Let’s Just Clear A Few Things Up Shall We…

stand-up-for-americaYou know, I found myself arguing back and forth with Ray and Todd yesterday, trying to make my point. At some point I crossed a threshold and realized that I was writing another damn article just to make my point. That isn’t to knock those two. I love to be challenged. They were doing exactly what I want people to do. But there seems to be some sort of misunderstanding about where I stand on the issues and where I lean politically. More important, there seems to be some misconceptions about this site in particular and what I created it to do and what I hope it will become. So let’s just take some time to address those particular questions, shall we?
Did Someone Accuse ME of Being Biased?

Third Party Viability…. Scene 3, Take 2

3RD_PARTYI covered this topic once upon a time. In fact it was the 4th blog post that I wrote way back when I started. I covered the topic OK then, but I think I can do better this time around. More importantly, the last time I covered it I only had about 3 readers, lol. I got 3 responses other than my own, one was Revolution, whom some of you have become acquainted with, and another was my wife. I would say we have grown a bit with a couple thousand page hits a day. It is hard for me to tell how many people actually come to the site, but I am sure that the number is significantly larger than it was the last time I talked about this. When I started writing this blog, I was disgusted with the outcome of the elections and disgusted with the Republican party. Those two factors in the equation have not changed. I was also in the firm belief that moving to a third party, possibly the Libertarians, was the absolute best move for me. So let’s talk about a third party and whether that is a viable move in today’s political climate…
Can a 3rd Party Actually be a Factor in Today’s Politics?

Another Democratic Flip-Flop

In a surprising turn of events, the Obama administration is now reported to be reversing course and has come to the conclusion that all of their bitching and whining was unjustified. Realizing the flaw in their initial thinking and acknowledging that their petty attacks and reckless accusations against President Bush were unwarranted in this particular area, they have issued a formal apology. OK, I made that second part up. We all know that there will not be a time when the arrogant group of liberals running the Democratic party admit to being wrong or offer any apologies to Bush. But interestingly, they are in fact reversing course in the military commission system at Gitmo.
Yet Another Example of Campaign BS Rhetoric

Guest Commentary – One Argument To Abolish The Political Party System In The U.S.A.

guest-commentarySo here we are again on another Friday night at Stand Up For America. And we all know that we have turned Friday nights into guest commentary nights! I have to say that I really do enjoy the different articles that I get from people. They are well thought out and often have a different take on the issue than the one that I would have provided. When I did the first commentary with BlackFlag, I was skeptical about having others having such a voice on what was “my” site. What I have realized since is that this is not my site at all. It belongs to all of you. I post an article and you all have discussions. I get into them when I can, but the site is really about all of us learning, debating, compromising, and hearing differing opinions.
It’s Friday Night, and You Know What That Means…

Class Warfare.. A Liberal Chess Game

looneyleftChris brought up some issues about fairness in one of his recent comments and it got me thinking. He stated that he absolutely promotes class warfare, because it is warranted. We are rapidly approaching a breaking point in this country that has been driven by the politicians in Washington. They have promoted class warfare as a tactic to gain power. And they are furthering that tactic as a means to intrude further and further into private industry and take away the rights of American citizens. They do it by making people think that life isn’t fair, and government is going to even things up for you. Well, I will not be fooled by yet more government claims of their willingness to help Americans. I didn’t buy it from the Republicans when they ran things, and I certainly refuse to buy it from the Democrats now.
The Idiocy of the Far Left

So What is All This Tea Party Hoo-Ha?

taxdayteaparty2Being the informed readers that you are, you have already heard about the planned tax day tea parties that are being planned across the country. Over the last week or two I have seen several comments about them. Some feel that they are a good idea. Some feel they are a bad idea. Some feel that while a good idea, they will not be all that effective. In reading it all I came to the conclusion that many people simply don’t know enough about what is happening to be able to either support or oppose them. So I figured that maybe it was time to bring in an expert who would be able to answer the questions, both yours and mine. Fortunately for all of us, we have a subject matter expert on the subject right here in our readership….

MadMom Fills us in on the Tea Party Details

Because We Cannot Let Maureen Dowd Suffer

I think you all know what I think of the Main Stream Media. All of them are biased. Most, but not all, of them are biased to the left. I chuckle at the sheer stupidity of anyone who attempts to make the claim that this isn’t true. They point to Fox News, but in reality Fox does pretty unbiased news during the day and freely admits that they turn the station over to conservative hosts at night. But it is far too easy to point out MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Keith Olberman, Katie Couric, and the wonderful Mrs. Dowd…. you get the point. The fact is that the news simply is not the news any more.
The Death Rattles of the Liberal Propaganda Machine

Further Assaults on the Free Market

free-market-bumper1I have to make that statement about “further assaults on the free market” with a bit of a grin on my face. Because there is nothing free about the market anymore. Government has gotten its corrupt little hands into just about every facet of the free market and regulated and taxed and controlled it to death. But as we sit here watching the demise of the business world as we know it, I still find myself stunned at some of the moves. I wasn’t surprised when Team O’prompter used every miniscule misstep in the private industries to seize control and get government’s foot in the proverbial door. After all, that is what they do…. lie and get the American people fired up against a business and tell you that you need them to control this out of control company or industry….
See Darth Bama Forming the First Galactic Empire

More of the Traveling Magic Show

aig-logoI have listened to the news for the last couple of days swirl on about the bonuses being paid to executives from troubled insurance giant AIG. I understand that many of you are upset with AIG. I do get that we are seeing a company get bailed out with Billions of dollars of US Taxpayer money. And I do get that the contracts of these executives awarded them large bonuses that you don’t think are fair. I don’t think they are fair either. Let’s get that out of the way. But, my friends it is time to put a little perspective into play here. And once we have some perspective we can ask ourselves what is the real game afoot?
The Magicians are Fooling You Again

Good… Now Both Parties Have Lied to Us Equally

I was perusing the news again tonight as I often do when I a) don’t know what I want to write about or b) Have some subjects in mind but don’t have the time to fully research those and write them so I have to find something with a little less research. Tonight was B. I have lots to say but not tons of time to research tonight and I wanted to point out this little piece of heaven. I felt it was a lie when John McCain said it back in September. So the Republicans were lying to me then. Now, after mocking Republicans for it on the campaign trail, the Democrats are now telling me the same lie because it fits their current agenda. The point is… I think they are both lying rather than Democrats finally admitting Republicans were correct.
Now Both Parties are Full of Shit about the Fundamentals of the Economy

Nancy Pelosi… Embracer of Republican Ideals

I was going to take the night off tonight as I was working on schoolwork and trying to find a way to bed at a decent hour. But I was looking at some news sites and ran across this article and I was so stunned by the headline that I couldn’t stop laughing. Imagine my surprise when I saw a headline that read “Nancy Pelosi denies she is Partisan”. WHAT!?!?!? The queen of the liberal movement is trying to claim that she is not biased? I started to scan the room, looking for the hidden camera. Then I looked for the headline that would read “Black Flag embraces government and their new tax increases”. Surely that had to be there if this ridiculousness was there about Pelosi. Had I stumbled into some alternate reality? Was Bizarro-Nancy now on the loose?
And I Thought the President was the Biggest Liar in America

Pot versus Kettle, Part 2

democratic_crybaby_sealOne of the reasons I get annoyed with Democrats today is that they are complete hypocrites. I have to roll my eyes every time I listen to their whining about someone saying something about the President. I mean, Really? You are going to play that game? How dare Rush Limbaugh come out and say that he hopes Obama fails. That is un-American. No, my friends, that is uniquely American. It is what makes us what we are. A country where the opposition is free to voice their opinion without fear of prosecution. And here is the kicker Democrats, you better thank your lucky stars that America is like that. Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been enough of you left walking around free to elect this fraud to the White House.
Hypocrite Central: The Democratic Party

The Messiah Recants Again… and Again

I am going to continue to call out these things. It isn’t just because I disagree with the direction that Obama and the Democratic leadership (I despise even calling them leaders because it is an insult to real leaders everywhere) are taking the country. And make no bones about it, I completely disagree with the direction they are heading. I will continue to call out these things because I hope that some of the Democrats who read this blog, and who fully support Obama based on what he says, will eventually understand that he is lying through his teeth each time he addresses the nation. If the guy was actually doing any of the things he claimed I might support him a bit. 
Lies, Lies, and more Lies When Will Americans See the Truth?

Hello Pot? This is Kettle. You’re Black.

Since the last couple days have been spent on taxes, I thought this would make some of us laugh, in that way we laugh when someone says something about our mom. You want to punch them in the face, instead you laugh and tell them with a smile, “Dude, don’t talk about my mom”. In a laughable turn of events Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner issued a warning to all those out there that dodge your taxes.
The Arrogance of this Administration Never Ceases to Amaze Me

Economic Debate… Without Politicians

I found this article out there and it makes sense to me. The article was by a writer named Marc Rotterman and was called “Let’s Come Together to Save Our Country’s Economy”. It was an interesting idea that he was espousing, that the Republicans in Congress get together with Democrats that think President Obama and Nancy Pelosi are going too far with their liberal agenda spending. I thought “hmm, interesting, a summit to come up with a better economic plan”. In the end I think I have a better idea…
Why Don’t We Let Economists Solve the Economic Crisis?

I can whip Chuck Norris, Too

If I drank enough, I might get silly enough to mutter those words. It’s a good thing I don’t drink. One thing that I don’t want anyone to get away from understanding is that the President is just a human being. I mean how many times have we heard people speaking completely out of their ass. “I can whip your ass”, only to never have the guts to try. They never thought they could but they talked a great game. “I am going to tell my boss what an asshole he is”, only to never find the cajones to say a word. Well, President Obama is no different than everyone else. He can talk a great game too. Problem is…. Talk is cheap.
The Destruction of the American Way

The Tactic of Confusion by a Master Puppeteer

So I was perusing the Fox Forums, as I like to do, much to the dismay of Bob the Builder, who doesn’t like intelligent conversation to happen unless he sets the standards. And I ran across an article by Glenn Beck. If you don’t know who he is, you should. The guy is hilarious. He is also a bit of a fear monger and is prone to going off on tangents. But he is effective and he has the pulse of Americans pretty well measured. HE is angry these days, but his anger manifests as honesty, good or bad. He wrote a piece about Obama being a mad genius. I wanted to echo his thoughts here because they were dead on….
Why Claims of Socialism Aren’t Crying Wolf

American Revolution Part Deux

You say you want a revolution? Me too. I have used the word early and often on this site because I am good and pissed off. Wait… that sounds a bit too angry. How about this… I am less than pleased with the outcome of recent electoral processes and slightly dissatisfied with the direction of the two primary political parties represented in today’s national political spectrum. Ah, FRACK IT. I am pissed off. Who am I kidding? I am a little bitter, a little fired up, a little less wealthy, a little more kicked around, a little bit country and and little bit Rock n Roll. Those last two would make a great song… nah, it would never work. 
Let’s Not Go Off Half-Cocked Here

Reducing the Budget… Pelosi Style

pork-bustersSo a review of the Chosen One’s stirring speech is coming soon, maybe as a second posting tomorrow night. I already have tomorrow night’s posting written, and it will be a good one titled “American Revolution Part Deux”, but I digress. What I want to pull from last night’s farce is his bold promise amid the economic spendulus bill’s passage that he will “cut the deficit in half over the next 4 years”. That is a pretty bold thing to say just a week after you signed into law the largest spending bill in America’s history, a mere $787 Billion. It is a really bold statement given the White House’s estimate that they will have a budget shortfall of 1.5 Trillion dollars this year alone. That is more than triple last year’s record $484 Billion.
I Just Can’t Understand Democrats Math Procedures

Transparency We Can Believe In

Hope and Change, Hope and Change, HOPE AND CHANGE!!! If we say it enough times perhaps we will actually see some of it. But let’s be honest, we aren’t seeing much hope coming from the new administration are we? I have documented the doom and gloom coming from the President. As far as change, it sure seems like the only change is the party affiliation of those who are screwing us most. We can continue to click our ruby red slippers together and chant “There’s no place like Hope and Change” until our feet bleed, but we have to face up to the fact that the American public got duped again.
Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain

Pissed Off Yet America? We Need a Change

stand-up-for-americaAs part of my daily rituals, I routinely go out and seek other blogs to find out what people are saying. I have been struggling a bit lately with figuring out exactly where I wanted to go with this blog, whether I was going to push Libertarianism, simply give daily reports on current news, or maybe begin writing daily poems dedicated to the trees. I realized that last one might lose me some of my valuable readers, so I ruled it out quickly. But really, how do I want to proceed. I have found one common thread in what I read out there and I think that it may provide me an answer for where I go next….
Treating the Government Like the Aliens They Have Become

A Nation of Cowards… or Realists?

I have to say that I was really disappointed by the statements made recently by the first black US Attorney General, Eric Holder. Allow me to just be up front about this… I don’t like Eric Holder in the first place. He was a horrible selection to be the AG. Perhaps The Messiah’s worst pick of the bunch, which is really bad because The Messiah has made some BAD picks, including several who had to didn’t bother to pay the taxes they want to prosecute us for not paying.
Why Talking About Race is a Dangerous Proposition for Whites

Are Libertarians Up To The Task?

libertarian-party-sealAs with the “Direction of the Republican Party” thread, this one has been extremely active so I have moved back up towards the top of the page. This was originally posted February 20. Many of you know that I started this blog as a way to ferret out my beliefs and start providing some viewpoints that I feel are important. The “Direction of the Republican Party” post has been far and away the most read article I have written. So now I want to discuss another option that is out there on the table. The Libertarian party easily has the most solid platform of the bigger parties. So I want to talk with everyone about whether they are up to the task of really operating on the big stage. So far they have progressed only as far as AAA in the minor leagues. They show promise. But will they find that they need a little more movement on that fast ball if they want to make it in the big leagues?
Are the Libertarians Wasting Their Time?

And 3 Senators Who Crossed the Party Line

I have posted the thread on the 7 Democrats that crossed their party lines and voted no on the ridiculous economic spendulus bill. I hailed them for holding to their beliefs in the face of tremendous pressure from their party. It is only fair that I now do the same for the Republican Senators who refused to vote the way that their party demanded that they vote. This is not an endorsement of the stances that they took. I hated the bill. But I do think that these three took a bit more of a chance than even the Democrats from the House did.
Three Mavericks That Went the Other Way

7 Democrats Who Stood Their Ground

I started this post a couple of weeks ago. It sat in my rough drafts section as I tackled other issues and offered my thoughts on the stimulus and other topics. The sad part is that when I started it, there were 11 Democrats who had stood their ground and not let the party dictate what they believed to be true. We have since seen the passage of the bill, and the final vote. The good news: 7 stuck to their guns and did what they felt was right regardless of party pressures that I am sure were quite demanding. The bad News: 5 others rolled over and showed their belly to Queen Nancy. But I wanted to put these guys out there so that you all knew which 7 in Congress held to their beliefs rather than their party’s beliefs.
Let’s See Who Votes For Their Constituents rather than Their Party

You Can’t Handle the Truth (Commission)

It seems to me that Democrats are being a bit bitchy these days. They are like that girl you used to date, who was a complete social retard. You dumped her when you found her rifling through your sock drawer looking for some kind thing you did wrong. Now she still tracks your moves and calls each girl you date and tells her what an asshole you are. In other words, she puts a lot of effort into proving you are bad rather than say… cleaning up her own kitchen. That is the Democrat today…
Let the Witch Hunt Begin

Here We Go Again… The Absolutely Not-Fairness Doctrine

unmasking-fairness-doctrine1This has been a topic that has popped onto and off of people’s radars for the last couple of years. But now that a certain party has control of both Houses and the White House, they are beginning to do what what most of us knew they would do. They are taking every single agenda item they want and forcing it through to law while no one can stop them. The Democrats have made it clear that they are going to make the move to re-institute the so called “Fairness Doctrine”. They claim they just want to make the talk radio circuit fair to the poor liberals who don’t have a voice. And I sympathize with the poor liberals. I mean without talk radio they really are doomed. They simply don’t have any way to be able to reach the American public with their message of togetherness and bi-partisanship. It just isn’t fair.
Unmasking the Shut Conservative Talk Radio Up Doctrine

Proud to be a North Carolinian Today!

heath-shulerSo about 4 months ago, this journey into the blogging world began with Revolution calling me and talking about politics. We had just witnessed the election of a new President and realized that Congress was in the complete control of the Democrats. We were disgusted by the Republican Party and were interested in exploring the Libertarians. During one of these discussions we were talking about the so called “Blue Dog” Democrats when I said there was one to watch…
Heath Shuler Leads Another Scoring Drive

Playing Every Card in the Deck

Guest commentator Black Flag can appreciate the idea of playing what you got. It seems the Democrats in Congress, however, have throw more than a couple jokers into the deck over the last couple of weeks. So I was stumbling around checking things out today and I stumbled upon this little tidbit. It seems the Democrats are negotiating on terms to increase their power through additional representation in Congress…
How Democrats Intend to Retain Power in Congress

Personal Responsibility… The Lost Virtue, Part I

OK, let’s just be honest with what we are going to do here in this post. I am going to begin the post by framing this in a political way that literally makes fun of the economic stimulus bill. But them I am going to turn and cross over at some point to the lambasting of something that is a personal pet peeve of mine. As many of you know I am a big fan of personal responsibility.
Why the Economic Stimulus Plan shouldn’t worry us at All