So, Now What?


  1. The integrity of politicians, the media, the election system and the governments ability to make good decisions has been trashed. When so many millions feel this way (and there are plenty on both sides), things are not looking up.

  2. NY state is trying to pass a law to detain anyone or group who is a general health risk. This is quite general so any infectious disease would qualify. What is next, forced vaccinations, detain climate deniers, detain Trump supporters? This seems like a slippery slope that 30 years ago would be derided and laughed to death.

  3. After watching some video of todays events, I have a few observations:

    People who showed up with helmets and gas masks were not there to be peaceful. They should be identified and arrested.

    The same goes for those who entered the Capital. Identify and make it public.

    There was a lot of untypical actions that I noticed, like scaling walls by some young folks. I think down the road, we will finding out that things are not what they seem. Just a guess.

    Overall, it was a mostly peaceful protest 😀

    But, I do wonder: Why weren’t the Capital police better prepared?

    When someone says that what happened isn’t America, they haven’t been watching TV since May.

    Anyone want to bet how many of the violent agitators have been doing this before? Like all summer?

    Unless there is a serious investigation into the election complaints, and I mean really serious, voting will forever be tainted. There is too much info out there to ignore.

    The election results are not going to change.

  4. I thought I recognized him in Mathius’s link.

  5. yz I have question. When Joe Bigcheese, SoS of the state of XYZ says he audited the election, who did the audit? Was it a self audit? If I own company ABC can I do my own audits?

  6. Antifa?

    • If folks took the time to watch the videos, look at the pictures, several things stand out bigtime. The tactics were typical Antifa. Carrying helmets and masks, backpacks, milk etc. These few dozen were there for a reason, much like what we saw all summer. Mostly white people (some will be identified in the future), like the Viking person, seem to be around when trouble starts.

      Also saw a video of the Capital police LETTING in protestors. They could have easily blocked the small door. What a great way for the deep state to finish this. Put a quick end to the political theater, redirect the minds of people to the violence (that was planned well in advance by a small group) and embarrass Trump. The media is all in as well.

  7. I’ve been thinking about all the changes we have gone through in this country that have decreased our liberty over the last 20 years. 9/11 spawned the surveillance state, the 2008 housing bust allowed government more access to financial records, Obamacare forced people to purchase a product or pay a fine, our media has become totally corrupted and untruthful, Covid has made us virtual prisoners and driven many small businesses under, mobs riot, burn, injure, kill and intimidate citizens unmolested, and now our election system is suspect leading to more turmoil. We have a justice system that persecutes some and fails to prosecute others. All the while Congress seems to be totally deaf to our pleadings. They concentrate on trivia and ignore the big issues.

    It looks like Biden is in with both houses of Congress. This means there will be no investigations of the election irregularities. If the Senate does eliminate the filibuster, then there will be no stopping the Ds from pushing all the legislation they want. Ryan and McConnell made a big mistake in the first 2 years of the Trump’s term by not working with him. The D’s will not make this mistake. Since Biden is an empty headed suit, he will just rubber stamp everything sent to him. It will get worse when Harris takes over as she will be active. We will get open borders, amnesty, the green new deal, higher taxes, maybe even a tax on unrealized capital gains, more regulations, more lock downs, …. The economy will slow, jobs will move off shore, welfare will increase. As things decline, they will raise taxes which will only feed the downward spiral. They will move to cement permanent power by adding PR as a state (can’t do DC w/o an amendment), pack the court, appoint more activist judges, further weaken our voting system to make fraud easier, …..

    I don’t see a very rosy future.

  8. Many are dumping on Pence for not rejecting the battle ground states. I do not agree, he does not have the authority to reject the EC votes. That lies with the members of Congress and they obviously do not care. Cruz is correct, a 10 day commission to investigate the election done properly would go a long way towards healing the country. But instead we will let the wound fester.

  9. Here’s a photo from the riot failed coup… now…. look very carefully, and see if you can tell me what I find most interesting about this…

  10. I’m sure that this guy will be identified. When he is, off to jail he goes. Please not that he has NO MAGA gear, something sticking out of his pants. Also, a phone was left behind (on the desk, he is holding his) and the computer was on with an email screen open.

    • Apparently, this guy left a note behind saying “we will not back down.”

      Make of that what you will, but this guy is going to spend the rest of his life in prison once they find him.

      • Make of that what you will, but this guy is going to spend the rest of his life in prison once they find him.

        If this is so, then they will be wrong to do so.

        • Why is that? Did he not break and enter into the offices of the Speaker of the House? Notwithstanding any note, is is not a crime to break into the Capitol?

          Yup… looks like it’s “up to 15 years”… and that’s just the B&E.. wanna bet there’s unlawful conduct and unruly conduct and failure to obey and twelve other statutes he violated? He’s going in for at least 15, maybe twice that, and I have to assume they’ll throw the book at him. Think he’s got that many years left on him? Maybe. But I wouldn’t be betting on it.

    • This does not look like the desk or office of the most powerful member of the House. Too mall too cluttered. Also I hope he left a fly on the wall behind.

    • Welp, that didn’t take too long.. they found him.. Richard Barnet, age 60 of Gravette, AR.

      OooooOOOoooohhh.. and he stole something from Pelosi’s office… that’s theft….

      But he didn’t steal just anything… he stole…. MAIL.

      Ooops, looks like that’s gonna be a federal crime good for an extra five years.

  11. Now for a fun one.

    I’ve spoken here before about a little-known crime called Felony Murder.

    Felony Murder is distinct from Murder-Murder because you don’t have to actually have been involved with the murder to be guilty of it.

    Rather, you just have to be committing a crime where, were that crime not committed, the person would not have died.

    If you are, say, the getaway driver for a bank robbery gone wrong, and a woman trips and falls down a flight of stairs inside the bank, breaking her neck, even though you were never even inside, even though it was a total accident, you can still be charged with Felony Murder.

    To prove Felony Murder, we need only (A) a dangerous felony and (B) that someone dying was a reasonably foreseeable consequence.

    Now…. given that a person died in yesterday’s events… I do believe that means that every single person guilty of breaking into the capitol is guilty of Felony Murder.


    Disclaimer about not knowing the specifics of the Felony Murder rule in DC, as some jurisdictions are a bit more narrow about how to apply it. But the federal statute does allow for burglary, so it should work.

    • Maybe, but witnesses claim that only ONE person was acting violently (I posted a vid yesterday). With all the hoopla about shooting unarmed people this year, not so sure that the guy in the suit that shot her, while being careful not to hit anyone else, shouldn’t be charged.

      • I’m hearing the death toll is now 4… hard to know what’s true, but at least 1 seems sure.

        That said, you only need one death for Felony Murder. There are a bunch more rules, so this is more of a long shot than I make it out to be, but it’s a possibility anyway.. if you get the right prosecutor and judge.

        Maybe, but witnesses claim that only ONE person was acting violently

        But “everyone was acting violently” is not a requisite for Felony Murder. You just need to be involved in the commission of a dangerous felony and breaking into the capitol to disrupt a joint session of congress certainly seems like a dangerous felony to me. Plus there are at least a few photos of people looting a few souvenirs, so there’s that, too.

        • But “everyone was acting violently” is not a requisite for Felony Murder. You just need to be involved in the commission of a dangerous felony and breaking into the capitol to disrupt a joint session of congress certainly seems like a dangerous felony to me. Plus there are at least a few photos of people looting a few souvenirs, so there’s that, too.

          Sir Mathius, you once chastised me for using the terminology “guilty by association”….the specific item was when I mentioned people standing around with cell phones filming a felony in progress…like a beating (which was the case). I made the comment that they were just as guilty by association of the crime committed because they did not step in and stop but rather filmed it for publication on the various social medias.

          It seems to me that you want the “guilty by association” rule on this incident.

          Will you include all news media in this as well for filming burning and looting and rioting as guilty by association or will you give them a pass?

          • the specific item was when I mentioned people standing around with cell phones filming a felony in progress…like a beating (which was the case). I made the comment that they were just as guilty by association of the crime committed because they did not step in and stop but rather filmed it for publication on the various social medias.

            I have no memory of this.. but then again, maybe I’m going senile in my old age.

            Nonetheless, failure to act to stop a crime does not make you guilty of the underlying crime.

            It seems to me that you want the “guilty by association” rule on this incident.

            No. Thought I can see how I’ve made it appear that way.

            I want the perpetrators of this crime punished. Harshly. And in a way that will send a message to future would-be rioters seditionists.

            I was entertaining an interesting thought experiment, but, no, in all honesty, I think that the Felony Murder rule (A) would not strictly apply and (B) would be inappropriate and an abuse of prosecutorial discretion if it were applied.

            I want them charged with what they’re guilty of to the maximal extent. But ONLY that.

            Will you include all news media in this as well for filming burning and looting and rioting as guilty by association or will you give them a pass?

            What did the media do? I really am not understanding you here..

            • Nonetheless, failure to act to stop a crime does not make you guilty of the underlying crime. But, standing around and laughing and taking pictures of a crime DOES make you guilty. Like thugs beating up a 65 year old man and standing around filming it while others kicked him in the face and steal his wallet. THAT makes it a crime in MY opinion. To do nothing is to condone it. But, Sir Mathius, I am old school. I believe in personal responsibility….if I saw a rape going down or someone breaking into my neighbors home, I personally feel a responsibility to intervene…even at the prospect of my own death. To watch it happen…makes me guilty.

              What did the media do? I really am not understanding you here.. Well, let me broaden it for you. I will use Portland as an example. The police and firemen standing around watching looting going and arson and doing nothing is..just…wrong. You say breaking into the Capitol justified the shooting. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…..if the police gunned down 100’s for breaking onto something….you would be horrified, No? The media standing around and filming a crime and not doing anything about it…not even calling 911….that is abhorrent.

        • Just A Citizen says:


          Capital Police reported last night that 4 people died yesterday. Three due to “medical emergencies” and ONE due to gun shot wounds.

  12. Now this is also an interesting photo….

    Mathius wondered aloud yesterday just what the protesters would have done if they’d have gotten to congress…

    Yet, in this photo, we see what appears to be a man with plastic zip-tie handcuffs.

    This suggests two things: (A) he was planning on taking hostages and (B) this was premeditated.

    • We don’t prosecute people over speculation.

    • Anyone who wears a mask at any event….in my book, is a terrorist. You wear a mask for ONE reason only….not to be identified. The individual in this photo is nothing more than a terrorist, a thug, and he should be dealt with harshly. I have the same feeling about people wearing hoodies….

      Anyone who breached the capitol should be treated harshly……..just as soon as they start treating the Antifa and BLM crowd the same way. I see NO difference in breaching the Capitol than BLM breaching a private residence….none…what…so…ever. Until you stop all of this, you cannot single out one. THAT is hypocrisy at its finest.

      • I’ll bet right now that Trump will not pony up to bail anyone out of jail, unlike Heels Up Harris.

      • Anyone who wears a mask at any event….in my book, is a terrorist. You wear a mask for ONE reason only….not to be identified.

        Interesting take, Mr. The Colonel…. serious question here.. I often see military types of various sorts wearing masks. Likewise, sometimes, police – inlcuding several recent photos of riot police during the BLM / ANTIFA protests. How does this square with your assertion?

        The individual in this photo is nothing more than a terrorist, a thug, and he should be dealt with harshly.


        But that’s a general assessment.. .I was looking – here – more for thoughts on the apparent zip-cuffs which suggest both premeditation and the intent to take (congressmen?) hostage. Any thoughts on that?

        I have the same feeling about people wearing hoodies….

        Sometimes a hoodie is just a hoodie.

        I see NO difference in breaching the Capitol than BLM breaching a private residence….none…what…so…ever.

        Well that’s… surprising…

        I sure as hell do.

        Don’t get me wrong – I don’t approve of looting Targets and Walmarts – but breaking into the Capitol is really a different level.

        Until you stop all of this, you cannot single out one. THAT is hypocrisy at its finest.

        I don’t think it is.

        I’ve been clear in my condemnation of all violence by all parties on all sides at all times.

        That I think this is a worse act than that other is not hypocrisy.

        Likewise, theft of a dollar is not a bad as theft of a million dollars. Both are bad, but it’s still a sliding scale.

        • Likewise, sometimes, police – inlcuding several recent photos of riot police during the BLM / ANTIFA protests. How does this square with your assertion? Great question and I can only answer this by experience. For two years in the 80’s (when I was young and spry and not afraid to do HALO jumps into South and Central America)…I was part of drug interdiction with the military. Any time we raided a known drug lab or area, we always wore masks to prevent facial recognition and retaliation back in the states. I thought we learned our lesson in the Vietnam war with dog tags that identified people by SSN numbers. Wives and families at home were terrorized by North Vietnamese agents because of being able to be traced. Same with masks and facial recognition. The druggies have very long memories and a penchant for making a family pay.

          more for thoughts on the apparent zip-cuffs which suggest both premeditation and the intent to take (congressmen?) hostage. Any thoughts on that? I do not disagree that there was premeditation on this with one exception……I do not think that anyone would be stupid enough to take a hostage in the Capitol…..even a stupid person would not be THAT stupid…….that said, who knows. But this was not a Trump rally crowd….it was something different.

          Sometimes a hoodie is just a hoodie. Really now…I thought better of you. Bringing Martin in on this? But, you are correct, a hoodie is just a hoodie and I am, therefore, justified in my reasoning that hoodies are worn for a reason…other than staying warm on a 100 degree day…If I meet one on the street or in a mall, I will always take precautions and I will always think they are up to no good and be extremely vigilant making eye contact until they pass by me and even then I will turn and watch them to avoid being blind sided. Some would call that paranoia….I would call it being vigilant because of past history and media representations on TV.

          Don’t get me wrong – I don’t approve of looting Targets and Walmarts – but breaking into the Capitol is really a different level. Is it so different than breaching a politicians private residence and spraying graffiti? Or breaching a posted private property fence of a politician or anyone for that matter….why is a Capitol so different? It is just a house…nothing more…..unless you are going to say that the Capitol is a symbol of something… think it is ok to burn an American Flag because it is only a symbol and some see it as a symbol of repression but a symbol none the less…..the Capitol is no different.

          I’ve been clear in my condemnation of all violence by all parties on all sides at all times. Yes, sir, you have.

          That I think this is a worse act than that other is not hypocrisy. Why? I am open to reason.

          Likewise, theft of a dollar is not a bad as theft of a million dollars. Both are bad, but it’s still a sliding scale. You and I will never agree on this because I see things differently. I do not see a difference in Portland nor the Capitol….where is the difference? Because it is the Capitol of the United States? What makes it different than the Capitol of any State?

          • Just A Citizen says:

            It is simple really. He is a STATIST.

            As a STATIST, attacking the Capital is like attacking his Church.

  13. We have been through riots and looting when some black kid gets shot down by police even when they are attacked as excessive violence…..where is the outrage on this Air Force Veteran female being shot by capitol police……….where are their body cams and where is the security camera film? Why is it not plastered all over the news? There is no standard.

    • where is the outrage on this Air Force Veteran female being shot by capitol police

      Where it should be: in the trash can.

      She was breaking into the Capitol.

      Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

      • Will you apply the same analogy to gunning down hundreds of looters of a Walmart or will you continue on “the Capitol is different”?

        • I’m almost positive that I have said exactly the same thing about looters who got hurt or killed while looting or committing various other crimes.

          I retain my position that peaceful protesters should not be harmed (BLM / ANTIFA / pro-Trump / or otherwise), but I feel that I have always been clear on my position of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

          In fact, let’s rewind the tape…. here’s what I had to say in July about BLM / Portland protests:

          [via Anita] The point here is please stop pretending that I’m defending the rioters.

          I’m defending the peaceful protestors.

          Then [sic] only.

          I believe I’ve been crystal clear that, for rioters, this falls under the header of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

  14. So, with the count now certified by Congress, what options are left for Mr. Trump to stay in office?

    Or are y’all finally convinced that he’s done for now?

    • He was done on November 4th.

    • Certifying the count does not make it true.

    • Last word on this particular subject from me. It is over. Leave it be.

      • Col., yes this election is over but the only way to know what really happened and to fix our election system is to do a true investigation. That has yet to be done.

        • That has yet to be done. Correct. It needs to be done but it will NOT be done. You and I know this.

          • So true and so sad. All of this could have been avoided if just a few judges had any curiosity and allowed an investigation to go forward. All the evidence is owned by the public but it is under lock and key and will never be seen again. That is as big of a crime as the steal.

    • Welp. Considering Trump spent the remainder of yesterday afternoon and evening in Abilene Tx, watching the crime be completed, and considering many traitors , read ALL three branches, will be arrested and jailed over the next several days…get back to me on the 20th. I’m jus sayin. I read it on the internet, so….

      So now I have a question. How can a federal courthouse be under attack for 100 days over the summer, and not once get breached, but gets breached in under 30 minutes yesterday?

  15. Most if not all of the people who entered the Capital will be identified in time. That’s when the real story will be told. How many of them were seen at other riots? We will find out in time.

    • I’d be willing to bet that cell data is going to play a big role in rounding these people up…

      FBI is asking for helping identify people, but I’d wager that the FBI already has a list of every cell phone at the protest and is now just slowly working through matching them up with the subset who committed crimes.

  16. I find it interesting that Mathius supported Lois Lerner, Hillary’s email and Benghazi scandals, Hunter’s business deals, BLM and Antifa shenanigans but we have one day of unrest from the Trump supporters and it is throw them all in jail. Also note that we are condemning them in under 24 hours despite not knowing all the facts.

    I also find it interesting that for this one rally, I have not heard of any Antifa sniping around the edges. Where did they go?

    • I find it interesting that Mathius supported Lois Lerner, Hillary’s email and Benghazi scandals, Hunter’s business deals, BLM and Antifa shenanigans but we have one day of unrest from the Trump supporters and it is throw them all in jail.

      I find it interesting that this is your interpretation of what I “support.”

      My friend, I think you really need to go rewind the tape.

      • Mathius, you made excuses for everyone of these situations. You said Lois also targeted left leaning groups. She may have targeted one or two but the vast majority were Tea Party Groups. You claimed Hillary’s emails were OK and not a violation of the law because there was no intent. You called Hunter’s “business deals” and Joe’s extortion, lawful but awful. You excused BLM and Antifa because they had legitimate grievance. You do condemn the violence but that is to make sure your hands are clean.

        • You said Lois also targeted left leaning groups.

          She did.

          She may have targeted one or two but the vast majority were Tea Party Groups.</b.

          I don't believe this was true. But feel free to back it up with a reputable source.

          My memory is a bit hazy, but I seem to recall that she either targeted more left or more left-as-a-percentage-of-applications… that is, more tea party groups registered, so they got a higher number overall, but the leftist groups were scrutinized at a higher rate. Again, feel free to show otherwise.

          You claimed Hillary’s emails were OK and not a violation of the law because there was no intent.

          I did not claim they were ok. They were not ok.

          But that does not make them illegal.

          The law, quite clearly, required intent. Without being able to prove intent – something no one has done – and with the understanding that it was common practice by her processor, too, it seems that – however WRONG and IMPROPER and STUPID – it’s not illegal.

          You called Hunter’s “business deals” and Joe’s extortion, lawful but awful.

          To the best of my knowledge, Hunter’s deals were lawful but awful, trading on his father’s name to secure a lucrative position. I have seen nothing credible to suggest that he did anything illegal.

          I still think he’s a piece of shit if that makes you feel better.

          Nor, by the way, do I see this any different than the various Trump children who acquired positions of wealth or power to which they would never be qualified if their father wasn’t who he was.

          You called Hunter’s “business deals” and Joe’s extortion, lawful but awful.

          Joe Biden’s “extortion” was done on behalf of official US policy (and in line with WorldBank and multiple EU agencies) and against the obvious interest of the company his son worked for. I see nothing awful or unlawful here.

          You persist in a fantasy that this was to help his son rather than “doing his job.”

          You excused BLM and Antifa because they had legitimate grievance.

          I do think they have a legitimate grievance.

          I also think it’s a bit overblown, but it is there.

          They do not need to be “excused” for existing or for protesting for what they believe is right.

          Nor, for that matter do the (vast overwhelming majority) of the pro-Trump crowd yesterday (ie, those who did not commit crimes).

          You do condemn the violence but that is to make sure your hands are clean.

          No, that is because I am a functional adult who cares about this little thing called “nuance.”

          I resent your implication that my condemnation – which has been full-throated and consistent – of violence is nothing more than ass-covering.

          • WRT to Hillary, intent was not part of the law. Besides, the purpose of the private server was to avoid FOIA and to cover for her pay to play schemes through the Clinton Foundation. Excusing her because others did it is not legit. Also the emails were under subpoena thus she obstructed justice by destroying them. She also allowed others w/o security clearance to have access to them.

            You become so enamored with the letter of the law that you miss the intent and meaning of the law. This colors your evaluation of the people involved. There is no way that Hillary or Joe should ever have been nominated for President let alone achieve that status. But you sir supported both of them.

            Lerner also destroyed evidence. More came out after the controversy blew over about the level of the crimes she committed. But as we all know, Obama’s administration was lily white clean.

            • There is no way that Hillary or Joe should ever have been nominated for President let alone achieve that status. But you sir supported both of them.

              The rest of your comment aside, I feel I have been adamantly and repeatedly clear on the point that I am lethargic – at best – with regards to Joe and overtly hostile to Clinton. The ONLY reason voted for either is because Trump is dramatically worse.

              I swear to god, it’s like you’re deliberately misrepresenting me today.

              I did not vote FOR either of them. I voted AGAINST Trump.

  17. And what’s this I hear about it not being Trump who summoned the Guard, but Pence. And something about the 25th amendment being deployed yesterday because Trump is crazy…and now he’s been isolated from social media. Where is Trump?

  18. Oh, and Kelly Loeffler is a piece of shit.

  19. By the way, Texas IS doing something. Cruz stepped on it the last couple of years. he will be out. There is a new young Hispanic conservative Republican that will run against him. He already has my vote. Cruz pissed me off…..and a WHOLE lot of Texans……O’Rourke will also be out…there is a young, very intelligent Hispanic Republican running for his seat as well. Rumor has it that he will be out..

  20. Staged. Camera man and all

    • Even Tucker last night wondered how they breached the Capitol so fast.

      • I wondered the same thing.

        It baffles me that they even got close. Quite understandably, some of those on the left who complained about the overly aggressive policing tactics in the BLM protests/riots and Liberty Park, etc, have wondered why police have suddenly discovered how to be less violent.

        If these were BLM or Antifa, they’d have been stacking bodies on the capitol steps.

        And, for the avoidance of doubt, I’d have responded with: “well, that seems a touch overly aggressive, but, well… play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

        • Just A Citizen says:


          Shame on you! “If these were BLM or Antifa, they’d have been stacking bodies on the capitol steps.” You really going to play that stupid game?

          How many died when the left broke into the Hart Senate Building?

          • Shame on you! “If these were BLM or Antifa, they’d have been stacking bodies on the capitol steps.” You really going to play that stupid game?

            Sorry.. you’re right, of course.

            I withdraw my comment.

            They wouldn’t stack the bodies. They’d set them out on pikes.

  21. Sir Mathius………… Joe Biden’s “extortion” was done on behalf of official US policy (and in line with WorldBank and multiple EU agencies) and against the obvious interest of the company his son worked for. I see nothing awful or unlawful here.

    OUCH!!!!! Am I missing something here? You actually said this? AND believe it?

    • ‘Tis the facts on hand.

      The prosecutor was a do-nothing who allowed the time limit to lapse and allowed the President of the country to launder millions through the UK. His ouster was wanted by the Brits, the WB, the US, and a half dozen others.

      • Not my point. For years you and I and a couple others have long railed against controls from either side. But it seems to me, that if Joe Biden’s “extortion” was at the behest of …..US policy, World Bank, and EU agencies…..this makes it ok? This does not worry you about the levels of control being exhibited here? So, what you are saying is that Joe Biden was the “BAG MAN” for the world order?

  22. Just A Citizen says:

    Spousal Unit Leader and I were discussing the sudden howling, resignations and cowardly backing out on making objections last night. The following from an article at Red State this AM. It sums up what we concluded yesterday was and would continue to happen. When things get a little dicey the Rats run for cover so they won’t be excluded from the next Big Power Party.

    “What’s happening here is obvious. This isn’t really about yesterday being a breaking point. For all of Trump’s faults, and people can spend all day arguing about the extent of them, he didn’t call for violence yesterday in his speech. It was just more boilerplate complaining about the election being stolen. Some idiots then chose to be violent, and Trump responded by telling them to stop and go home three times over the course of a two hour period. The point is, Mulvaney and others are looking to protect themselves going forward and this was the perfect opportunity to step away from the administration while claiming the high ground. In reality, Trump is the same guy he was before yesterday. Nothing has really changed.”

    • Agreed. I worked for a couple of large businesses. I had the ability to sense when the boss knew where his next job was and that there were changes afoot. The ship is sinking and the rats are running. Truth and the country be damned, it’s every man for himself. It happened in Congress as well.

  23. Just A Citizen says:

    If you play with fire on a windy day, eventually one or more of the white hot embers will get to far away for you to control them.

    The Democrats, Leftists, MSM, and Conspiracy nuts have been playing with fire for quite some time. Mr. Trump has as well, but he is a newcomer to this game.

    You cannot lay yesterday at Mr. Trump’s feet alone. Now way, no how. But that is what is being done because that is what happens when you try to kill the King. If you miss or just wound him, he will destroy you and everyone tied to you.


    Looks like at least one of the seditionists has been identified.

    Lead guitarist of a heavy metal band called Iced Earth.

    I’ve seen a handful of people claiming online to have reported their own family members – not sure how credible any of that is, but there’s gonna be a roundup in the next few days…. unless the FBI makes the decision to wait for the 21st..

  25. Canine Weapon says:
  26. Other than windows and doors and some souvenir taking, was there any tagging, destruction of paintings, statues….?

    • Not that I’ve heard.. seems to be comparatively minimal damage. If I had to guess, the tear gas fired in the corridors is going to be the worst of the damage.

  27. Stephen K. Trynosky says:

    I find it fascinating that nobody other than Trump people think there may be some false flagging here or misdirection.

    Far be it for me to be teh ONLY one to point out that WW 2 started on 1 Sept 39 when POLISH troops invaded Germany! Yep, that’s what Dr. Goebbels said and he had actual film to back that one up.

    It seems that after the war when teh archives were probed it was discovered that some condemned Germans were placed in Polish Army uniforms then shot then posed on the German side of the border. The captions and narration in newsreels was that our “heroic” border guards dispatched them all. Of course then teh entire Wehrmacht had to be dispatched to teach the dumb Polacks a lesson.

    Anyone who has even a smattering of knowledge about the Russian and Nazi revolutions know all about false flags.

    I’ve said it before. Lynching’s would NOT occur if just one man had to do them. But that one or two or three person group will incite the idiots to go along with it. Ever hear the expression, “Seemed like a good idea at the time”? So, dig and you will find Trump supporters among the 1/10th of 1 percent of people on the mall yesterday who actually “stormed” the building. By the way, look at the air shots of the entire crowd. You will realize if THAT crowd stormed the building there would NOT have been one brick left standing on another today! Would have been like July 15th back in the day at the Bastille.

    • I find it fascinating that nobody other than Trump people think there may be some false flagging here or misdirection.

      Well, everyone on SUFA seems to.

      Which, of course, I called the minute it happened.

      Anyone who has even a smattering of knowledge about the Russian and Nazi revolutions know all about false flags.

      Yet there are plenty of known and well-established Trumpist being identified who were inside the capital, including but not limited to the Q-Viking.

      Why is it that when violence occurs at a left-aligned event, it’s because the left is violent.. but when violence occurs at a right-aligned event, it’s because…… the left infiltrated the right under a false flag?

      So, dig and you will find Trump supporters among the 1/10th of 1 percent of people on the mall yesterday who actually “stormed” the building.

      Funny how you are so keen to point out (correctly) that the vast majority of protesters were peaceful when they are on your side. But when they’re on the left, it’s ok to paint the whole movement with the brush of being violent extremists.

      • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

        I guess it is because at Portland, Seattle, Milwaukee, NYC etc. What I saw was the vast majority of protestors present being violent. Of course it was called “mainly peaceful protests” with buildings burning in teh background.

        We now have all these wonderful face recognition techniques, let us use them. The Q-Viking may be a Trumpist for the moment but those clown tend to fall in the anarchist mode. As you will I am sure agree. When you reach the 12 o’clock point on the political clock, 11:59 and 12:01 respectively, left and right are just as nuts and just as close.

        Now I really want to know about the guy with the Camp Auschwitz T-shirt. See, If I got to that rally, which I couldn’t and saw him, I think I would probably have had some help in removing it and stuffing it down his throat. True violence but now and then you have to make a point.

        Now I like the fact that you follow in the Bill O’Reilly mold. “Equivalency”. Just how many cities have been torn apart by Trumpists/conservatives this year, last year, last decade, last century? Then how many by people on the left ……………………. I do NOT expect an answer from you. These are the things you routinely dodge and unfortunately get away with.

        • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

          And, just to be fair to my leftist media friends, fellow travelers and fair weather friends if they are even 10% correct. It behooves us to re-read the following!

          “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

          Tommy boy said it so well.

        • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

          “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

          • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

            Just in case it was us. Don’t you all think Tommy Boy got it right?

          • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

            Where are they storing the tea, I want to know for our next rally.

            • You know… I learned something about that recently.. I had no idea just how much tea they dumped, did you?

              I always assumed it was something like “a dozen crates”… but it was closer to 90,000 lbs of loose tea leaves!

              … Mathius wonders if any of those crates mysteriously vanished rather than making it into the harbor… seems to me that, if tea is in sudden short supply, a convenient stash might be worth a pretty penny….

        • The Q-Viking may be a Trumpist for the moment but those clown tend to fall in the anarchist mode. As you will I am sure agree. When you reach the 12 o’clock point on the political clock, 11:59 and 12:01 respectively, left and right are just as nuts and just as close.

          Fair point.

          Would you be willing to put some of the “leftist” loons into this same bucket?

          Now I really want to know about the guy with the Camp Auschwitz T-shirt. See, If I got to that rally, which I couldn’t and saw him, I think I would probably have had some help in removing it and stuffing it down his throat. True violence but now and then you have to make a point.

          I do believe that YOU would stand up that way.

          Then again, in a crowd and an event like that, most people would tend to just “look the other way.” It’s why he could wear that (and, per your others as well) and not get ejected even though I have no doubt whatsoever that neo-Nazis were a teensy tiny sub-minority of the crowd.

          It’s unfair and unreasonable to paint a whole movement or crowd or protest with the looniest loons within it.

          Just how many cities have been torn apart by Trumpists/conservatives this year, last year, last decade, last century? Then how many by people on the left ……………………. I do NOT expect an answer from you. These are the things you routinely dodge and unfortunately get away with.

          Well, if we’re willing to expand to last century, I can give you a really nifty example..

          Just in case it was us. Don’t you all think Tommy Boy got it right?

          Do I take your meaning correctly from this to be “if it was us, then it was because we’re patriots and this was actually really legitimately a coup attempt, but one which was justified and, indeed, demanded by the Declaration of Independence in order to restore our liberty and our nation”?

          • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

            If anything my friend, the Florida and Oklahoma things were not conservative, they were quite “progressive”.

            Been doing a bit of study on the era lately and have found that race relations in this country 1890-1910 were not as god awful as assumed,. However with the ascendency of Wilson and his brand of progressivism, everything went to shit in one quick hurry. This is what comes out of studying TR as a Progressive vs. Wilson which people really should not co-mingle. Wilson and DW Griffith made it “OK”.

            From a source that I used to consider to be at least fair before I dropped the subscription in ’18. Not as detailed as I’d like but I haven’t got all the time I’d like either.


  28. Stephen K. Trynosky says:

    And, just to be fair to my leftist media friends, fellow travelers and fair weather friends if they are even 10% correct. It behooves us to re-read the following!

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    Tommy boy said it so well.

  29. Stephen K. Trynosky says:

    And, just to be fair to my leftist media friends, fellow travelers and fair weather friends if they are even 10% correct. It behooves us to re-read the following!

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    Tommy boy said it so well.

  30. Thoughts?

    • Propaganda

      • It’s “propaganda” to quote the President of the United States?

        • It wasn’t a coup and there is no proof of anyone being whaite nationalists, so yes LIBERAL BULLSHIT propaganda.

          • It wasn’t a coup

            How spelled out do you need this?

            Trump rallied these people. Told them to show up. Told them he’d join them to march on Congress. (unconfirmed) Trump & allies withheld backup for the Capitol Police. Praised them. Called them patriots, even after they’d broken into the building. They took down an American flag and hoisted a Trump flag. Several Truspist have been identified already, including the one who broke into Pelosi’s office.

            We have a photo of a guy with plastic zip cuffs, suggesting both premeditation and intent to take hostages… they stormed the Capitol.. what do you think was going to happen if they had managed to get access to the congressmen? You think they’d have given Pelosi a stern talking to and left?

            I’d be willing to bet, they’d have taken the Democrats hostage, and forced a “vote” electing Trump.

            And then you – yes, YOU, Gman, YOU – would sit there and condemn their violence with some hand-wringing version of “oh, isn’t it awful, it’s horrible, it’s just so bad and evil and I hope they all go to jail.. but, well, Congress DID vote, and I guess it’s binding, and anyway, it’s the right answer that reflects the truth of what really happened, so we have to abide by it, and oh, isn’t it horrible that it happened like this, but Trump didn’t specifically explicitly order it, so he has been reelected!” And then you’d badger me for the next four years about my “refusal to accept it.”

            and there is no proof of anyone being white nationalists

            You mean, other than the guys in the Camp Aushwitz shirts?

            Or maybe the newly elected congresswoman who was quoting how Hitler was right about the need to indoctrinate the youth to your cause?

            Or maybe Tim Gionet, who goes by the moniker Baked Alaska, and Nick Fuentes, the leader of the so-called Groyper Army, an explicitly White Nationalist group, who live-streamed himself breaking into members’ offices and took a selfie in what appeared to be the office of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi?

            I mean… you know.. other than these kind of things, there’s no proof.. right?

            • NO, it wasn’t a coup. That would require that the government be removed, no such demands were made. You, like the rest of the Liberal world are seriously over reacting. A coup is more like trying to remove a duly elected President by any means necessary, including outright lying and false accusations. Yes, THAT was a coup attempt(s).

              • NO, it wasn’t a coup. That would require that the government be removed, no such demands were made.

                No, it was a failed coup, because they didn’t get that far.

                You, like the rest of the Liberal world are seriously over reacting.

                You, like the rest of the right wing echo chamber, are grasping at draws to deflect, obfuscate, minimize, and ingore the fact that a swarm of Trump supporters broke into the capitol building to disrupt the counting of electoral votes.

                Jesus.. can you imagine if Pro-Clinton people had pulled something like this? No FUCKING way would be be calling this an overreaction. You’d be calling it worse than 9/11.

                A coup is more like trying to remove a duly elected President by any means necessary,

                Like…… disrupting the count of votes… and then trying to get to congress.. and bringing along handcuffs…?

                WHAT WAS THE PLAN, GMAN!?! What was the plan… break into the Capitol…. and then what? What was the PLAN once they got to Congress? Give them a heartfelt civic’s lecture to change their minds? You tell me.

                including outright lying and false accusations. Yes, THAT was a coup attempt(s).

                Gman: lying is a coup (if I think you’re lying).

                Also Gman: storming the Capital building during a joint session of congress to disrupt and alter the counting of votes and change who the next President will be… that’s not a coup.

            • We have a photo of a guy with plastic zip cuffs, suggesting both premeditation and intent to take hostages…

              Objection, nothing but speculation, please provide some proof.

            • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

              Some “coup” no guns.

    • Yes, the first asshole that calls me a white nationalist is swallowing his teeth.

      • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

        Agreed! Mr. G.

        Mr. Matt should understand that is every bit as false as the Charlottesville thing was.

        “You Loot, we shoot” was quite common signage in the 1960’s, quite effective, and most criminal codes still allow deadly force to be used to protect property and especially prevent arson which DOES kill people.

        I believe a retired Police Officer was killed this last summer protecting a friends store because he DID NOT SHOOT.

        • I do believe you’re missing my point here…

          • The comparison is is just as stupid ad the WS comment. Apples and Oranges. There was NO looting of the Capital.

            • There was NO looting of the Capital.

              Oh.. my bad.. I must need glasses…

              • I think that looting requires the looter to take the item with him…did he?

              • That’s the hill you want to die on?

                Fine – I have no idea. He has been identified, so we should be able to see soon enough if he’s charged with theft/comparable.

                In the meantime, here’s a screengrab for you of them outside with what appears to be a drawer and a chair. Just waiting for a priceless antique bust of Washington to turn up on Ebay..

              • AQ drawer and a chair does not looting make, son.

              • Ah yes, the constantly shifting standards of denialism.

                I’ve had enough of dealing with your special pleading.

                Find. Trumpist protesters were saints who have never done anything wrong in their lives and the criminals were all Antifa activists send by George Soros and Hillary Clinton.

          • WASHINGTON, D.C.—Ignorant Republicans rioted yesterday but didn’t even snag any free big-screen TVs out of the deal, sources at the Capitol Building reported.

            The short-sighted protesters stormed the Capitol without stealing a bunch of stuff, prompting many to question whether they really understand the purpose of a peaceful protest at all.

            “Look at these morons, rioting at the Capitol when there’s a perfectly good Target just down the street,” said one CNN reporter. “If they’d looted a bunch of local businesses in the name of social justice or whatever, we’d be covering this protest a heck of a lot differently, I’ll tell you that.”

            The rioters were condemned by people on both sides of the aisle, with critics slamming them for disrupting congressional proceedings, breaking through police barricades, and not even stealing a single Lego set, cheesecake, or Nike shoe in the name of justice. No footage emerged of the Capitol occupiers lighting cop cars on fire or throwing bricks through restaurant windows, causing the protesters to lose support from people of all political persuasions.

            “One thing is clear,” said one political analyst. “These people obviously don’t know the sweet, sweet justice of lugging a 60-inch TV back to your apartment to show how much you care about your cause.”

          • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

            They DID shoot, ask the dead lady! Now, if she had been black …………

            • That’s true! They did shoot one person.

              If I’d told you that a swarm of people were going to try to break into the capital during a joint session of Congress – what would you have guessed the body count would have been? Does “one” seem like the right number to you? I’d have wagered that no one set foot in the door and lived to tell about it.

              • Just A Citizen says:




                Hey, someone’s gotta do it!

    • Just A Citizen says:



      • Did… did he not say those things?

        PS: JAC, your caps-lock seems to be stuck..

        • Just A Citizen says:


          It is NOT STUCK.



          • Thank you JAC. I can hardly continue reading his spin job.

            Mathius, you’re either gullible, purposely obtuse, arrogant or all three.. It really bums me out.

  31. IMHO, any Trump supporter who went into the Capital should face the same punishment as the looters and rioters from the summer.

  32. A few things to mention:

    The guy with the tattoo has been identified as a member of Philly Antifa.
    Remember when I said the Capital police let them in? Here’s the video.

    • One more thing, the viking is also a climate activist, appearing at several events. He’s a oddball.

  33. Stephen K. Trynosky says:

    “Do I take your meaning correctly from this to be “if it was us, then it was because we’re patriots and this was actually really legitimately a coup attempt, but one which was justified and, indeed, demanded by the Declaration of Independence in order to restore our liberty and our nation”?”

    The jury on this is still out. Things do not look good. Jefferson understood that no matter how “perfect” a Republic may seem when it is set up, human nature being what it is will lead to some trying to “lord” it over others for personal profit, power or aggrandizement.

    A very small point for you? During our lockdowns do not the various, parties, hair cuts, hair stylings, expensive dinners, vacations, and special privilege’s leaders like DiBlasio, Schumer, Newsome, Pelosi, Cuomo, Whittmer and others (even some r’s) have done make you angry? Remind you of old George III?

    Does not the acquiescence to the destruction of the American middle class in pursuit of pure profit not anger you?

    Do not the endless wars and loss of our blood and treasure anger you?

    Does not the inability of our ostensible “leaders” to treat us all alike and urge us to not break into squabbling factions anger you?

    Does not teh loss of objective news reporting anger you. Sorry to say, that is pretty one sided.

    Well, that’s my answer to you. Particular attention should be paid to the following which could be categorized more simply as “sometimes enough is enough”.

    “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” “WHILE EVILS ARE SUFFERABLE”, Wow! A key point. Personally, I think with the “questions” raised in the last election and 50% of the country still thinking the fix was in, we are getting pretty close. Important to remember too that most historians judge only 20% of an informed 18th century American population was onboard with revolution. The remainder being apathetic, hostile of go along-get along. But dedication and a bit of help from Providence carried the day.

  34. At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told The Post.

    The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.

    The infiltrators were recognized due to their participation in New York City demonstrations, and were believed to have joined in the rioting so that Trump would get blamed, the source said.

  35. Biden on TV now, still lying about Russia. WTF. He’s gonna make Trump look honest to the core.

    • OH MY, Biden just said that BLM would have been treated differently yesterday. Mathius, did you email him his speech?

      • Nope… he just has eyes.

        • What does this have to do with Trump, He has no power over the Capital Police. He has no power over the DC police. If anything, the Capital police let them in the door (as seen in the above video). Now why would they do that?

          • If anything, the Capital police let them in the door (as seen in the above video).

            Do you mean the Capitol Police, headed by Trump Appointee Steve Sund?

            Steven Sund, who loses his job if Biden wins?

            Now why would they do that?

            I don’t know – you tell me…

  36. Sir Mathius…a question relative to employment taxes for you. If you were an employer of 100 persons,,,,and you employment and SS taxes were going to rise 20%, what would you do?

    Next question, if Mathius had millions of repatriated dollars and the top tax rate and corporate tax rates were going up, what would you do?

    Last question, do you, Sir Mathius, think that is is a good decision and a moral decision (please read that carefully) to move money and earnings off shore to avoid the higher taxes?

    Well, one more question…. and do you Mathius, think it is a wise move to get dual citizenship to avoid paying taxes, if possible. To wit: The Cayman Islands is a well-known tax haven where you can establish residency without much hassle, and as a British Overseas Territory, it offers high-quality legal services, health care, and education. And you do not have to move there but you can establish residency and register your company there.

    Jus’ curious.

    • If you were an employer of 100 persons,,,,and you employment and SS taxes were going to rise 20%, what would you do?

      Obviously too broad. If I can afford it and the workers are necessary, etc, I’ll suck it up and pay.

      If I can’t, I’ll lay people off or offshore.

      Next question, if Mathius had millions of repatriated dollars and the top tax rate and corporate tax rates were going up, what would you do?

      Buy BitCoin, then claim I lose the codes and take the whole amount as a business loss. Move onto the Hammer and cash back out into doubloons through a tax shelter.

      Last question, do you, Sir Mathius, think that is is a good decision and a moral decision (please read that carefully) to move money and earnings off shore to avoid the higher taxes?

      “Good decision” depends on your framing. Is “good” “goof for yourself” or is “good” “what’s good for society”? The answer is obvious, depending on which you choose.

      Is it “moral”? Provided you break no laws…. I suppose it is a-moral.

      and do you Mathius, think it is a wise move to get dual citizenship to avoid paying taxes, if possible. To wit: The Cayman Islands is a well-known tax haven where you can establish residency without much hassle, and as a British Overseas Territory, it offers high-quality legal services, health care, and education. And you do not have to move there but you can establish residency and register your company there.

      Wise… yes.. again, assuming your goal is to preserve your own capital and your own financial self-interests.

      That said, I’d be careful about thinking you can get away from US taxes with dual citizenship…. the US is going to try to grab your income no matter where you live (anywhere except Puerto Rico!), dual citizenship be damned. Sam wants his cut.

  37. Just A Citizen says:

    The guy with the Indian head dress who was photographed in the Capital yesterday is a Trump supporter and Shaman of QAnon. He is NOT with ANTIFA.

    • Correct, nobody has claimed such (here). He’s and actor/singer by profession and also attends environmental rallys. He will go to jail or be fined or both and rightfully so.

    • Thank you, sir.

      I want to ask you a question about No True Scotsman…

      It was pointed out here that the good Shaman had been seen at an ANTIFA rally, and that, therefore, [T-Ray] “Lars the Viking seems to swing both ways.”

      I pointed out that this was not the case, as you did, and was told that my source (BI) is a “rag” and “propaganda.” Rejecting my evidence outright without any contra argument.

      Later, I reiterated that he is a Trump supporter and was met with [SKT] “The Q-Viking may be a Trumpist for the moment but those clown tend to fall in the anarchist mode.”

      Which, to be fair, is a legitimate point. At some point, a person drifts into just “crazy land” and they can’t rightfully be called any kind of “-ist.”

      But then, later on, we have [G-man] saying “the viking is also a climate activist, appearing at several events. He’s a oddball.”


      Taken together, it seems to paint a rather clear picture:
      [T-Ray] He’s not “ours.”
      [G-Man] People saying he’s “ours” are lying.
      [SKT] OK, he’s ours, but he’s crazy, so he’s doesn’t really count as “ours.”
      [G-Man] He shares some of your beliefs, too, so he’s not truly “ours.”

      It seems to me – and I know, I know, I don’t want to get in more fights – but it seems to me, JAC, like some people here will accept very easily evidence which paints the left in a negative light, and then go on to paint the whole with that brush. But then, when presented with a bad example on “their side,” they will reflexively exclude him from the sample-set, portray him as an isolated outlier, and consider anyone treating him as indicative as disingenuous.

      No True Scotsman is a form of logical fallacy wherein you defend a generalization by selectively excluding contra-examples on arbitrary pretexts. What is happening here seems to be a textbook example.

      As you are one who posted that he IS, in fact, a pro-Trumpist, what is your take on how this conversation has shaped up here today?

      • I never accused him of being Antifa. As more info came out, things change, why should that be an issue?

      • Just A Citizen says:


        First, what you describe is NOT the No True Scotsman fallacy. That would fall under a claim such as; “He is not a true Trump supporter” …………… followed by some list of antics that can be used to tell the difference.

        Second, I find it hard to believe someone would support Mr. Trump and even remotely align with Anarchism. Although, I could see how some might still support him over the alternatives. In this guys case his support for Trump may be tied to the crazy shit tied to QAnon’s theory that Trump is the ONLY person fighting the Pedophiles. So I think any discussion about the this particular person should be discarded from the evidence you are trying to use to support your larger argument.

        Third, there are times when folks here defend Mr. Trump or Republicans against attack when maybe they shouldn’t. But they also have admitted when Mr. Trump or Republicans are wrong. You often seem to forget that and only focus on when they go on the defense.

        So here is my honest take. While your complaint is valid sometimes, you often overplay your hypocrisy accusations. And today you overplayed the whole damn thing. Tossing around accusations of Revolt, Insurrection, Coup etc, is just plain BS. So you got some blow back. And blow back doesn’t always make since.

        And that Sir, is how the conversation seems to have “shaped up here today”. You poking and others venting back at you or pointing out your own inconsistencies. And the longer it went on the less since anyone was making.

        For the record, I voted FOR Mr. Trump because I hated Mrs. Clinton and all her minions. I voted FOR Mr. Trump because I fear what will happen with Biden/Harris and a Democratic Congress. You Sir voted FOR Mr. Biden. No matter the reasons, when you vote for someone you are voting FOR someone. Do you think he will give a whit whether his “mandate” is made up of those voting against Mr. Trump? Or will he just claim the “mandate”?

        • Or will he just claim the “mandate”? It seems I have missed something again…..what mandate?

        • But they also have admitted when Mr. Trump or Republicans are wrong. You often seem to forget that and only focus on when they go on the defense.

          I certainly am fallible… but from my off-the-cuff memory, you are the only one who routinely hits Trump when he’s wrong.

          The colonel does, too.. though he’s a bit more sporadic about it.

          For the record, I voted FOR Mr. Trump because I hated Mrs. Clinton and all her minions.

          Yes, you were quite clear about that.

          Same (albeit inverse) reason I voted “for” Biden / Clinton.

          Do you think he will give a whit whether his “mandate” is made up of those voting against Mr. Trump? Or will he just claim the “mandate”?

          I don’t give a good goddamn what he “claims.”

          I intend to call him out when I think he’s wrong, just like I did Obama, and just like I did Trump. If, being a flawed human being, I am gentler to him than I was to Trump, I expect you to hold me accountable for the inconsistency.

          • Just A Citizen says:


            You already have treated them differently when the issue that bothers you most is the same between them. Constant LYING. So my friend, you are starting out already underwater.

            • I’m pretty sure I’ve called Biden a liar on here at least a dozen times.

              There’s just no need to belabor the point because everyone agrees.

              • Just A Citizen says:

                You have STILLL TREATED THEM DIFFERENTLY when in fact there is not much difference, per your own criteria.

                You did not just call Trump a liar. You went far beyond that over his lying. You have NOT COME CLOSE to that level of criticism towards Biden.

                Sorry, but you are not really as even handed as you think.

          • The colonel does, too.. though he’s a bit more sporadic about it. True…true….but it depends on what you find wrong… definitions and yours do not always agree but I will call him out when I think he is wrong. My definition may differ from JAC’s as well but that is ok….it is still a semi free country (for now) and opinions vary….I accept that.

  38. This from my cousin in the Midwest, a farmer’s wife:

    So once again President Trump is the scapegoat- so weary of distorting of facts.
    1. The American people are fed up with Congress lack of care for them.
    2. We all knew this election would be chaotic but the dems pushed it through anyway
    3. Shut downs & ridiculous restrictions on our liberty is gone on too long.
    4. The lies regarding covid 19 is disgusting & people are tired of lies lies lies.
    5. Using our children is child abuse & Anyone involved with this tyranny is not a friend to our children. Teacher unions beware – parents no longer believe anything you say.
    6. And a stimulant check of $600/ person is an INSULT to every American.
    I could keep going but any one of those reasons is enough to flood the capital building!
    I Do Not condone the violence but shooting an American is Also not acceptable.
    This is what happens when you ignore problems.
    Every Congressman needs to share this blame!
    YOU are not innocent in this debacle.

  39. Mathius, you keep asking what the protesters wanted. Sure they would like to see Trump continuing to be president but more importantly they would like to see this election properly investigated and the true nature of any corruption, if any, identified and the perpetrators prosecuted. So far all we have gotten is platitudes. “Nothing to see here, move along.” There have been no legitimate investigations, no transparency. Is this really too much to ask? With the loss of the Senate, there is no hope for such investigations to occur. Congress could have done a great service by appointing a bipartisan election commission. They still could have certified the election but at least we would eventually learn the truth. It will all be swept under the rug now. Unfortunately this is the worst possible outcome as there will not be any corrective action taken.

    • Well, at least the Crats and liberal media finally think riots are a bad thing….until the next event that fits their narrative, then it will be wonderful again.

      The Deep State wants Trump gone for good, let’s see how hard they try.

      I bet if BLM invaded the Capital, the narrative would be much different.

      FAR, FAR too many people will not trust the voting process now. Nothing good will come of this.

      • Let me clarify on the election trust issue. It is limited to several States. Places like California and New York and many others will not have any issues.

        • Yes, we perfected the steal two years ago but Trump’s darn coattails were too long this time. We did not anticipate that. We will do better the next time. Can’t have any Rs in Congress from CA. We got most of them out of Sacramento already.

  40. There have been no legitimate investigations, no transparency.

    This is false.

    There have been lots of investigations and transparency.

    But not enough.

    No, not nearly enough.

    Is this really too much to ask?


    It really is not.

    And, if I had it within my power to give, you would have it.

    If I could grant you this, we would roto-scope the hell out of this election and audit every millimeter of it, and depose every asshole who blocked transparency at every state.

    That’s not to say they had any obligation to provide that information, nor that denying it was “wrong” or “illegal”… but I do wish I had it and the confidence it could provide me.

    With the loss of the Senate, there is no hope for such investigations to occur.

    Alas, true.

    Congress could have done a great service by appointing a bipartisan election commission.

    We both know it would have been a partisan exercise in theatrics.

    Regardless of anything either side found, Blue would say “nothing to see here, move along” and Red would say either “FrAuD!!” or “we need to keep investigating for the next four years and Biden is illegitimate until he meets our impossibly high burden of proof and constantly shifting field goals.”

    Theater. I have no interest.

    They still could have certified the election but at least we would eventually learn the truth.

    No one will ever learn the truth, whether guilty or innocent or somewhere in between. Any evidence that was there has long since vanished. And, if there was no evidence because there was no crime, there will still be no evidence.

    This, like the JFK assassination, is destined to be an unanswered question until the end of time. Most will believe the prevailing theory, some will never let go of the contra belief. No one will ever be able to convince anyone else of anything.

    All we can do – and I think you’ll happily agree with me here – is DEMAND more transparency and integrity for the next time. (not that we’ll get it)

    To be clear, by “integrity,” I do not mean “make it harder for people to vote.” But there are way – in particular with cryptography – which would make a forged ballot essentially impossible, or which could provide solid and self-certifying audit trails. Machines, if we must use them, can be locked down better and their software audited better. Security and surveillance can be improved. Etc. There have to be a thousand things you and I could agree on that would help improve the confidence, security, and integrity of US elections.

    It will all be swept under the rug now.


    So, what good would the theatrics of a bipartisan panel do at this point? The ship has sailed?

    To be clear, though, while I think a Congressional panel to investigate is worth less than a turd sandwich, I am all in favor of any kind of NON POLITICAL investigations which can be performed whether by local district attorneys or whatever. Hell, if you want to hire a private investigator and tell him “find me the truth” (as opposed to “find me evidence of fraud”), then a blessing on your house.

    I do agree, though, that everything has probably been swept under the rug, but (A) you never know what might have been missed and (B) maybe it can help us do better next time.

    • T-Ray, Didn’t you know that it’s OK when the Left does this stuff? They burn down their own neighborhoods and are called heroes. It’s Social Justice after all. Sarcasm intended.

  41. Search for “Cleansing the Movement” and see what comes up. Sounds a lot like ethnic cleansing. Be silent or be afraid.

  42. There seems to be a new movement afoot to declare Trump either mentally incompetent or to do a hasty impeachment. I feel this would only add fuel to the fire and bring us closer to revolution. The movement as I see it is geared towards thwarting any 2024 run. Trump may have already destroyed his chances are 2024 so why make things worse? Considering the entire 4 years, if I were Trump I would be royally pissed as well. He has been treated horribly. It has been 4 years of nonstop lies. He is alone except for family at this point. The sad part is he had legitimate concerns about the election as many of us do but those with the authority to force and investigation have done nothing.

    The idiots who broke into the Capital did more harm than good as is the normal case with violence. But the bigger failure is Congress, SCOTUS and the states for letting this happen.

    • That is just Schumer……pay no attention to the man behind the curtain syndrome. They do not want Trump taking the last of his days and putting in all kinds of new Eo’s and such…..

      Now Trump is dangerous. He has nothing to lose and he already know he does not get another bite of the apple.

      Look, the best thing to happen is what is happening. Mathius and his types will see what is about to happen. Let it happen…..they deserve it. Unfortunately, our grand kids are the ones that get hurt.

      I am fortunate. I can protect myself but I feel for the ones who cannot….the poor and middle class are going to get hammered….The bankers and big business will make out like bandits..and it is a shame that no one sees this.

      • Like you I am on the down slope so another 15 years or so. I have tried hard for the last year to get Mathius to see the error of his ways but he is intransigent. Some people just have to learn the hard way. The deterioration of the country is accelerating. It is going to take a major event to change direction.

  43. Stephen K. Trynosky says:

    OK The younger folk and those not well versed in American Culture ought to reacquaint themselves with the great Director, Frank Capra.

    You all know him from The Christmas classic, “It’s a wonderful Life”. As you can tell from that film, He was a real booster , as an immigrant Italian himself, of “the American Way”.

    Before WW 2, sensing where were were going and having European Roots, he Produced and Directed and probably wrote the two films I will recommend.

    “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” is the story of a young idealistic Senator, James Stewart, chosen for being naïve and harmless to fill the unexpired term of someone else. He arrives in DC totally convinced that all the Congress people are wonderful and good and solid Americans in their outlook, He never realizes he is supposed to be a tool for the rich and powerful, both the “swamp” and the rich power brokers controlling the media and industry.

    When he vows to vote against a bill turning pristine wilderness into trash, he is the focus of the wrath of teh bad guys including his mentor teh Senior Senator played wonderfully by Claude Raines.

    I will say no more than compare what has just happened in DC to the last half hour of teh movie. See it!

    Secondly, Gary Cooper in “Meet John Doe” . Again, a young, depression era nobody chosen by a cynical Media and industry tycoon to be “everyman”. Given a weekly radio broadcast scripted for him and rallies arranged for him, he is supposed to be the “stalking Horse” for a Wm Randolph Hearst powerbroker type who will gain control of teh United States.

    “John Doe” is at heart an average American,. wakes up to what is being done and revolts. At that point, you will absolutely=y cringe at what is done to him by the media.

    If you pay attention to both these films you will learn a whole lot about cynicism by a man who despised it. I’ve always told my overly serious children more interested in fact than fiction is that we, the average people, learn from FICTION much easier than fact. The author/director is pointing us in a direction where in advance he eliminates a whole lot of variables for us. A good Director or writer, like teh people who gave us “Casablanca” makes us learn and learn quickly who teh good guys and bad guys are.

    Been thinking on this one all day long and if you do watch, and do pay attention, you will se what I mean about what’s happened in these past weeks in DC. Unlike Capra’s movies, the bad guys win. You will also see the lengths in the movie that the swamp will go to to increase and hold its power. Roughly 3 1/2 well spent thoughtful hours here.

  44. This is a good listen, different perspective. Please note the comments at 7:00. NPR announced that the capital was under siege at 9:33 am even before the President speech.

    I smell a rat.

  45. Stephen K. Trynosky says:

    Off topic but would be interested in responses to what I consider to be the worst cascading series of errors I have ever seen anywhere, ever. Colonel, Whose ass would you hang out to dry?

    Pilot Error, Ejection Seat Blamed in Fatal F-16 Crash

    An F-16 Viper from Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., takes off during Red Flag 20-2 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., on March 9. Airman 1st Class Jacob Gutierrez
    By Amy McCullough

    Pilot error and a series of ejection seat malfunctions led to a fatal F-16CM crash at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., in June, accident investigators said in a report released Nov. 9.

    First Lt. David Schmitz, 32, was conducting his first nighttime qualification training flight on June 30, including his first-ever attempt to refuel in midair and simulated suppression of enemy air defenses. But after unsuccessfully trying to refuel, Schmitz’s training mission was cut short and he headed back to the base.

    When nearing the base, Schmitz, an Airman with the 77th Fighter Squadron at Shaw, misinterpreted the approach lighting system. He failed to identify where the runway began, hitting the localizer antenna array on the ground and “severely damaging the left main landing gear,” according to Air Combat Command.

    The aircraft briefly touched the ground, then tried to circle back and land again. Shaw Airmen attempted to land the plane by catching the jet on a cable at the beginning of the runway, but the tailhook missed the cable. Damage to the landing gear caused the plane’s left wing to hit the runway.

    Schmitz ejected from the fighter after missing the cable, but his parachute never deployed. He died after hitting the ground while still in the seat, according to the release.

    The F-16CM is equipped with the Advanced Concept Ejection Seat (ACES) II, which is supposed to be capable of ejecting in any landing gear failure scenario while traveling at speeds up to 200 knots. Schmitz’s aircraft was going 120 knots, or about 138 mph, when he ejected.

    “Based on the airspeed and altitude of the ejection, the mishap seat should have initiated a Mode 1 ejection,” the report said. “As the seat exits the aircraft, the Digital Recovery Sequencer (drs) is activated, which is responsible for providing seat stabilization, pilot/seat separation, and parachute deployment. For a Mode 1 ejection, the seat’s drogue chute is not used, expediting the deployment and inflation of the personnel parachute.”

    However, there was a “critical failure” when the seat left the aircraft, and six of seven “pyrotechnic devices” that should have activated did not.

    “This accident is a tragic reminder of the inherent risks of fighter aviation and our critical oversight responsibilities required for successful execution,” ACC commander Gen. Mark D. Kelly said in the release. “The AIB [Accident Investigation Board] report identified a sequence of key execution anomalies and material failures that resulted in this mishap.”

    Accident investigators also found two related maintenance issues with the mishap aircraft. The first was the failure to install a shorting plug on the DRS electronic module, which is designed to prevent noise bias issues in channel three.

    “Two of the three channels must be in agreement for the DRS to function properly. DRS failure due to channel three noise bias issues have been observed in approximately 9 percent of all live ejections and sled tests,” according to the report.

    A time compliance technical order was issued on Jan. 20, 2016, and work was to be completed on the mishap aircraft seat on Aug. 28, 2017, but it was not completed because not enough parts were available.

    Second, the DRS’s 10-year life span expired on Feb. 28, 2019, but the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center issued three temporary extensions because parts, once again, were not available.

    Another contributing factor was the flying supervisor’s decision not to consult Lockheed Martin on using the cable to stop the plane, according to investigators.

    A visual inspection of the mishap aircraft concluded the landing gear was “broken and (was) hanging,” though the right landing gear and nose landing gear “appeared normal,” according to investigators.

    Schmitz began working off of a checklist meant for landings with an unsafe or undeployed landing gear, but Lockheed flight safety engineers told accident investigators that list “only applies if a landing gear fails to extend normally, not when it is damaged or hanging.”

    “Analysis concluded that the [mishap pilot] had a total of 3.475 seconds from when the [seat] left the aircraft to pull the [emergency manual parachute deployment handle] and achieve a successful parachute deployment,” according to the report. Had he not attempted the cable landing and ejected earlier, he would have had as much as six times longer to pull the handle.

    In addition, Kelly noted that Air Force instructions require pilots to successfully demonstrate proficiency in aerial refueling during the day before attempting it at night.

    “That didn’t occur for this officer, and when we have oversight breakdowns or failures of critical egress systems, it is imperative that we fully understand what transpired, meticulously evaluate risk, and ensure timely and effective mitigations are in place to reduce or eliminate future mishaps,” he said.

    Schmitz was a prior enlisted Airman who served as a C-17 loadmaster before earning his commission through Officer Training School, 20th Fighter Wing Commander Col. Lawrence T. Sullivan said in a video at the time of the crash. Schmitz earned his pilot’s license at 17 years old before enlisting in the Air Force.

  46. Plot twist…and we still haven’t heard from Sidney Powell.

    • I saw something on this yesterday and tonight. If true then Trump could invoke the EO against foreign interference in our elections. This changes everything. It might be the reason for the big push to remove him immediately as this would run their train off the tracks. If this is true, then the corruption is deeper and more severe than anyone would imagine.

      • Rudy, Lin Wood, Sidney have all been saying what they know will shock the world. After so much seeming dead ends from them, its hard to know what to believe. But from everything so far that’s been exposed from congress to media to deep state, I’m not passing it by as conspiracy until someone proves it wrong. I don’t give a damn about burden of proof.

  47. 3 way cat fight. Even Fox News got in on it. Good. Someone drop a house on all of them.
    Side note: NOW the debate is about election integrity? JAC called it.

    • Woops. I jumped the gun a little bit. Fox News wasn’t involved. It was a parody Faux account that had replied too. So 2 way cat fight it is.

  48. Everyone on here knows that I am a huge fan of being proactive.

    Well, the Capitol Police were offered National Guard assistance prior to the Trump rally….the Capitol police turned down the assistance. They were unprepared. The Capitol Police also knew that there were malcontents showing up for the rally staging two blocks away….still they said they could handle it. They were unprepared. They blew it…..and it has NOTHING to do with Steve Sund. Steve Sund was not in tactical Command and never has been. Anyone that Biden appoints will also not be in tactical command. Steve Sund has no power and neither will the Biden appointee……

    Here is what proactive means……anytime there is a rally or protest scheduled, you prepare for it. I do not care if it is a rally of girl scouts. You ALWAYS ALWAYS prepare. There are reasons that you see some states where rally’s were scheduled that had no trouble.

    Texas is a great example. Every single BLM rally, every single political rally, every single march, peaceful or otherwise had national Guard contingents two blocks away, in place, ready to respond. This is because the Governor and the mayors all talk in advance and agree on responses. In addition to having them staged, the word goes out immediately to the organizers that there will be no tolerance. the result? no problems…..

    So, the Capitol Police and their swat………………blew it.

    • “Blew it” might be accurate, but it’s certainly incomplete…

      What do you make of such a galling failure?

      • What do I make of such a galling failure I am going to give you my answer as a tactician and a Colonel…and not as Red or Blue Team, ok? (Well, even if it isn’t ok, ,I gonna do it anyway).

        1) There was going to be a Trump rally. It was planned…the Secret Service knew it, Washington DC Police knew it, the National Guard knew it, and the capitol police knew it. The Senate knew it and the House Speaker knew it.

        Colonel’s take here…..everyone had advanced knowledge of the rally. So, there was no lack of intelligence.

        2) The Capitol Police are not under the jurisdiction of the POTUS. The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The Capitol Police Board is the body that governs the United States Capitol Police and consists of three voting members: the Sergeant at Arms of the United States House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate, and the Architect of the Capitol. The Chief of the Capitol Police reports to the board. The dictates of the Capitol Police do not come from the Chief of Police but from the Board.

        3) Complacency has set in because no one ever anticipated a run on the Capitol building. They do not hold drills on the actual grounds. They only have a working knowledge of the underground vaults.

        4) All the law enforcement knew that adversarial elements were staging two blocks away and were planning on infiltrating the rally as they did every single rally previously.

        5) All law enforcement knew that disruptive elements were bused into the area. This is where the breakdown occurs.

        With all the intelligence available to them, the National Guard was on alert but did not deploy. I know this first, well, second hand, because I have already been briefed on it. The National Guard cannot deploy on its own and neither the POTUS nor the politicians are in charge of the National Guard.

        Once the supposed march began, no one deployed along the route and no one deployed the Capitol Police until the marchers arrived. There were no impromptu barricades erected even though they had them at their finger tips under the steps that lead into the Capitol.

        There was apparently (do not know yet) NO communication to the Capitol Police that the rally was about to get out of hand and very little communication to them when in route.

        We now know that the instigators of the breach joined the march, which started out peacefully, and we now know that the first to breach the capitol were not Trump supporters. We know that once the capitol was breached, there were a lot of people that stormed in being caught up in the flow. Then it deteriorated like any other mob rule.

        We also now know that the destruction was not by Trump rally supporters but by the first to breach the capitol.

        Now, the real question is……………………why were the Capitol Police caught off guard?

        Note this: “Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer said he wants to give police “the benefit of the doubt” and hopes they were attempting to de-escalate Wednesday’s event when they appeared to let pro-Trump rioters inside the legislative building. Sometimes when you don’t have enough personnel, you can’t stand and fight a large crowd like that, noting that there were not enough law enforcement personnel on scene.”

        In the midst of the riot, videos surfaced of police appearing to let the protesters inside the building. One video appeared to show a man taking a selfie with an officer.

        Gainer, who served as Capitol Police Chief from 2002 to 2006 and was the Senate sergeant-at-arms, said the police’s handling of the situation was “a failure” and “raises a lot of questions.” What is very clear is the police underestimated the violent crowd and the size of it, and they overestimated their ability to control it.”

        Many law enforcement officials around the country questioned how police failed to protect the building.

        The National Guard, FBI and U.S. Marshals Service were all called in to assist. Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered a 12-hour curfew in the city that ended at 6 a.m. Thursday.

        To a trained observer, ME, I saw a serious lack of the 6 “P” edict….Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

        First of all, the mayor blew it by not assembling the police, FBI and National guard as a deterrent prior to the rally. We do this in Texas.

        Second, there was no command center established for communication prior to the rally. We do this in Texas.

        Third, there were no pre-positioned barricades or personnel on hand to establish same. We do this in Texas.

        Fourth, there were no security personnel to respond to the gathering 2 blocks away with radios and video equipment. We do this in Texas.

        Fifth, we now know that the true rioters joined the march DURING the march and not before and there was no communication of same to the Capitol.

        Sixth, when the marchers arrived there was no outer defense for the rioters to breach before entering the Capitol.

        Seventh, there were no unmarked vans with armed guards in the vans running a parallel course to the marchers. We do this in Texas.

        Eighth, it was apparent that there was no inner defense inside the Capitol building to channel rioters. Only locked doors. They were able to spread out immediately to exploit the minimal security staff that was there. Since no on site drills are allowed on the premises, they did not know how to respond to emergencies within the capitol proper. And, since there is no training mock up anywhere, they (capitol police) only have a working knowledge of the grounds.

        there is more to this but I think you get the gist…..I only use Texas as an example because I have a first hand knowledge of these things. I have written training SOP and conducted training sessions. When we had some factions come into Texas last year to pull down stuff and try to start riots, we immediately surrounded them, took their bull horns away, and lined their route with armed guards which also worked to keep counter protestors separated. there are ways….but you must plan, train, tweak plans, more training…… must be prepared. I use Texas only as an example because we are ready to defend the State Capitol, the governor’s Mansion, the State power grid, and the ship channels on a moments notice. this is prior planning and this is why we did not have sections of Dallas and Houston and Fort Worth burned nor looted.

        • Interesting note just out: Two of four escape routes specifically designed for such a move….were chained shut from the inside.

        • Just A Citizen says:


          I am picking up info that is in slight disagreement with yours.

          1. The Guard was assembled in advance. BUT, the Mayor and those in charge of LEO and the Guard (Asst. Sec Def) spent hours debating how the Guard would be deployed. Eventually agreeing to a “support role”. And NO weapons or body armor.

          2. Once problems started the group of “decision makers” took another hour or so to debate and settle on how to use the Guard. It is reported that they decided to send them to help hold back the crowd but again with NO WEAPONS or body armor.

          So, the Guard was assembled but never really deployed in anyway to help protect the Capital. Which makes me wonder why the Mayor made a public stink about requesting them in the first place.

          3. I am not sure what you mean by no barriers as the various pictures show barriers between police and the crowd.

          4. I have also seen a report that the crowd that moved to the Capital was not part of the main body which attended Mr. Trump’s speech. And that it started moving towards the Capital building before the speech was completed. Obviously someone in the chain of command knew this and it should have been communicated.

          My point here on the defenses at the building. The picture of the guys pointing guns at the door of the chamber were almost certainly US Marshals, not Capital Police. I expect it was a Marshal who shot and killed the Air Force Veteran.

          Another point. This is a CITY run by Congress, various Fed. Agencies and the Democratic Party which dominates local elections. Is it any wonder they failed??? Yes that is sarcasm, but after having been there I don’t think I am far off.

  49. Question for young Mathius…….would you rather have one bitcoin or one 20 ounce bar of gold… cannot have both.

    • You’re gonna have to give me an extra ounce or two to set the market values equal.. BTC is up to $41k.

      But assuming equivalent market values… are you sure I can’t split it…. umm… hmmm…. BTC for the next week, and then gold thereafter.

      If my goal were “get rich,” I’d go with BTC.
      If my goal were to “preserve wealth,” I’d go with gold.

      I just don’t trust bitcoin. It might be the way of the future, but gold is tried and true. Both are inflation-proof, which is why I hold them since I sure as hell don’t trust the dollar. But, while Bitcoin could continue as a rocketship and go to a million, it could also go to zero. Gold probably won’t become the next currency when the dollar collapses, but it won’t go to zero either. Also, if I lose a slip of paper with my codes on it, I don’t lose my gold – it’s still in my vault.

  50. I’ve held off on saying this, hoping the dust might settle differently or I’d be proven wrong, but well….


    It is hard to be “disappointed” in people you already hold in contempt, but, well, the Blue Team continues to disappoint anyway.

    In light of the break-in of the Capitol the other day, Red Team immediately moved to a conciliatory position. This was to be expected – they got their hand caught in the cookie jar – and were quick to denounce the actions of the bad actors (even if unwilling to take any responsibility) – they backed off their rhetoric a bit and gave up on some of their futile political theater. Of course, this wasn’t universal, but it was a “by-and-large” kind of thing.

    This might have been a 9/11 style “rally ’round the flag” come together moment.

    But FUCKING BLUE TEAM. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT, they did not miss a single fucking second to press their advantage.

    I watched when congress reconvened and some yokel Republican from Oklahoma or somewhere was given back the floor, having been disrupted by the break-in, and I heard him denounce the attackers and call for unity. I heard Pence say the same thing. And then I heard Pelosi and then some other Democrat go after the Trump and Co. and try to take advantage of the situation – to kick the Republicans while they were down.

    They could have been grown ups. They could have accepted the olive branch, however tenuous, and made an effort at cohesion. But they FUCKING DIDN’T. And now the only thing I’m hearing from the left is 25A this and impeach-and-prosecute that.

    Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see Trump inside a jail cell – if he has committed any crimes and after a fair and impartial trial – but that’s not what this is. I do appreciate the kind of message that would send to future would-be fascists – if we accept that Trump is a would-be fascist and that this was an orchestrated coup-attempt – which I know is not a universally shared view. I get that, I do. But I’d much rather live in a functional Democracy where there aren’t two separate “teams” who blindly hate each other.

    This was simply “we have the moral high ground right now and we’re going to use it to bludgeon the opposition into submission.” This was “with us or against us” 2.0: the someone even stupider version.

    To be fair, of course, a certain faction within Red Team likewise missed no time at all trying to recast this as a false flag or actually Antifa or otherwise turn the Trumpists into “anarchists,” excusing themselves from any responsibility or connection to the bad actors as though they had not spent years whipping these same people into a frenzy. And far-right media has led the way. Those who have abandoned Trump have only done so because his time is nearly up and they are rats fleeing a ship. Twitter blocking him is a pathetic exercise in “doing the right thing now that it doesn’t hurt us.” And I fully expect a significant portion of the rats to scurry back onto the ship. So I do not excuse red team.

    But FUCKING BLUE TEAM had a gold plated opportunity to reach out to everyone who wasn’t an irredeemable bootlicking Trumpist. There was never going to be peace with Ted Cruz, but Blue Team could have drawn in whatever moderates may still exist within the Republican Party and helped pull us back from the brink but instead opted to double-down on divisiveness.

    And Joe “Peacemaker” Biden and Barrack “Elder Statesman” Obama did not fucking help matters. No, wait, let me rephrase that. “did not help” makes it sound like they were neutral in matters. As the biggest power brokers in the party, they fanned the flames and actively made things worse. They saw an opportunity to throw an enormous chuck of red meat to their hardcore base, and they took it – unity be damned.

    And, yes. I get it. If you honestly and sincerely believe that Trump orchestrated and wanted this attack, then, yes, he needs to go to jail. I think even the most die hard Republicans would agree that a President who deliberately staged something like this should not be President and should face criminal consequences. And, likewise, I understand the idea of “send a message” so that this doesn’t happen again (see also: the beer hall putsch). And i also appreciate that enablers of such evil should be held accountable, too, and not just let off the hook in order to “get back to normal.” So, where there are sincere beliefs of this stripe, I suppose I will have to be more lenient when passions cool.

    And so I will excuse some of the pundits and bloggers and the private citizens, my friends and family, and coworkers for their sincerely held beliefs. But I will not excuse the politicians. They had a choice to be Americans or be Democrats and they made clear their choice.

    • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

      And THAT is what we have been telling you for years! Newton’s third law!

      • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

        When POTUS says, “I have a pen, I have a phone” it sort of sets the tone does it not?

    • I went out last night for a beer and a sub, and listened to the locals. I have seriously underestimated the anger that is being felt. I’m not the Rah-Rah type who goes to rallys or protests, but what I heard was people who are ready to take up arms. I’m talking 20 somethings to 60 somethings. I was a bit taken back by the mood.

      • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

        Matt is onto something. When they start the BS on 21 January bringing forth all the “in your face” legislation and most especially executive orders, I do NOT know where the hell this is going.

        From the beginning, Trump wanted to work through congress. He knew the weakness of EO’s (except of course for Obama’s where Justice Roberts seems to think they were the 11 through 323rd Commandments) But between Ryan and McConnell he had no prayer, then Ryan lost the congress.

    • Well said….

    • You act surprised, Mathius.

      Remember the story about the snake?

      • The only thing that surprises me about it is that they weren’t smarter.

        I expect this level of nihilism out of all congressmen, but some of the power brokers out there should surely have seen a better path.

    • Sir Mathius: Interesting development on your evaluation…..Trump gave his concession speech last night….acknowledging that he tried his best and now it is time for a smooth and orderly transition…..why can’t the Blue Team shut up and let the 12 days expire. What am I missing here?

      • why can’t the Blue Team shut up and let the 12 days expire. What am I missing here?

        You’re missing a few things – though I sense you are not actually missing any of them..

        1) they hate hate hate the orange man and want him repudiated.

        2) slightly different, they hate what he’s done (or what they think he’s done) and want that repudiated.

        3) political haymaking and opportunism – beat the lame duck.

        4) caving to the more rabid portions of the base who want blood.

        5) Even when Trump is gone, he’s not really “gone” if his loyalists and allies remain and if he still retains power with the base. Impeaching and prosecuting him could help break that power ahead of a Democratic administration. (Personally, I think it would make a martyr).

        6) some portion of the population think that a message needs to be sent. He cannot be allowed to simply walk away – there must be dire consequences so that the next would-be fascist doesn’t get any bright ideas.

        7) It may be, when history books are written that Trump goes down as worse than Nixon and it becomes canonical that he instigated a fail coup. Impeaching him and prosecuting him would, in the eyes of history, help seal the Democrats as “on the right side of history.” In much the same way that the Republicans still persist in calling themselves the “party of Lincoln,” even while breaching the Capitol carrying rebel flags. A strong rebuke of Trump and Trumpism by Blue Team now could allow them to stand on that moral high ground for generations. (I don’t think so, but what do I know)

        8) Lastly, a lot of bad things can happen in 12 days. There’s a reason fired employees are immediately escorted out of the building.

        • Tell me why this tweet has been scrubbed?

          It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.

          — David Plouffe (@davidplouffe) June 13, 2016

          • I think that would fall neatly under #6 above. No idea why it was “scrubbed” – seems like a perfectly common sentiment from left-left corners of the internet. I’ve certainly heart this sentiment (if not this exact tweet) many times.

      • Just A Citizen says:

        THEY think they have a chance to put their boot on our neck and crush us for all time.

        Now, I know you have not missed that but I think Mathius has. Otherwise he wouldn’t be so surprised by what he thinks is “smart”.

        • THEY think they have a chance to put their boot on our neck and crush us for all time.

          I don’t think that even in Nancy Pelosi’s craziest fever dreams that this was the silver bullet to kill conservatism in America.

          If they’d actually taken congressmen hostage or killed some of them, well, yes. That could be enough to utterly destroy the right in this country for a generation… if the left were smart about how they reacted. Maybe.

          But this..? Crush you for all time..? Naw…

          I think you oversell it.

          • Just A Citizen says:


            Not at all. I am telling you what they are thinking and thus why they seem to be going overboard. But it is not just the Dems here. It is the ESTABLISHMENT, the ELITE.

            I have been around these people Mathius. Some of them are the most arrogant asses you will ever meet and they believe themselves Gods. Far worse that Mr. Trump, just a little more subtle in their sales pitch.

            No Mathius, I think you still do not get it. You do not grasp where we are and just how bad it has become.

            • I have been around these people Mathius. Some of them are the most arrogant asses you will ever meet and they believe themselves Gods.

              I have met the most arrogant asses who ever walked the earth.

              I have met a man who was such an arrogant ass that he made Trump look positively humble.

              This man, a multibillionaire hedge fund manager, requires new employees to read his autobiography during orientation. He requires them to study his “Principles,” and then to take a test on the Principles. And the score on the test is not “how accurate are you,” but “how similar are your answers to his.” That is, the “right” answer is not what was in the book, but whatever he said when he took the test himself.

              This same man claimed, repeatedly, that his Principles were more important to the world than, I shit you not, the cure for cancer. This wasn’t a passing claim. He said it in his book and emphasized it repeatedly.

              All employees were required to watch a minimum three hours a week of “culture” videos where he talked about his vision for the culture of the company. And, yes, there were tests. And you could increase your internal ratings at the firm by watching additional videos.

              No, sir.. no one in DC can compare this man. He stands alone.

              • Just A Citizen says:

                And that is the point Mathius. Guys like that stand ALONE.

                UNTIL they become ELECTED politicians or part of the D.C. elite. Then they have real power and that arrogance spills over on all of us.

    • Just A Citizen says:

      Well said but incomplete. Just scratching the surface so to speak.


    Mobs seemed OK this summer. I won’t get into the MSM, that would take too long.

  52. I have watched many videos and read many things over the last 2 days. At this point I do not know what to believe or who to trust. Trump did call for the rally but did not incite them to violence. There was nothing in his speech that called for entering the Capital or attacking people. Those that make the claims of such are just liars.

    I have seen interviews of various people with different perspectives. One French reporter in a friendly conversation with a Capital police officer reported that he and several of his colleagues were told to go home at 10 am. He said it did not make sense but obeyed. This was 1 hour before Trump spoke. When he heard about the breech at home, he returned to voluntarily work but never received a call to do so.

    Another witness said he saw 5 buses (white executive type) with a police escort pull up and off load Antifa types in their full riot gear. The police escorted them to the front of the crowd near the Capital.

    Another report said the breech began before Trump completed his remarks.

    There is video of the police pulling back the barricades to allow protestors forward. Off to the side there is a quiet bunch of protestors who seem dazed by this move.

    There is another video showing the Trump protestors pulling back a thug who is trying to break a window. They are calling him Antifa.

    Another video shows a single cop in a doorway with a crowd on the other side. It is a single door (not double). The door is open and could have been easily closed. The cop retreats even though he does not appear to being forced back. He then picks up a baton off the floor and further retreats up a stairs without offering any resistance to the advance crowd who in my view do not seem that menacing. It is almost as if he is leading them somewhere.

    Another report said the the NG had to return to their barracks to retrieve weapons that they had been ordered by the mayor to leave behind.

    One Trump supporter who followed the initial wave into the Capital eventually made it to the Senate chamber. He said most were respectful. They held a prayer meeting and left.

    I have seen photos the MSM press are using showing columns of smoke on the mall purportedly being the mop scene on the mall. But there are green leaves on the trees. These are the BLM/Antifa riots from the summer.

    The press including Fox is universally condemning Trump for the violence. But is he really responsible?

    • Trump did call for the rally but did not incite them to violence. There was nothing in his speech that called for entering the Capital or attacking people. Those that make the claims of such are just liars. […] The press including Fox is universally condemning Trump for the violence. But is he really responsible?

      Responsible” is a tricky word… unless we’re going to accept the theory that Trumpists are perfect little saints and only busses of evil Antia supporters did anything wrong.. which I’m not willing to accept.. then we have to consider who could be “responsible” for the actions of a Pro-Trump crowd.

      The term we might be looking for is “stochastic terrorism” or, more pertinently “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”

      Stochastic terrorism could be summed up as “demonize the target and rile people up enough that violence directed at that person becomes probabilistic, even if you never actually say to engage in violence.” Sure, you might not know exactly when or how that violence will occur, but you can be reasonably confident that it will occur.

      We might think of some kind of anti-Jew propaganda telling people that the Jews were poisoning the wells and they were threats and a danger and evil and and and and and and and and… and at some point, even if you never actually said “hey, you should have a pogrom,” a pogrom becomes a likely and reasonably foreseeable outcome. To then step back and insist “whoa! I never said to do that!” doesn’t really absolve you, now does it? Would anyone look at czarist Russia, say, and absolve the czar from culpability in the various pogroms simply because he didn’t explicitly order them?

      As for “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest,” there’s a fun story here. Henry the II was engaged in a feud with an archbishop. He couldn’t, however, have the man killed, so he lamented loudly, publicly, and repeatedly, “will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” At some point, four knights went out and killed the archbishop, taking the rhetorical pondering as the will of their king. Nobody, even at the time, believed that Henry had actually ordered the killing, but he was widely held to be responsible for willfully setting the chain of events in motion. Would you look at these described events and say he was innocent?

      Trump did call for the rally but did not incite them to violence. There was nothing in his speech that called for entering the Capital or attacking people. Those that make the claims of such are just liars.

      I say all that to say this – and only this: just because Trump did not explicitly say XYZ does not mean that he is innocent of having incited it nor that he did not intend for some such action.

      No one is making the claim of “he ordered a break-in,” but that does not absolve him (nor convict him) of accusations that he stirred up the pot to the point where he is responsible for the outcome. He sure as hell turned the heat up to a boil, no?

      I have seen this comic many times. While I won’t fully agree with it, I think we should all be able to agree that there is some truth to the matter.

      • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

        Conveniently forgotten over the past few days is Trump stating, in his speech on the Mall, “we will all now go over to the Capitol to PEACEFULLY protest”. As usual, people do NOT hear what they do NOT want to hear, just like Charlottesville!

        • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

          The reason I pointed this out is because I just watched a replay of the speech he gave with those words I have quoted. Another point. For months now you have been telling us, “there is no proof”. When I originally watched the speech he laid out the “proof” pretty damned well. All of course now lost in this insanity. As I believe I posted to you the other day, If Trump claimed that 139% of registered voters voted in that Michigan County, that is pretty easy to discredit him if not true. Even the “fact checkers” at FB have left that one alone.

      • Just A Citizen says:


        You see, here is another example.

        You should have just posted, “I agree”. You were never willing to hold Mr. Obama responsible for the actions of his followers, no matter his rhetoric. And I have no issue with that. Even if one is “inciting” others, it is the others “personal decisions” which lead to criminal behavior.

        But here you go out of your way to imply that Mr. Trump is guilty. Even if you did not say so it sure looks like that is your purpose.

        Now let us address the hypocrisy of a Nation born from Revolution passing laws that make inciting action against the govt. a crime.

        • You were never willing to hold Mr. Obama responsible for the actions of his followers, no matter his rhetoric.

          Point to me rhetoric of Obama’s which rises to such a level and which was met with such action?

          I do not believe Obama had the… flair.. for riling people up the way Trump does.

          Even if one is “inciting” others, it is the others “personal decisions” which lead to criminal behavior.


          But at some point, the rabble rouser has to bear some responsibility, too.

          You can’t just incite and then wash your hands of it because others made the individual choice.

          Sure, they did it, but would they have done it without you?

          But here you go out of your way to imply that Mr. Trump is guilty. Even if you did not say so it sure looks like that is your purpose.

          In fact, I explicitly stated otherwise: “but that does not absolve him (nor convict him) of accusations that he stirred up the pot to the point where he is responsible for the outcome”

          For the avoidance of court, I do think Trump turned up the heat too high. I do think that this, or something like this, was a foreseeable consequence when he spent the last month whipping his followers into a frenzy over the alleged Massive Fraud. My thinking is that he bears some moral blame for what happened and almost certainly knew that violence was a distinct possibility as a consequence of his choices and chose to proceed. But I do not find him legally culpable unless it can be shown that he interfered to weaken the defense around the capitol or somehow more directly instigated the break-in. This is my opinion.

          Now let us address the hypocrisy of a Nation born from Revolution passing laws that make inciting action against the govt. a crime.

          I don’t think you and I are going to disagree here……

    • I thought he was banned.

    • Trump rally at Mar a Lago at high noon Jan 20th?


      • Yup.. that’s when he’s announcing the formation of his government-in-exile.

        • If I were Trump, I would announce the formation of the Freedom Party, a new political party to take on the corruption in DC. 70 million strong for starts. Jaws would drop everywhere.

          • Yes! Do this!

            Split the conservative vote and let the Blue Team run amok for the foreseeable future.

            • You might regret that. Trump drew a lot of disaffected democrats. An new party would lose the republican label that many on the left abhor and would provide a place for people not interested in the extreme left. Organized properly, a center right party would sweep into power.

              • You think the Trump Party would be “center right”? Where do you put Red and Blue teams on this scale of yours?

                Also, hate to break it to you, but however the “left” feels about Republicans is nothing compared to how it feels about Trump. He ain’t drawin’ shit from the left compared to what he’d do to the right.

    • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

      That’s all right, Bush 2, the war criminal will represent the return to global order (and your kid getting his legs blown off in some place you never heard of).

      There is a rumor that on 21 Jan, the NATO nations will demand a refund!

  53. They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.

  54. Canine Weapon says:

  55. Uh oh…….lap tops have now been reported missing…one out of Pelosi’s office…..this should be fun.

    • Welp, if there’s anything confidential on there, someone’s goin’ to prison for a loooooooog time.

      (And if Pelosi goes, too, I’ll be fine with that.. she should secure her confidential materials.)

      I guess we can add laptops to the “drawers and chairs” which gman declared yesterday “does not looting make.”

      • Just A Citizen says:

        So you are claiming that a guy stealing a chair is the same as this:

        That would make you an ass-hat yourself.

        • Nope. Not making that claim at all.

          I said there was looting.

          And I got back “There was NO looting of the Capital.”

          So, I showed pictures of a guy absconding with the Speaker’s podium.

          And I got push back with “I think that looting requires the looter to take the item with him…did he?” This is an absurd requirement of proof – as if to substantiate the accusation of looting in the above photo I had required you to show me proof that they’d taken the things home.

          But, ok, I showed a photo of them taking a chair and a drawer outside – because that’s what I could find a photo of off-hand.

          And I got back, that “does not looting make.”

          So I add a laptop.

          And I get back it’s not as bad as this other looting (which I never claimed).


          But when it comes to breaking and entering, Mr. The Colonel sees no difference whatsoever between the Capitol and a Wendy’s.


          So sometimes it’s black-and-white and other times we have to be oh-so-careful to keep in mind which is worse even when I never made that claim.

          I sure do feel like I’m arguing against a constantly shifting series of standards, absurd and inconsistent demands for proof, and ad hoc rules.

          I assert that rioters looted the Capitol yesterday. I do not assert the extent or any equivalence to the damage done in other riots.

          • Just A Citizen says:


            You missed the point again. I understood the back and forth over “looting” yesterday. I would call it NITPICKING for the sole purpose of POKING at someone.

            This is kind of like discussing ethics or morality or “pornography”. Everyone has their own views and will make arguments of all kinds. But there is a point where almost everyone AGREES on what it is.

            Given the broader commentary we are inundated with each day, it appears that when you play such a card as “this is looting”, with picture of smiling person carrying off a chair, you are trying to force an agreement over the equivalency of the kind of looting I suggested with that which happened the other day.

            I am trying to explain to you that THIS IS HOW YOU ARE COMING ACROSS.

            Now with that out of the way. I AGREE that often the standards presented in your back and forth discussion often change. You have every right to complain about it and/or call it out. Just be aware that you also do this from time to time.

            • I am trying to explain to you that THIS IS HOW YOU ARE COMING ACROSS.

              Fair enough – I appreciate that.

              Now with that out of the way. I AGREE that often the standards presented in your back and forth discussion often change. You have every right to complain about it and/or call it out.

              I appreciate that.

              Just be aware that you also do this from time to time.

              I do try to be careful NOT to do this… don’t suppose you could help me out with an example?

              • Just A Citizen says:


                Not now, I am about to remove a bunch of carpet and transform a basement bedroom into a “food storage” area.

                Instead, now that you are aware of what I am saying I will point it out next time I see it.

            • You missed the point again. I understood the back and forth over “looting” yesterday. I would call it NITPICKING for the sole purpose of POKING at someone.

              One more thing on this.

              Maybe YOU would call it “nitpicking” or “poking at someone,” but I would call it denialism and special pleading and double-standards.

              I would call it a refusal to accept that “my side” did something wrong or bad and to reject or minimize any such claims by whatever nitpick or ah hoc exceptions they can concoct in order to do so.

              I saw it, as well, with the Q-Shaman / Viking… where they took a clearly pro-Trump person and shifted him around to try to get him “off their books” as it were. Instead of “yup, our side has assholes, too,” it was like whack-a-mole of excuses for why he’s really “no true Scotsman.” (yes, I saw your comment on this).

              And it wouldn’t be such an issue if these same people didn’t so blatantly paint whole movements whose demographics with the brush of their worst acts when those groups are on the left. Nor, when I am no painstakingly careful to specify my support ends where criminality starts, that people here persist in pretending my support and sympathy extends to the worst examples of those groups.

              When, for example, have I ever expressed anything except contempt for looters and a feeling that, if they get hurt, it’s their own damned fault? But just a few minutes ago, we have T-Ray, again asserting that I must hold sympathy for BLM looters. That, were one shot while breaking into the Capitol I would be crying foul – and I think you know that to be false. So why do I have to keep being accused of that? It’s not like there are 50 liberals in this place and they can’t keep straigh whose opinions are whose – I kind of stand out.

      • And quote me correctly.

      • It’s all Russian disinforamtion.

      • It’s all Russian disinformation.

        • Just A Citizen says:


          I think there should be no doubt that they and others are fueling the flames as much as they can. I think most of their efforts are easily spotted, however, if one pays attention.

          I am much more concerned over how Social Media is fanning the flames. THEY are responsible for much of our division and National mood at the moment. Far more, I think than the Russians, Chinese or Iran.

          • I am just being sarcastic but after 4 years of anonymous leaks and no prosecutions, Hunter’s Russian disinformation laptop, why would anyone be concerned over this unless of course it makes Trump look bad.

    • Just A Citizen says:

      That is what I have been hoping for. A little silver lining in this cloud.

      I am guessing this is a false report, however.

  56. Yesterday, user “Materialscientist” of Belton, SC attempted to co-opt the slogan / movement “SayHerName.”

    He went on Wikipedia and altered the relevant page to read “#SayHerName is a social movement that seeks to raise awareness for Ashli Babbitt victim of police brutality at the capital and anti-trump violence in the United States.”

    Now, whatever you may think about BLM or Breonna Taylor, I fail to see how the death of a woman whose crime was [reads notes] sleeping in her own bed is in any way comparable to the death of a woman who was shot and killed in the commission of felony breaking and entering in a riot at the US Capitol.


    • Just A Citizen says:

      Breonna Taylor was NOT in her bed when shot. She was in fact living with people involved in criminal activity. When you run with wolves don’t be surprised if you get caught in a wolf trap.

      Now with that said, her killing should not have happened. Many apparent failures in procedure and a boy friend who is an idiot. But she was not gunned down in her bed BECAUSE she is Black.

      This is a perfect example of what I tried to explain to you yesterday. You POKE using FALSE information which has been thoroughly debated and explained here and elsewhere. Yet you use it in an attempt to make a point. So what you get is me responding to your FALSE equivalency instead of the real question.

      Is it OK for this person to try and hijack the slogan? No. Unless we are going to use that for all women killed by police who are NOT committing a violent crime against some other person.

      • Do you think that Ashli Babbitt was a “victim” or that she was a “victim of police brutality”?

        I have opined repeatedly that her death falls under the header of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” yet it seems to me that there are many wishing to make a martyr out of her.


        Conversely, predictably, QAnon has now declared her a false flag Antifa operative who is alive and well, living in hiding.

        • Just A Citizen says:


          What is it with your side and Q Anon? Do you think that bunch of nuts actually carry a big weight among the right?

          I think Ashli Babbitt was WRONGLY killed. Her death was not necessary, even given her alleged crime.

          By the way Mathius. Do you know that LEO has identified at least 4 Antifa activists that were there during the “riots”. Do you know that one of them was apparently standing next to Ms. Babbitt? The gruesome video of her shooting was his, supposedly.

        • Had this been a BLM event under identical circumstances, you would be screaming for the officer’s head for killing an unarmed victim.

          • Paging JAC for backup on this one… I feel like we’ve been through this enough times and, at this point, I feel like it has to be a deliberate misunderstanding of my position.


            you would be screaming for the officer’s head for killing an unarmed victim.

            T-Ray, man, no.

            Honestly, you should know me better than that. How many times during the BLM riots did I express the sentiment “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

            If you’re committing a crime and die as a result, thems the breaks.

            As I said yesterday:

            If these were BLM or Antifa, they’d have been stacking bodies on the capitol steps.

            And, for the avoidance of doubt, I’d have responded with: “well, that seems a touch overly aggressive, but, well… play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

            I also went to the trouble of citing myself from July-ish on this:

            The point here is please stop pretending that I’m defending the rioters.

            I’m defending the peaceful protestors.

            Then [sic] only.

            I believe I’ve been crystal clear that, for rioters, this falls under the header of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

            That’s not to say cops should get carte blanche to do whatever they want to rioters, but rather that you don’t get to cry foul – and I’m not going to be sympathetic – if you’re doing something violent and you reap violence.

            But you’ll note that, even back in July, I was getting sick of this shit. If a cop can safely arrest a criminal, then he should. If he cannot do so, thems the breaks. I am not going to weep over a criminal getting shot while committing a crime.

            See also: Mathius… err.. Matthew 26:52

            • Just A Citizen says:


              I will back you up in that as soon as I read TRay’s comment I thought “Nope, that is not Mathius’ view”.

              But then I thought about how many times you say Stupid trick get stupid prizes and then spend a few thousand words explaining a bundle of caveats, exceptions, maybes etc, etc.

              So I do not think you are being deliberately misrepresented. I think you are a victim of your own lengthy arguments which reek of rationalization. Sometimes, even I have a hard time understanding whether you actually believe A or B. And yes, I remember that you love to play in the gray zone, just to prove things are gray.

              So let me couch TRay’s comment a little differently, to make the point. You would not be calling for the cop’s head if that were Antifa. You would say they earned their stupid prize. But you would then follow up with a discussion of why they could not have avoided killing them. Are not other means available? And of course, “should people be killed for trespassing?” (We know where the Texas delegation stands on this. Idaho disagrees).

              Then again, maybe I should just say: T-Ray you are wrong. That is NOT Mathius’ point of view.

            • Above you cited the Breona Taylor lie and have defended BLM despite the statistical evidence that their issues are minor to nonexisting. So how am I to interpret your weasel speech. Yes, Ms. Babbit was in the wrong place at the wrong time but she was not threatening anyone that I could see. Maybe she was but that is not apparent at this time. So why did the officer shoot? There were immediately on the scene two other officers with AR15s in full riot gear.

    • Thoughts?

      Don’t really give a damn.

  57. A couple weeks ago I heard that Trump would address the nation via the EBS. Emergency Broadcast System. Hasn’t happened yet. So what is this all about?

    Enforcement Bureau Reminds EAS Participants of Compliance Obligations- Jan 7, 2021

    • So what is this all about?

      [googling… googling…]

      Well, considering there was an identical message on December 10, 2015… maybe not that much?

    • Just A Citizen says:


      I think the claim he was going to use EBS is bunk. There have been several of these strange claims about what is going to happen. Mr. Trump himself has had to disavow a few of them.

  58. Just A Citizen says:

    I want to comment on GMan’s observation about anger building. I am going to do something I rarely do here. Talk about “my” feelings.

    I have felt the anger myself. As in my own gut. Ya’ll know I am no big fan of the Red Team, our over bloated Govt. or Mr. Trump in particular.

    BUT, the lefts antics over the past 20 years or so and ESPECIALLY since Mr. Trump’s election has caused that anger to grow in me. At first I just found myself defending Mr. Trump because I thought the attacks irrational. And thus should be countered, with words.

    As of this week that anger has grown to the point I can feel my ancestors screaming at me to ACT. To pick up the battle axe and sword and stop the enemy before it is to late. I actually felt the urge yesterday to grab Pelosi and Schumer by the neck and squeeze until their heads exploded. I have never felt this level of rage against our stupid govt and those who claim to lead it. Before now it was usually just dismay and disgust. Not anger or rage.

    If any of those clowns were to appear in front of me today it would not end well. And this is not limited to the blue team.

    I share this with you for two reasons. One to explain my reduced participation lately. There has been much work but I have also lost my patience and thus ability to remain more objective. We Viking offspring struggle with this all the time. That struggle between being Civilized and being the Berserker. Please note that despite my “feelings” I have not crossed over that line yet. Although I am wondering if it is like insanity. How do you know if you crossed over?

    The other is to share my wondering about how others are feeling. Not SUFA so much but “the folks” as some say. If I am having these feeling I am concerned about how many others are having them and if they are even stronger. Most people are not as “calm” as I most of the time. So if they are feeling this, added to those on the left who we know are feeling this, then we are in for some very hard times.

    I for one think these feelings have grown independently of the Covid shutdowns. I think the Covid actions have exacerbated it, but not a primary cause. They have, however, caused anxiety among many who might not feel as much anger over the general political BS going on. To the point. You take this anger over the political issues and add to that the anger over Covid shutdowns and their impact and you have a very dangerous recipe.

    I expect the D’s to overplay the whole Covid “action plan” in order to make themselves look “effective”. They have misread the mood of the country already. If they do as I think it will only get worse. I am going to predict that the year 2021 is going to “burn its place in the history books.”

    • Thanks for sharing that JAC. When I saw the results of the Rasmussen poll on how many thing the election was rigged, I was a bit surprised. From memory 87% of Republicans, 31% of Independents and 17% of Democrats. The anger is real and even worse now than a week ago. IMHO, the Republicans didn’t do squat about what all those people believe. Political theater don’t fix this. When 70+ million perceive a rigged election, to them, that is their reality. They have watched Trump under constant attack, disrespected at every turn, lied about etc, etc. His enemies want him GONE from politics, regardless of the 70+ million and what they think.

      This thing in DC was allowed to happen and it was planned. The Capital police didn’t fail, they helped it happen. WE ALL knew that bad actors would be there and they would infiltrate, only an idiot would not understand that. Hence, this event was what was wanted, to destroy Trump and his voters. It didn’t work, it really has pissed them off even more. Playing the race card has infuriated people, myself include.

      Now, how do we fix this? A new political party is a start and a way to channel the hatred into something productive. The election fraud that has been claimed will not happen again. The anger will be channeled there in the next elections, there will be poll watchers and they will NOT be denied. The Republican Party may have died this week, along with the lack of spines that goes along with them. This is my solution suggestion, because the road we’re going down is going to get bloody if it’s not detoured.

    • JAC, I agree. I have watched the lies from the MSM for the last 4 years over Trump. They have been constant whoppers. Anyone who actually listened to Trump could spot the lies. Unfortunately, half the country did not take the time to listen to Trump and only got their news from the MSM. We have also seen the judicial double standard, the complicity of the deep state, the lies by Democrats in Congress and the feckless inaction by Ryan and the never Trump traitors. The left thrives on divisiveness. I go to bed angry, get up in a good mood, and then read the headlines and get angry again. This election has been the last straw. I am now sadly coming to the conclusion that only blood can right these wrongs. The critters in DC are too isolated from the public to judge their mood and frankly they don’t give a damn as long as they can raid the treasury.

      I have worked hard for the last year to get Mathius to see this in the hope that if we could convince one person, we might be able to convince others. It is a lost cause. Revolutions rarely come out good, but that is where we are headed.

      • I have worked hard for the last year to get Mathius to see this in the hope that if we could convince one person, we might be able to convince others.

        Alas, I feel the same way about all of you. :/

        Maybe next year. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  59. Just A Citizen says:

    OK, one thing before I dive into carpet removal.

    I took a closer look at the photo Mathius posted yesterday of the guy with “supposed” handcuffs. I am still not sure they were or that the zip ties are for real. The DO LOOK real. But handcuff ties have double loops which are not readily apparent.

    But that is not my point. It is that a harder look caused me to google the “skull” which is on the American Flag on the guy’s hat. It led me to the following article. Now beware, this is written by Salon and is obviously biased and contains its own propaganda, in my view. But it does connect the guy in the House “Gallery” to a kind of view point.

    Now, take the comments in this article and link it to Nancy Pelosi’s statement yesterday about Mr. Trump and the Republicans leading a “Death Cult”. I did not understand that comment at all. Now it makes more sense.

    • Punisher is a comic book character. He’s… rage and vengeance. He’s just a “good guy pushed too far” whose entire person is killing bad guys with absolute prejudice.

      I don’t know if it’s anything “Trump” or “right” or “white” so much as the teenage male-fantasy of being a badass killing machine above the rules of society who goes around killing bad guys.

      I think it’s just a very… simplistic kind of fantasy icon.. and a very immature one at that.

      But, hey, maybe he just likes the comics/ movie / tv show.. or maybe he just thought the logo looked cool.

      When they arrest him, we can ask him.


      I took a closer look at the photo Mathius posted yesterday of the guy with “supposed” handcuffs. I am still not sure they were or that the zip ties are for real. The DO LOOK real. But handcuff ties have double loops which are not readily apparent.

      Maybe they were. Maybe they weren’t. Maybe they’re photoshopped in. Who knows?

      Assuming they were real – which, again, who knows – does this not signal (A) premeditation and (B) intent to take hostages?

      My question remains, though, what do you think they would have done if they’d managed to get to the congressmen?

      I’ll reiterate my guess – I am betting that these people were fantasizing about capturing the evil Democrats and forcing them to vote the right way and maybe confess to their complicity. You?

      • There was a multitude of groups that were there, some I have never heard of. Several Trump supporters made poor decisions and they will be punished, but nobody can stop these groups from supporting who they support. Both sides have whackballs.

        My question remains, though, what do you think they would have done if they’d managed to get to the congressmen? Not much, they were heavily guarded. I would agree that maybe some had fantasy’s of getting to one of them, they would have been shot dead quickly.

        • but nobody can stop these groups from supporting who they support. Both sides have whackballs.

          Can I get you to take one step further?

          Both side have groups that are otherwise sane and reasonable… but within which some subset are “whackballs” – and it’s unreasonable to paint the whole with the bush of the few.

          I would agree that maybe some had fantasy’s of getting to one of them, they would have been shot dead quickly.

          I’d be willing to bet there were lots of people in that crowd with that fantasy.. but only a fantasy, nothing more. The number who were serious and would have done something really stupid could probably be counted on one hand.

          But handcuffs guy.. assuming he’s legit and brought those handcuffs and was within the comparatively smaller subset who got inside…? Seems he might have had some more dangerous plans if things had gone differently..

          • I have made it clear that I am not painting with a broad brush and have posted so many time.

          • Just A Citizen says:


            Here is the KEY question or difference. Based on MY OBSERVATIONS the number of whackballs on the Blue Team or among the left are FAR MORE THAN A FEW.

            While on the Red Team or right they are in fact FEW. So few in fact that all “Red Team” rallies up until now have been pretty peaceful. Unless attacked by the left.

            The exceptions to this are so few you can probably count them on one hand, and they probably all include The Proud Boys in the mix.

            It is OUR perception of the magnitude of crazies that is the problem. You constantly say FEW and WE SEE MANY. YOUR words do not align with the reality of what we SEE and HEAR.

            So the next question is whether our view of reality has been deliberately distorted. I know it has been for the left and I see some on the right. But when it comes to this violence and crazy stuff, you are trying to tell me my eyes are lying to me.

            The only way they could be is if the pictures are not real.

      • He had a penis too so did he have intent to rape Pelosi?

      • Just A Citizen says:


        “Assuming they were real – which, again, who knows – does this not signal (A) premeditation and (B) intent to take hostages?”

        A) I would say YES, obviously.
        B) Do not know yet but “probably”.

        As for the skull logo, it has shown up here in N. Idaho. On pickup trucks driven by millennial aged people who have moved here from other places. I have noticed the logo for a few years but not until now did I know there was a story behind it.

        I doubt those who have it consider it a White Death Cult. They probably think it cool but also may also be expressing a view that some bad people need disposed of and they should not be messed with. Kind of the Millennial’s version of the Gadsen Flag.

        If I get a chance I will ask one of these folks why they picked it.

    • JAC,

      I took a closer look at the photo Mathius posted yesterday of the guy with “supposed” handcuffs. I am still not sure they were or that the zip ties are for real. The DO LOOK real. But handcuff ties have double loops which are not readily apparent.

      Found a better picture of zip-cuff guy.. this should probably solidify things..

      • Welp.. the plot thickens… maybe Punish-Guy was in a sharing mood… or maybe this was coordinated.. what are the odds TWO people just so happened to have zip-cuffs?

        Look at Helmet-Guy

        I would like to thank this opportunity to thank Helmet-Guy for being anti-mask and anti-glove to help ensure that he would provide all the evidence necessary to get himself arrested.

        • Just A Citizen says:


          When some of the first pictures came in of people actually breaking windows to enter, several of them struck me as Antifa. Because of their garb, especially the type of “helmets” they were wearing, along with support gear. Slightly different than the one this fella has on. But maybe others now have them, but over the past year it was a “signature” of the Antifa crowd.

          This guy is not Antifa, at least based on his appearance. And he looks a little older than the guys around him. Would love to know what the handcuffs were all about AND what helmet guy is saying to the Dude rifling through some Congress Critters desk. Probably one of the “leaders” given there are two in front. Probably two on the other side as well.

          Could be wrong but they seem to be on the Republican Side of the Chamber.

          Either coordinated, or someone posted and IDEA on the internt thangy and several people grabbed onto the idea, or that phenomena where different people just happen to have the same idea.

          Then again, maybe this guy is carrying cuffs to use on any Antifa folks he comes across! LOL

      • Just A Citizen says:

        YEP, those are handcuff ties.

      • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

        Couple demonstrations last summer the progressive folk handcuffed themselves to prevent being removed. Old Civil Rights trick. So, for your edification and enjoyment I present you with an alternative theory.

    • Hey! Don’t leave us out this! The left also thinks Lindsey Graham is a traitor! 😛

      • My point is that I think the Republican Party may have died this week, hence my thought of a new Party.

        • We can only hope the Republican Party is dead.

          And we can only hope the Democratic Party follows suit.

  60. WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congresspeople from both parties condemned the attack on the Capitol that occurred Wednesday, pointing out that they’re the only criminals allowed in the building.

    Capitol police removed the unauthorized criminals from the Capitol Building, allowing the officially voted-in criminals to resume operations.

    “We would like to remind Americans that we are the only looters allowed in here,” said Nancy Pelosi after order was restored to the House. “Remember, you must show your official congressperson identification to prove you’re an approved looter to get in here. Unauthorized looters will be removed from Capitol grounds.”

    “Now, who wants to start some foreign wars?”

    After the violent criminals and looters had left the building, Congress resumed voting on acts to inflate our currency, steal more money from Americans, and continue aggression against foreign countries for no reason.

    • WASHINGTON, D.C.—There was outrage throughout the country over the siege on the Capitol Wednesday, but one group urged everyone to keep things in perspective: America’s progressives.

      “I can’t believe everyone is getting so worked up over some property damage,” said liberal pundit Howard Collier. “The Capitol has insurance, and all of that can get replaced. What we should be doing is trying to understand what made these people so angry in the first place.”

      Liberals pointed out that often people can’t be heard unless they take action like this, and the whole siege was simply an expression of people who felt disenfranchised. “The real tragedy was the unarmed woman who was shot,” said left-wing online activist Veronica Neal. “This just shows we need to defund the Capitol police. If they weren’t there, this wouldn’t have escalated.”

      The siege has also gained support from some liberal members of Congress. “The point of protests is to make people feel uncomfortable,” said Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the world’s smartest socialist. “And I’m really uncomfortable because there is trash all over where I work. So good job.” She then gave a thumbs up.

      It is unknown what President Donald Trump thinks about all this, as he is still banned from social media, but he plans to mail out a newsletter today.

  61. WASHINGTON, D.C.—Several witnesses claimed they saw piles of clothes and personal items being thrown out of a White House window onto the front lawn this morning. Closer examination revealed the items belonged to Vice President Mike Pence and included cargo pants, a WOW 1998 CD, a Carman record, a well-worn copy of The Handmaid’s Tale, several sweater vests, a Bill Gaither Homecoming VHS collection, several Boy Scouts badges, and a Bible.

    According to sources, President Trump was spotted tossing the VP’s belongings off the Truman balcony, yelling erratically about being betrayed and having wasted so many ketchup-and-steak dinners. Pence was seen shortly after, picking through the pile of items, and with his hands full, slumping away with them before coming back again for more. At one point, a trophy for ‘Least Homosexual Hair,’ which had been presented to the VP by the Coalition for Family Freedom Foundation, just barely missed Pence’s head as it was added to the collection.

    At publishing time, someone had also keyed the Vice Presidential Cadillac and TP’ed the trees at One Observatory Circle.

  62. For those that are stupid….which means Nancy Pelosi……impeaching the POTUS to keep him from firing nuclear weapons……..ummmmmmmmmmmm……the POTUS cannot fire nukes….no POTUS can.

  63. The purge of conservatives at FB Twit and Apple is starting.

    • Yep….censorship is here to stay. I will tell you something else….the Soon to be new FCC head has already said that they will not allow new frequencies to conservative radio. Censorship on the Federal level.

    • Parler is having all kinds of trouble tonight. I’ve tried 6 times to get on. Was only able to get on one time but the whole screen didn’t load. I was able to catch one video…by Tommy Robinson….echoed (retweet) by Newsmax, who I follow…that showed capitol police opening the doors and letting (Antifa) in. I don’t know yet how to get a parley to show up here. It was not a YouTube video. It was something Robinson must have uploaded directly from his phone.

  64. Just A Citizen says:

    Is that the howl of a cold north wind I hear? Wait! No, it sound faintly human, like a voice or something. It is getting louder and louder.

    I can hear it now. I know that voice. I have heard it before but now it is a little different, and much louder than before. It is the ROAR of Ayn Rand laughing, choking on the words “I TOLD YOU SO”.

  65. Stephen K. Trynosky says:

    Now, to be honest, I have given a whole lot of thought to the events of the other day and something has been nagging at me. The Capitol and Congress is often referred to as the “Peoples House” yet, when the “people” try and use it they are suddenly “insurrectionists”. The deaths are sad, we should know more about that but in comparison to what we have seen all summer long, this was nothing, not a gun, bomb, Molotov cocktail in sight.

    • Stephen K. Trynosky says:

      My Brit friends who are getting maybe a quarter of the story and are all commies anyway, are appalled. I have yet to mention 1776 to them.

  66. Just A Citizen says:

    This Tracey fella must be one of Mathius’ alter egos, or kindred spirit. ON FIRE, is an understatement.

  67. Stephen K. Trynosky says:

    “Violence doesn’t settle anything …… it settles everything”.

    Robt. A Heinlein