranch somewhere.

            • Recall when Joni Ernst talked about castrating pigs? Rural life is different. Aggressive dogs that go after livestock or people are often give capital punishment. In fact any rancher in CA who catches a dog bothering livestock is permitted to shot it.

              • That is understandable, T-Man, but read her statement (in her book). She “hated” that dog. She didn’t bring it to a shelter or get a professional trainer. Personally, I think she was trying to look masculine, thinking that’s what a coward like Trump would like. No matter, she focked up.

            • “as to the lady that “offed” her pet…..there are rescues for them. I think she was extreme unless she was on a ranch somewhere.”

              That was the point, Colonel. She’s fucking nuts. And if she thought it was a good selling point for VP … oh, boy.

      • I guess we’ll know soon, JAC. Does he take her on as VP or did she cut her own throat?

        In answer to your questions … ever hear of animal shelters or professional trainers? 🙂

        • I hope he does not take her…….that would be like Biden picking Whoopi Goldberg……

        • Just A Citizen says:

          The dog killed another person’s chickens and bit another person. It had received “Professional Training” and that had failed.

          The Dog was defective and because of its attack on livestock and another person needed to be put down. Good on her for having the cajons to git er’ done.

          The only thing I will criticize her for is that she even owned a goat. Killing it was OK, but owning it in the first place???? Come on man!!

          • “The dog killed another person’s chickens and bit another person. It had received “Professional Training” and that had failed.”

            So she says. And it wasn’t professionally trainer, nor was it brought to a shelter. The fact she wrote about it like some warrior … she’s a shit stain and Trump best avoid her like the plague. You have any idea how many people have pets who don’t think like you lunatics? 🙂

            • What do you think a shelter is going to do with a dog that has killed livestock and bitten or nipped at people. They will keep it for a few weeks and then quietly put it down. A bullet is a lot cheaper than paying a vet to do the job. She faced the facts of life and took care of the problem herself which I allow you are too much of a wimp to do.

              • Yep, I’m a wimp. Anytime you’re in the neighborhood, look me up. 🙂

                There are shelters that don’t just put a dog down after a couple of weeks, but you’re too stupid to know that. 🙂

  3. Just A Citizen says:

    Another rationalization by an intellectual. Kind of hilarious actually, if not for the fact this guy is a professor.

  4. Just A Citizen says:

    Funny how the Govt. and media are working so hard to make this guy a “lone wolf”. Don’t take him at his word, no that wouldn’t work out so good. He was just some lose cannon.

    On the other hand, it looks like those claims that some Antifa type was in fact a major instigator. But alas, this comes out years later and nobody notices.

  5. Punks with badges … Uvalde!

  6. So brave, the so called “students” covering their faces….wont give their names..wont stand up for what they believe except from hiding. They are no different than Hamas hiding in the shadows and fighting from behind human shields.

    Breaking in like they are…makes J 6 look like a romper room party.

    • Uvalde! Uvalde! 🙂

      They cover their faces to avoid being suspended (If possible). Uvalde!

    • “They are no different than Hamas hiding in the shadows and fighting from behind human shields.”

      Clueless, per usual, Colonel. It is the IDF that uses Palestinian children and men as human shields. Google the images. They’re all over the place. Or do the hard work of actually researching it. Human Rights Organizations actually document it.

      Forget that for now. For you and JAC and T-Man: Do you think the shooting of the dog was good optics for all the wimps in the country who own and love dogs? Do you think that would help or hurt Trump if he chose her?

      • First of all…..she wrote about it. That was dumb. You mentioned optics…I’m under the impression she wrote about it. Dumb.

        I like dogs….certain ones, that is. I’m a Boxer fan. However, I do not treat pets as a family member but I know people that do. I also understand she lives on a ranch….not sure. That does make a difference, in my view. So, I really can’t speak to the optics. I do have a cat that was given to me…a Siamese but when it is time for it to pass on, I have no intention on having another pet.

        However, it is common practice on ranches to “put down” any animal that turns violent. Horses that cannot be ridden are shipped away to dog food canneries, aggressive bulls are immediately put down, dogs that become aggressive and that bite people and kill other livestock are put down.

        That said, don’t advertise the fact that you do this. It is stupid to write about it….and more stupid to discuss it.

        To your question, it would hurt Trump.

        • That’s the bottom line on my question. Would it hurt Trump. Thank you. It can’t possibly help him.

          • Nope……the fact she wrote about it….bothers me.

            • Good man, Colonel. Now, a question for you ALL … every single LUNATIC in here.

              Do you agree or disagree with a LAW that will declare Anti-Zionism as Anti-Semitism … and do ANY of you know the difference? Serious questions there, boyos. Have at it. I’m very curious what you think about the United States of America cow-towing to a foriegn Apartheid government.

              • Making more laws will not solve the problem. I am against any laws the create another entitled class.

                As for Israel being an apartheid state, compared to all the countries surrounding it, it is a beacon of liberalism. It may not be perfect but it is an order of magnitude better than its Arab neighbors. I am sorry it does not live up to your expectations but singling them out compared to their neighbors is wrong. 

                If the Arabs stopped fighting, there would be peace. If the Israelis laid down their arms, there would be genocide. Israel left Gaza 19 years ago and their has been no peace.

                • T-man, I expect so much more from you. You literally have no idea what the situation is in both Gaza or the West Bank before October 7 and since. I don’t know where you get your information, but this is so unimpressive it’s scary. Nor does it help me buy your science … anyone can focus so I can’t ignore your science, but if you’re this ignorant about Palestine … and comparing it to Arab states? Why? They are a totally apartheid state. That is not in dispute unless you’re a denier. Wow.

                  • Try being a Jew and live in Iran or Iraq or Gaza for that case. Remember what they did to Coptic Christians in Egypt a few years ago. Then compare that treatment to Arabs, and Christians living in Israel. Next look at how gays are treated in the various countries in the Middle East. I do not hear of gays being launched off of buildings in Israel. Next look at how Islamic countries treat females. 

  7. So Adam Schiff seems to have an issue understanding domicile and residence. For several years he claimed a Maryland house as his primary residence while maintaining voting rights and representing his CA district w/o having any residence in CA to claim as a domicile. Of course he now wants to be our senator. Odds are he will make it but he does not deserve it.

  8. S Kent Troy says:

    The stupid pandemic brought back the issue of “masking”. As far back as I can remember, masking oneself at a demonstration or while committing a criminal act has been illegal. Now who remembers where these prohibitions came from? Well, they came from the KKK demonstrations in the ’50’s and ’60’s where those psychos wore their hoods to avoid the consequences and just a bit easier to commit an act where you would be ashamed if identified doing it.

    So, here, today, we have something else we can blame Herr Doktor Fauci for!

  9. Just A Citizen says:

    Aren’t Universities Government institutions?

    Are not professors Govt. employees?

    Are not demonstrators “trespassing” and committing “property damage” when taking buildings?

    Are not demonstrators “interfering with the conduct of Govt proceedings” by disrupting classes.

    I say give them the same treatment as the January 6th PROTESTORS.

    • Some of the universities are private, some are public but may have a charter that disconnects them directly from government. All do get some funds from government.

      Certainly the outside agitators are trespassing and should be arrested and charged as such. Anyone defacing or destroying property are assaulting others should be arrested and prosecuted. Blocking student and teacher access to the facilities should also be a violation of free movement. The ones that held the janitors in Hamilton Hall in NYC are guilty of kidnapping.

      I find it laughable that they are demanding water be brought into Hamilton Hall. Every university building has water fountains and water closets. I guess if it does not come in a bottle, it is unfit to drink.

      I can see the university turning off the electricity to an occupied building but shutting off the water would be counter productive and only result in more vandalism.

  10. Just A Citizen says:

    I will be gone fishing for a few days so nobody will be around to empty the SPAM locker. Just so you know.

    Otherwise, have fun and play nice.



  12. Just like ’68 but without the cool music!

  13. Well, it looks like things are about to be over….on the campus …or most of them…..

    So, just what have they accomplished? It was interesting watching the UCLA thing…..the professionals ran away while the students stood their ground.

    But what have they accomplished? I hope the college administrations hold to their promise…..and expel the students and fire the professors.

    We had a lot of help in Austin……thunderstorms. Blew everything away….and broke up the protests pretty well…nothing like 60mph winds and hail.

    Watching the students with their smirks and grins being led away…I’m sure mom and dad are proud….and now they get to stand around the coffee shops and quads after their release and say “we sure showed them”….meanwhile, their records will follow them.

    ok… what?

    • Considering who is running the show these days I Imagine their “record” might serve them in good stead if seeking government employment or major corporations, especially media and big tech. The anti-war crowd of the ’60’s did pretty damn well, didn’t they?

      • yes, they did…..however, this crowd seems a lot different.

        • It is the devolution of the country. Been following this crap for damn near 60 years now and it has been a straight line downward. Each generation digs the hole deeper and as Edmund Burke allegedly opined, “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing”. I’ve done my bit, you yours and most of our members have done theirs. The vast majority of sheep however have hid themselves hoping it would go away or drugged themselves with bread, circuses and the SUPERBOWL!

          Reading Uris’s “Exodus” now. The “backstory” on the creation of Israel and the perfidious Brits escalating the eventual nightmare by wishing it would just go away if they ignored and appeased the bad guys is instructive. I have met a whole lot of Israelis since I was a kid and each and every one told me what a paradise it would have been for Moslem and Jew alike had bad guys among the Arabs not been encouraged by the British. Those who left in ’48 with false promises by the Arab league that they would soon be able to have it all including that famous Jewish “gold” which always remains hidden just beyond reach. The Arabs who did not leave have done pretty well sharing the prosperity of the country and participation in its governance. The rest? only God knows how that will eventually shake out. Perhaps we could solve the problem and give them Montana or something. JoeB seems to be thinking along those lines right now.

          Who remembers that the Spiritual Leader of the Moslems in Palestine and nearby, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a frigging Nazi feted by Hitler no less.

          • Exodus? Oy vey, SK! Read something real. I’m reading Illan Pappe’s The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine right now. He’s an Israeli professor, Political Scientist, Activist, former politician born in Haifa and now teaches at Xeter in the UK. I’ve studied the issue for more than a decade and can recommend several scholars and their books, but if you want to be “right” about “your” conclusions, then by all means, read fiction … how about From Time Immemorial, a book Norman Finkelstein earned his cred from by destroying it as a total fraud? 🙂

            As for the Grand Mufti … did you know that one of Israeli’s Prime Minister (i’ll double check for the name) did the same thing as the Grand Mufti? I’ll bet you didn’t know that. There’s nothing complicated about this issue. You’re right it was the British going back to Balfour (who was as anti-semitic as they came himself), and once they abandoned their mandate (at one point they were fighting both a Palestinian resistance and the Haganah (Isreli soldiers) … once they were gone, there’s nothing complicated about it. Zionists took over Palestine and I’ll wipe my ass with the Bible before I’ll use it as a legitimate source of anything but fairytales. This has been a brutal occuapation since 1948, culminating in 2006 with the imprisonment of Gazans and several “mowings of the lawn” by a highly technical military and now a full blown GENOCIDE.

            • Bullshit Chuck, plain bullshit. Prior to WW 2 Ben-Gurion, leader of what would later become the Israeli government made an attempt to align with the Germans against Britain for the sole purpose of making the Brits look bad and forcing their hand on Israel independence before WW 2. That is in Uris’ book. The Grand Mufti spent some time in Berlin with Hitler, receiving all sorts of honors and decorations from him while the war was on. Mr. Grand Mufti was arrested and indicted by Yugoslavia post WW 2 for atrocities committed by Yugo Muslims at his direction and the Brits helped him escape to sic the Palestinians and anyone else who would listen on the Jews. The whole Israel thing was pissing off the Arabs to the point where British oil interests were threatened.

              If nothing else, the current situation OUTSIDE Israel with rabid anti-Semites like yourself proves the point of Chayim Weitzman and others that the Jews need a land of their own to escape to if nothing else. You make me laugh. The US takes over native lands from people who took them from other natives and you bawl about it. The Jews take back what is historically theirs and you get all huffed up.

              The whole Fuxxing world owes the Jews, England, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Morocco, US and a host of others. That crummy little piece of desert that they made bloom is all they wanted. If the Palestinians who were NOT driven out had stayed, they wouldn’t have the problem but your buddy, the Grand Mufti promised them the Jewish farms and the Jewish gold which everyone from Ferdinand and Isabella to Hitler knows that they HAVE, hidden of course so well it’s never been found.

              ANY asshat repeating, from the river to the sea, is advocating extermination of all Jews in Israel. That makes them no better than Hitler or the damned Czar.

              Uris wrote his book in ’58 & ’59, long before the 67, 73 and current war. There was no real need for any propaganda when they were written. I find his research superior to most historians in all his books I have read.

              • Clueless as the day you were born, SK. It wasn’t Ben Gurion. Where do you come up with this bullshit? Do you ever REALLY read ANYTHING that isn’t pure propagands. I guess all the JEWISH historians, like Illan Pappe were jerking themselves off. 🙂 READ HIS BOOK, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. I’d send it to you if I thought you’d read it.

              • Exodus, you dumb fk, is a novel. Of course it’s fiction. 🙂

  14. Colonel! Calling all Colonels!

  15. I suggested this in print and letters to our legislature over 15 years ago. We expend energy to flow water from the Delta ( San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers) to SoCal which is up hill from the Delta. The pumps used consume significant amounts of electricity. Also the land is already government land so no additional land is required. India has been doing this successfully for over a decade. Instead we build a train to nowhere. 

  16. T-man, try very hard to understand why I posted this video. 🙂

    • You forget that I am old enough to remember all this in real time. It is history. My how we changed things over the last 60 some years. But some (you?) want to believe nothing has improved and continue to rub salt in the wounds thus allowing them not to heal. 

      My brother spent time working in Israel, Egypt and a couple of other countries on the Arabian Peninsula. Israel was clean, orderly, safe. Women were treated equally like in any Western country. Egypt on the other hand was dirty, disease ridden, and unsafe. Women were totally clothed from head to toe and walked two paces behind their men. 

      • As described in “Exodus” which, of course, Chuck says is FICTION. I have three sons who all are voracious readers. The eldest never reads fiction, always incredibly long, drawn out history, policy and biography. I’ve been telling him since he was in High School that good Fiction, especially historical fiction generally gives you a broad overview and whets your appetite to pursue real history and biography. The Exodus book, for example has a thinly veiled character, a British Officer, unconventional to say the least, who started out an Anti-Semite, went to Palestine, became immersed in the Bible and the history of Israel and then became a fervent Zionist. In the 1930’s with a wink-wink from higher authorities he started training the Palmach in unconventional warfare. He got too good at it and was sent back to England. This rang a bell with me so I checked, sure enough it turned pout to be Orde Wingate famous in the CBI theater for the “Chindits”. Just ordered his bio. A bit biased Wikipedia article below which talks of oil pipelines but not the murder, torture, dismemberment of unarmed Jewish Settlers.

        • Everybody has “VORACIOUS” readers … or brothers on the scene … yet nobody has read a single ACTUAL history of the “CREATION” of one state by a colonizer at the expense of an indigenous population to become another colonizer. You guys are clowns. Seriously.

      • “Israel was clean, orderly, safe.”

        For Israelis. You must be out of your f’n mind. 🙂 Your brother too.

    • Yep 61 years back and nothing has changed. right?

      Funny thing, we have had a dozen women, white and Asian attacked in the streets of NY and beaten to the ground for no reason. All attackers have been B___K. Ya see, if I say the real word I will be accused of racism.

  17. S Kent Troy says:

    Seems to me, all the “colonizing” was done by Muslims. Israel never, even in the bad old days was much on exporting Judaism and never ever wanted to establish a Caliphate.

    The ’47 partition was an abomination of a country but could have survived had not Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Syria attacked along with troops from Iraq and some other garden spots like Yemen. Then they did attack, outnumbering Israelis by 10 to one, got their asses whupped and lost what the UN had given them. Then they pulled the same crap in ’67 and ’73 losing even more turf. You may have noticed, Egypt and Jordan got smart about it. Traitorous bastards, no doubt, to you!

    You my friend seem to be in full blown “river to the sea” mode which is not particularly different from the “final solution”. The “blood libel” still lives …. frigging amazing!

    • You’re an idiot. Try reading something other than fiction. Jesus …

      • S Kent Troy says:

        I had stopped responding to you because you refuse to learn anything which does not fit in with your weltanschauung. Your deep felt anti-Semitism, which is pretty damned obvious makes you frankly intolerable. Shame you do not know any history, understand how what happened 70 or 170 years ago effects the world today, nor is your reading comprehension up to snuff.

  18. S Kent Troy says:

    As a child of the 1960’s who was college age during the war protests I am greatly disappointed in modern youth. they have not yet mastered the simplest of tactics, The “Heinz” maneuver.

    How hard is it to go to the Cafeteria pick up several Heinz catsup packets, make a small hole and when a cop comes near you, take the packet in your palm and slap your head with it. Instant gore for the TV cameras. Then you moan and fall down! Sorry generation Z you ain’t got nothin on the Boomers!

    “Ho! Ho! Ho Chi Minh, NLF is gonna win !” “Hey! Hey! LBJ, how many kids have you killed today?”

  19. A must-read article on how universities use their history of student activism for marketing purposes yet endorse police violence when current students put those principles into practice.

    “Many universities at the center of the ongoing police crackdowns have long sought to portray themselves as bastions of activism and free thought. Cornell is one of many universities that champion their legacy of student activism when convenient, only to bring the hammer down on present-day activists when it’s not. The same colleges that appeal to students such as Wilson by promoting opportunities for engagement and activism are now suspending them. And they’re calling the cops.

    The police activity we are seeing universities level against their own students does not just scuff the carefully cultivated progressive reputations of elite private universities such as Columbia, Emory University, and NYU, or the equally manicured free-speech bona fides of red-state public schools such as Indiana University and the University of Texas at Austin. It also exposes what these universities have become in the 21st century. Administrators have spent much of the recent past recruiting social-justice-minded students and faculty to their campuses under the implicit, and often explicit, promise that activism is not just welcome but encouraged. Now the leaders of those universities are shocked to find that their charges and employees believed them. And rather than try to understand their role in cultivating this morass, the Ivory Tower’s bigwigs have decided to apply their boot heels to the throats of those under their care.”

    Colleges Love Protests—When They’re in the Past – The Atlantic

  20. Just A Citizen says:
  21. Just A Citizen says:

    The cost of Govt. overreach that erodes public confidence. Someday it might well harm us in a way we never considered.

    P.S. The CDC is using fear fed by nothing but speculation at this point. And that just adds to the confidence/trust problem that already exists. Asking for far more than is required also doesn’t help.

    • The CDC is full of shit…thank you.

    • The one “confirmed” human case developed pink eye? How is pink eye relevant? Note the same people running the failed Covid response are running this. What could go wrong?

      The virus is killed by pasteurizing the milk. If this is such a big deal, why is concern with the bovine herds and not the much bigger fowl flocks? 

  22. if you are better off today than four years ago……you are probably an illegal.

  23. Charlie….have an interesting debate for you concerning what is determined to be “free speech” and what is determined to be “peaceful protest”.

    Now, here is my view point and I welcome yours.

    As I understand the First amendment, you are free to use any discourse that you wish as Long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others. Would I be correct in stating that.

    It does not matter if you are Jewish, Black, gay, transgender or whatever. If you wish to peacefully protest and voice your opinions, you are protected under the first amendment. But has not the courts now changed the laws to read that certain speech is hateful? Going back in time, you see the following:

    Attorney General Loretta Lynch has expressed concern about the potential for an anti-Islam backlash similar to one that followed the Sept. 11 attacks and vowed that the Justice Department would punish “actions predicated on violent talk.” ( This excerpt was when Syrian refugees were being brought in to the country ).

    The signature hate crime statute — the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act — makes it illegal to physically harm someone based on their race, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation, among other characteristics.

    Comments intended as specific and immediate threats brush up against those protections, regardless of a person’s race or religion. So do personal, face-to-face comments meant to incite imminent lawlessness, such as a riot.A 1942 Supreme Court decision called Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire — which involved a Jehovah’s Witness who cursed at a city marshal, calling him a “damned fascist” — articulated a “fighting words” doctrine that restricted insults intended to provoke an “immediate breach of the peace.”

    In Virginia v. Black, a seminal 2003 Supreme Court decision on cross-burning, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor described “true threats” as statements in which “the speaker means to communicate a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals.” “It requires specificity, it requires intent and it requires a certain sense of imminence,”

    In a Dec. 3 speech to the Muslim Advocates organization, Lynch said that more than 220 defendants had been charged with hate crime offenses in the last six years. Those include a Utah man who threatened an interracial family with death and a man who admitted tying a rope around the neck of a James Meredith statue on the University of Mississippi campus.

    Since Sept. 11, 2001, the attorney general said, the Justice Department has headed more than 1,000 investigations into acts of “anti-Muslim hatred” and bigoted behavior, leading to more than 45 prosecutions — including of a New York man who e-mailed death threats to an employee at the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and of a Texas man convicted in 2013 of threatening to bomb an Islamic center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

    Among incidents in the last two months: a caretaker at a Philadelphia mosque said he found a severed pig’s head outside on the sidewalk, and CAIR, a Muslim advocacy group, reported getting a hate letter with a white powdery substance at its Washington offices.

    Not all hate speech is protected by the First Amendment, since hateful expression can fall within certain, narrow categories of unprotected speech such as:

    Incitement to imminent lawless action (incitement);

    speech that threatens serious bodily harm (true threats); or

    speech that causes an immediate breach of the peace (fighting words). 

    If the hateful speech falls within one of these unprotected categories, then it is not protected by the First Amendment. If it falls outside these categories, then the speech will remain protected by the First Amendment in most contexts, with a handful of other narrow exceptions for public employees and institutions. For example, a public employer can discipline a public employee, like a police officer or firefighter, who hurls a racist invective at a citizen while on duty. Likewise, a public grade school official can punish a student for maliciously yelling a racial slur at another student in the hallway. Officials at K-12 institutions may reasonably believe that such speech would cause a material and substantial disruption of school activities and interfere with the rights of others.

    As you can see, the application of the term “free speech” has become convoluted over time. So, I ask you this question.

    A black and white interpretation, means that you can SAY anything you want to anyone you want and that is protected by the first amendment. Do you agree?

    Allow me to use myself and give an example:

    As a civilian, if I walk up to an illegal and say ” you are a contemptible free loader wishing to cross this border illegally and live off the generosity of this country as an illegal, violate our laws, and laugh in our face about it, then you are lower than rat shit on a hot summer’s day. You do not deserve to be here. You are an interloper and I wish you to die a despicable death in the belly of a Plutionian Sand worm. You are lower than snake excrement in a wagon rut and you need to go back to whatever slum ridden sewer you came from.”

    What if I was in full uniform and said the same thing.

    Is this protected speech under the first amendment? If not, why not? It is my opinion and mine alone.

    • A brief reply: The anti-war movement, with violence on both sides culminating in Kent and Jackson State students being killed and wounded, helped to end the Vietnam disaster. The civil rights movement, with violence on both sides, although much heavier by the State (including attack dogs), helped bring about civil rights enhancements for blacks. Anti-Apartheid protests helped to end South African apartheid.

      ALL of the above involved much more serious violence than the pro-Palestinian protests. What Texas did was repulsive. The NYPD, who claimed it was a fully peaceful protest, managed to have one of their own fire a gun inside Hamilton Hall, appropriate renamed by the students, Hinds Hall.

      The number of Israeli students (some former IDF soldiers) who instigated and attacked pro-Palestinian protesters were mostly untouched (as in LA where those punks with badges watched the attacks before getting involved). I remember documentaries about the Kent State shootings where adults were saying, (a woman, no less) “They should’ve killed them all.” That sounds like YOU sometimes, Colonel. I guess until one of their own gets clipped by a punk with a badge, the National guard, Army, et al, they’ll grasp that form of Patriotism like it’s the last piece of bread.

      We are a country ARMING A GENOCIDE. What don’t you get?

      • Your use of the term genocide is what bothers me. You use it very loosely. I’ve been through a true genocide in Bosnia while under UN command. Have you?

        As to Texas, first, the violence was caused by professional demonstrators. The police responded accordingly. I, as a person, will never accept the revised version of free speech or the right of assembly as you do.

        The University of Texas, among other PUBLIC universities had designated areas of assembly and peaceful protest. (Designated areas is NOT refusal) They were ignored. Warned and ignored again. The third strike was forceful removal. The taking over of college grounds is NOT the right of assembly. If there were designated areas, as there were, any violation of that would be trespass.

        Taking over buildings and dormitories is an act of violence and trespass. They were removed forcefully, and should have been. The first amendment does NOT protect that and it should not.

        Any students that refused to return to class and were part of the protest should not be granted leniency nor amnesty. They were warned in advance of the consequence. They should be expelled immediately. If they want to protest, feel free to do so on their own time in the designated areas. The schools are correct in the suspensions.

        Any person that blocks or impedes any student from class is an act of violence. Any person that touches, spits on, shoves, pushes or grabs another person is guilty of assault. Go directly to jail. None of this is protected speech.

        Want to call anyone a name….do so. But do not use a double standard. If you call a black man a “nigger” that is considered hate speech. But call a Jew a kike is not considered hate speech. Speaking out against Muslims or gays or transgender is considered a phobia of some sort but there is no phobia assigned to the Jews.

        I would not, if a professional protestor, try this on private campus in Texas. They would not like the response. Most, if not all of them, have private security and are well staffed and armed. Like TCU…it is a private campus. It has a designated area for PEACEFUL protest. But, at last look, yesterday, I drove by to see if anything was happening and it was not. I was going to stop and take a look but being a private campus, would have been stopped and checked.

        Hamas made a terrible error. It started a war they cannot win. They are armed and financed by Iran. Everyone and their mother knows that. Hamas is also not accepting ANY…yes…ANY cease fire terms that include release of the hostages. So, Hamas is and always has been armed by Iran, as is Hezbollah, Syria and the like. The US sends billions in aid to Israel. So, who is the bad guy? You probably will not admit it it, but Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait… not want Hamas nor Hezbollah around. While publicly they are silent, you and I both know that are tacitly behind Israel. Even Jordan and the Saudi’s helped shoot down the drones that were aimed at Israel. They are not even allowing refugees in…so who really is the bad guy?

        Acknowledging your position, the Cold War never really ended. It just changed adversaries. The use of surrogates is the way of the world. Russia will do it, Iran will do it, China will do it…..we will do it. If you can stop this, let me know. I will be on your side……but EVERYONE has to stop it. Iran is not going to let the ME live in peace. It does not fit their doctrine of the 12th Iman and caliphate.

        • You kill me, Colonel. Someone else who was there in Bosnia claims it wasn’t even close to what Palestinians are going through. So, excuse me for calling BULLSHIT on you.

          • I don’t recall seeing the Jews lining up 7,000 people, women and children mostly, and machine gunning them into ditches. If your source was with combat units watching the slaughter and unable to lift a finger because UN Command said no interference, he was blind as shit.

            so, call bullshit if you want. You have no concept. And you will have no concept until you put on some boots, my friend….and live with the nightmares.

            • Well, Colonel, if you read something other than the BS on this ignorant page, you’d know that far more than 7,000 men and boys were lined up throughout Palestine during the ethnic cleansing period immediately following 1947-48 … but you fail to read actual history (which is still better than reading SK’s fiction). Try reading this (with ALL SERIOUSNESS). The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Illan Pappe (he’s Jewish).

              If you want to know how duplicitous and genocidal the Zionist movement is and always has been, read any of the following books, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Illan Pappe … Goliath: Live and Loathing in Greater Israel, by Max Blumenthal … The One Hundred Years’ War on Palestine, by Rashid Khalidi … Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom, by Norman Finkelstein. Three of four of those authors are JEWISH. 🙂

              Remember, Colonel, I tortured myself with Ayn Rand’s collection of selfish horseshit (both of them).

              • Cant say that I have read all the authors you posted but I have read The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Illan Pappe and the One Hundred Year War by Khaldi. I try not to read anything by Max Blumenthal and very selective on Finkelstein (not the one you mentioned however.)

                I am well read Charlie as it is wise to read and understand ones possible adversary. I have also studied extensively the Muslim Culture and the 12th Imam. I have read and studied the different writings of a variety of Russian authors as well as the writings and understandings of Buddha.

                Among the other authors in my library are René Descartes, Friedrich, Wilhelm Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Ibn Sina, David Hume, John Locke, Jean-Paul Sartre, Paul Foucault, John Stuart Mill….also in my library are writings from Adolph Hitler, prose by Ghenghis Khan, and the writings of Shaka Zulu.

                I have many other books and consider myself well read. But I read from the standpoint of knowledge…..not whether the authors are correct or incorrect in their musings. I pass no judgements on their writings but the insight to their philosophy. One must under stand the ways of other thinkers and not be blind to other points of view.

            • I didn’t realize you were talking about the famous “put on some boots” bullshit. And we wonder why there are so many veteran suicides? Maybe because we put those kids in impossible situations, based on total lies and for absolutely nothing more than war profiteering. If you’re proud of that, so be it. I’d be ashamed.

              • Maybe because we put those kids in impossible situations…. Yes, we put kids in impossible situations. We always have since 1776. And it isn’t just the kids….us old codgers are still in impossible situations. Every single war that I have been in and participated in (Vietnam, Kuwait, Bosnia) was being in impossible situations except Kuwait. That was a cake walk. It is inevitable.

                What I was calling bullshit on is you have no concept of war. None. Your friend, or source, that was in Bosnia was obviously not in a combat role. Sitting behind a desk somewhere does not a combat soldier make…..those of us that were under the misbegotten UN command ORDERED us……ORDERED us… stand by and watch a complete village terminated…..over 25,000 people…I can only verify the 7, 000 that I witnessed. That was complete annihilation and genocide.

                I also call bullshit on the broad definition of genocide. Here is the definition of genocide: genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.

                You are making a big deal out of an Israeli self defense move…a war started by Hamas, the elected peoples of Palestine. People are protesting about and using a term of genocide….but I do not see anyone, including you concerned about the real genocide continuing today….

                Rohingya……what about this on going killing of today?

                The Iraqi Turkmen genocide refers to a series of killings, rapes, executions, expulsions, and sexual slavery of Iraqi Turkmen by the Islamic State.[11] It began when ISIS captured Iraqi Turkmen land in 2014 and it continued until ISIS lost all of their land in Iraq. In 2017, ISIS’s persecution of Iraqi Turkmen was officially recognized as a genocide by the Parliament of Iraq,[12][13] and in 2018, the sexual slavery of Iraqi Turkmen girls and women was recognized by the United Nations. <b>Does this count?</b>

                The Genocide of Yazidis by ISIS included mass killing, rape and enslavement of girls and women, forced abduction, indoctrination and recruitment of Yazidis boys (aged 7 to 15) to be used in armed conflicts, forced conversion to Islam and expulsion from their ancestral land. The United Nations’ Commission of Inquiry on Syria officially declared in its report that ISIS was committing genocide against the Yazidis population. <b>Does this count?</b>

                The Darfur genocide (2003 to present) refer to the war crimes and crimes against humanity such as massacre and genocidal rape that occurred within the Darfur region during the War in Darfur perpetrated by Janjaweed militias and the Sudanese government. These atrocities have been called the first genocide of the 21st century.[22] Sudan’s president Omar al-Bashir has been indicted for his role in the genocide by the United Nations.<b> does this count?</b>

                During the First Congo War, (1997) troops of the Rwanda-backed Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre (AFDL) attacked refugee camps in Eastern DRC, home to 527,000 and 718,000 Hutu refugees in South-Kivu and North-Kivu respectively.[28] Elements of the AFDL and, more so, of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) systematically shelled numerous camps and committed massacres with light weapons. These early attacks cost the lives of 6,800–8,000 refugees and forced the repatriation of 500,000 – 700,000 refugees back to Rwanda. <b>does this count?</b>

                The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi, occurred between 7 April and 19 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War.[32][30][33] During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed Hutu militias. <b>does this count?</b>

                Hell, Charlie, I could go on….there are over 60 countries in this world committing or has committed genocide by your terminology and by the terminology of the United Nations and Europe. I do not see you screaming about those…only Israel.

                How about the 30 countries right this very minute committing genocide, using your terminology…….and in the top 30 countries…is it not amazing that Israel is not listed. The countries are listed by the UN and the top watch dog agencies of the world….

                Pakistan, Yemen, Burma, Chad, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, India, Sudan, Somalia……all the way down to China and Russia…but somehow, Israel is not considered genocide. I wonder why?

                The Early Warning Project considers the top-30 countries to be high-risk. In the new assessment, nearly half of these countries are already experiencing a mass killing. Consistent with other research, most high-risk countries have a history of mass killing and are currently experiencing an armed conflict.

                At the same time, the composition of the high-risk group underscores that serious mass killing risks are not limited to a single region of the world or to highly authoritarian contexts. While 17 of the top-30 are in sub-Saharan Africa, 4 of the top-10 are in South and Southeast Asia, and another 6 of the top-30 are in the Middle East or North Africa. Democracies, such as India and Indonesia, are represented in the high-risk group together with autocracies, such as Syria and China.

                My whole point of this, with all that is going on in the world, there is this fascination with Israel and Palestine. I do not see protest groups doing the hurrah thing for anyone else. But because they are Jews,,,,and solely because they are Jews…this has become some sort of rallying cry.

                And, I might add, research shows that the United States, Russia, China, Iran, India, England, Germany, Venezuela, Chili, and Pakistan……are all guilty of sending aid to all of these 30 countries under the disguise of foreign aid and humanitarian aid.

                When you look at the world in present day, the Israeli/Hamas conflict does not even amount to a fart in the wind. You make it sound as if Israel is the only bad guy….supported by the US….you do not mention the other bad guys of Russia, China, Iran who are the backers of Hamas as well as several other countries in Africa.

                So, if you wish to pick up your mantel….do it world wide. The minority of the kids in the protests today cannot even identify Gaza….the professionals, which is now proven to be over 50% of MOST protest groups are the real agitators…and kids are easily led.

                Genocide, no matter the definition, is horrendous. End of sentence. This is where my complaint arises. And, until arm chair generals and quarterbacks, get off their ass and quit reading selective excerpts and relying on channeled reporting, no one knows what the real world is like. Those of us that have seen it and fought it, for whatever reason we were there, were not involved in the politics but in going where we were assigned to go. That is discipline. And, sir, do not forget that I fought a war and was wounded in a war that was fought for political reasons and profit. No one understands that more than I……not even you. But we were ordered there and there we went. I will never foment nor organize nor participate in revolt or revolution.

                If I choose to protest, I will do so. But I will do so peacefully.

                • Just A Citizen says:

                  In my book they lost all credibility when the started screaming Genocide after the first retaliatory strikes were launched. At that time only a few buildings were destroyed. But GENOCIDE was the scream from the Marxists and Islamists.

                • Well said.

                • Still waiting for someone to explain to me why we have to be so worried about Nazi’s with their meager 12,000,000 body count when our Marxist friends are somewhat OK and considered by many oppressed when one points out their ongoing 120,000,000 body count?

                  My Dad never got upset over the blacklisting in the 1950’s of Communists in the US often passing comments about how one could possibly be upset over people that had they been Fascists would have been in jail in the ’40’s.

                  Nice analysis sir.

      • Just A Citizen says:

        I am laughing so hard the tears are falling on the key board. Poor babies. They don’t have time to demonstrate because they have to work to pay tuition. Do you think these pampered “students” are paying their own tuition? Far less than they did back then.

        We wonder why we have a problem on campuses and among the youth. Note who the primary character is in the interview and what her thoughts are about then and now. Then pay attention to what she does. Teaching Journalism at Kent State.

        Oh yeah, they showed up on a Sunday to peacefully protest, following the burning of the ROTC building the night before. I guess the phrase “mostly peaceful” has been around longer than we thought.

        The problem with Mr. Stella, the interviewee in this article, and most of the media, let alone the leftwing Marxists in this country, is they want to make it out like nothing has changed. They draw the most heinous comparisons between anti Vietnam war demonstration or Civil Rights marches and Terrorist Sympathizers squatting on University grounds and threatening innocent people.

        The only thing similar today with back then is the infiltration of Marxists and Anarco-Communists into the demonstrations. But then they are the ones who have been teaching and organizing and agitating all along. So how can we say they actually infiltrated. Hell, this garbage is all on them. The sad thing is the number of gullible kids they are dragging down with them.

        Before I forget, we also can’t ignore the impact of allowing people to immigrate here he did not give up their religion of hate nor their hatred of everything Jewish or American. 

  24. JAC….in exile.

  25. S Kent Troy says:

    While not an attorney though I have testified at numerous trials as an “expert witness”, it would seem to me that there are only two questions the prosecution could ask of Ms. Daniels: did you receive a hush money payment not to disclose your affair with Donald Trump? Follow up,: “Were you paid directly by Mr. Trump?

    Any other questions regarding what Mr, Cohen might or might not have said to her about the payment are hearsay.

    Now the defense, that’s a whole other kettle of fish!!

  26. S Kent Troy says:

    Back in the summer of 1967 I was the Sr. Delegate of the Manhattan College chapter of the National Student Association and attended the annual meeting at U Maryland. The NSA had just come off some interesting revelations, namely that despite being anti-war and leftist in nature it had been funded for over a decade by the CIA. This of course led to a major shake up of the institution (or so we thought).

    Delegations were assembled in the gym for the general meetings by geographic area. We, the New Yorkers, tended to congregate based on whether we were private or public universities. The political climate was such that the private schools, mostly religious, like Manhattan tended to be conservative, the public, more liberal. Next to our table was a rather large and very Jewish delegation from the City University system.

    We had NYC and “The Big Apple” in common and got along quite well despite political differences. The first few days were spent in various caucuses creating “legislation” for the entire body to vote upon. Our Jewish friends were shocked on about day five to find that there seemed to be broad support at the Convention for a condemnation of Israel for the just concluded six-day war. They could not understand this. Though Israel had done a pre-emptive strike, there was no question that it was necessary or they would have been thrown into the sea by the combined armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanese auxiliaries who were ready for war.

    As the days went by, the debate got uglier and uglier. Anti-Semitism popped up, quite openly often led by the Black Power contingent. During that time we got closer and closer to an understanding with our Jewish friends. We, the conservatives no matter the school or the region of the country became their natural allies.

    I can honestly say that in those two weeks we probably did not change their minds on a single social issue but they learned that we were not the Nazi’s and I hope that was a start for them. The resolution of condemnation went down to a defeat in a close vote.

    So, fifty some years down the road, one can clearly see that the roots of the current problem were already well established in the radical agenda.

    Regarding the NSA leadership, the old regime did a mea culpa on the CIA issue and was essentially returned to power. The “election” was also a precursor to things like the 2020 national election. During the “72 election I recognized a whole lot of names in the Youth for McGovern movement who were former NSA leaders.

    “There is nothing new under the sun Horatio

  27. Sing it fellas.

  28. Just A Citizen says:

    I have to say that as I watch “right wing” media types destroying Gov. Krisi Noem it sure looks like there is a different standard for women candidates.

    The criticism over the dog/goat and N. Korea is unbelievable. This morning I read a commentary by a “Conservative” pundit going on about how “we” have standards and Ms. Noem seems to be just like the Dems. Those people who you know, make up stories.

    Same pundit, along with all the others are always making excuses for Mr. Trump’s “creative exaggerations”.

    There have been only TWO Governors who have stood tall in the area of Liberty and sane govt the past four years. De Santis and Noem. Yet we have seen the self proclaimed “conservative” media go after both in this election cycle.

    Note to Anita at this point. Remember when you said De Santis was just another Corporate shill because of his donors? Well what about Mr. Trump, now that he is taking money from the same people????

    One other thought after watching the R’s curled up in balls sucking their thumbs over the Gov. shooting a bad dog. The real division in this country is not among the R’s and D’s, the Right and Left, or Conservatives and Liberals. It is between the Rural and Urban people.

    • ahaa! Trying to catch me sleepin JAC? I have been though. Tired of it all. My point about Ken Griffin was that he is establishment all the way, as opposed to America First. Per an interview in Politico he said his goal was to

      improve the diversity of the GOP and blunt the vein of populism that has complicated the party’s relationship with the corporate world 

      So…stop the populist movement and get the Rs back in line with the multinational corporate world.

      I don’t know which donors you’re referring to. It would depend on what their motive is.

      • As an example, donations from My Pillow are fine because we know Mike Lindell is America First.

      • Yesterday President Biden went to the Northwest to collect his contributions from Microsoft and Amazon execs. So much for the republican “billionaires”. That’s is long dead news. Watch 2024 for a replay of 1912. The incumbent ran third.

        • So why is it that RINOs think they need to cater to the Wall Street crowd? The Ds seem to have most of the big money in Hollywood and the board rooms on their side but the RINOs keep trying to please large corporations.

          So far I do not see RFK, Jr. as taking more than 20% of the vote but this will be enough to kill Biden. I think Trump will pull between 45% to 48% of the vote with RFK at 20% and Biden around 30%-35%. The big question is, will RFK get any electoral votes. If he does, this could throw it into the House. The top three become the candidates in the House. I assume this is by electoral count so RFK needs at least one vote. The vote in the House is by state not members so it is important to hold a plurality of the state representatives.

          I hope Trump does make a big play for the inner city vote. His argument for what can you lose is a good one since voting for Ds in the inner city has not been successful. The party could help a lot with this but as a whole the RNC seems to worthless.

          • I was 19 and working on the Buckley for Mayor campaign in NYC when I first noticed the difference between republicans. There were the “traditional” republicans who seemed more concerned with money, privilege and power and the libertarian type concerned with preserving the founders vision. Both claimed to be conservative. It became evident that Buckley’s opponent, John Lindsay was a republican of the former class. He had an interesting history having been elected over and over to congress in democrat district because he knew what to say and how to play the game. When push came to shove, in his reelection run he switched to the democrat party and made an abortive run for president.

            We still have that split and that part of the republican party catering to the Wall Street crowd is most assuredly part of the “monoparty” everyone complains about. They are primarily concerned with what is good for them mistakenly believing that they somehow “know” what is good for us.

            Since Goldwater, on numerous occasions the true conservative movement has had victories only to lose them in the next cycle. I am saddest about Reagan choice of Bush 1 as his successor. Had he dumped Bush for Jack Kemp in term 2, I would bet, dollars to doughnuts that the current, ongoing mess, would never have happened nor there ever have been a need for Trump. That is why it is crucial that should Trump be elected his VP be both popular and capable of carrying on Trump’s policies for the following eight years. No blowin in the wind Niki Haley’s or George Bush’s. Again TR is a great example. His chosen successor turned out to be perhaps the greatest political disappointment of his life.

        • Jewish Billionaires OWN both parties, you dumbski. 🙂

  29. S Kent Troy says:

    Want to know about real inflation?

    My standard gift to a grandchild at their Baptism has been a US $ 50 one ounce gold coin. Last one I bought about two years back for about $ 1,250. The next baby will be in a few months. Right now we are talking $ 2,450.

  30. JAC, I have a lengthy post in limbo. An answer to Charlie.

  31. Never covered but it would be nice if someone pointed out how the Muslims who did not flee the newly created state of Israel but stayed fared.

  32. yo…JAC…… just saw your refugee status for Idaho…..all ‘them thar furriners’ moving into your state. California, Oregon, and Washington State. Watched an interview with your mayor….said once he could walk down the street and knew everyone….now, he recognizes no one. Maybe you need a Texas Style border fence… works. Ask Arizona and California.

    However, I also saw a poll that says instead of getting “bluer”, the politics are not coming with them. The polls show that Idaho is actually getting more red.

    The main draw back, according to your mayor, are the rising property values and the cost of living that came with over priced West coast refugees.

    • Just A Citizen says:


      All you said is true my brother from another mother. One point of clarification.

      Not just red, but as we say here RUBY Red!

      The Free State of North Idaho has become Ruby Red, shining more Red than the rest of the State. About 30 years ago it was Blue. Due mostly to labor unions attached to the mines and lumber mills. But the Environmentally friendly Dems worked hard to stop all the mining and logging.

      The result is they have not won an election here since 1994.

      P.S. Our Mayor is one of those touchy feely old guard R’s. He couldn’t genuflect to the media fast enough over the Rainbow gathering in the Park last year or the Racist comments made towards the Utah women’s basketball team. The City of Coeur d’Alene was just fine with the COVID lock downs as well. Good thing the City isn’t very big and the rest of the COUNTY did its own thing.

  33. JAC …..have a post for you……in exile.

  34. Also, I’m trying to figure out how our so called climate change issues are affecting the sun. A group of “greenie type pseudo-scientists” are claiming that our fossil fuels are creating solar flares……wow!! I don’t have the words.

  35. <b>mimicking my best Old time Saturday Night Live impression…….</b>

    WELL, ISN’T THAT SPECIAL………………………………….The UN watchdog agency responsible for over seeing the “genocide”……….finally figuring out what the rest of us already know……….The Gaza Health Ministry lies! The casualties that the UN has been reporting came directly from the Gaza Health Ministry and the UN has now finally realized the biased reporting and revised their Gaza casualty figures DOWNWARD by 56% and has said that half of those are combatant casualties. No one discounts the fact that there are many civilian casualties…. and that is the sad effect of war but nothing like was being reported.

    Imagine that……..the Gaza run media is lying…..for shame.

  36. Interesting rally at the Jersey Shore yesterday, 100,000 folks and not a Palestinian flag or mask to be seen!

  37. Just A Citizen says:

    A must read. For the record, I always thought Breitbart’s comment was inaccurate and overly simple.

    Note: This article, like so many, begs the question; “What is the definition of political”.

  38. UNC, University of Texas (all UT campus’ in Texas), Texas Tech University, Oklahoma University, University of Houston……and apparently numerous others even up in the northeast…….are dropping DEI programs. They have finally seen the light.

  39. I agree the case is a political hit job, but do ANY of you believe the Orange Buffoon didn’t take the Stormy plunge? 🙂

    • I guess my question, if I am on the jury is, what does it matter who Trump bumped nasty with? Who cares if Trump tried to buy silence? This is not against the law.

      So, show me the criminal intent. Has not been shown yet, has it?

      • I said it’s a bullshit case. Neither do I care. I’m asking if you believe him that it never happened? He also claims his affair with with the Playboy of the Year (forget her name) never happened. Why can’t he just be the tough guy he claims to be and say he grabbed them both by the pussy and they couldn’t resist his celebrity self? 🙂

  40. Just A Citizen says:

    I am a little surprised this comes from The Heartland Institute. Another expert who ignores two key issues in trade. One is the impact here other than a “flood of cheap imports”. The other is what China will do with the new found economic power.

  41. I gotta tell yous … I’d love to see Trump found guilty for everything he’s done, but this is one completely BULLSHIT case. If I’m on that jury, it comes down to the ONLY person who can verify “the meeting,” Allen Weisselberg. No Weisselberg, no case. He walks … and his numbers climb. If they do find him guilty, because let’s face it, he’s never told the truth in his life, his numbers decline slightly … maybe. This case was a dumb risk … but I do look forward to Rachel Maddow crying … again. Trump Prosecution BETS EVERYTHING On Liar Michael Cohen (

  42. Just A Citizen says:

    Everybody complains about Congress and the corruption in our Govt.

    Well read this closely and let it sink in. WE get what we deserve.

  43. What left? Only Marc Levin and you LUNATICS think the Democrats are radical Marxists. 🙂

  44. S Kent Troy says:

    See, we got the Lenin people, the Trotsky people, the Stalin people and the Mao people. Who is to say who in that group is the more radical? A race to the bottom.

  45. Just A Citizen says:

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